Title: The Big Wheel Keeps on Turning
Author: A S Lawrence
phoebesmumAuthor's website:
Thrown RosesPairing: Casey/Dan
Rating: PG
Category: Slash
Summary: Calvin Trager has a good idea. Casey and Dan are underwhelmed.
Note: Written for
ngaio, Christmas 2006.
The Big Wheel Keeps on Turning
Comments 6
I love that curling would send viewers running, but bridge, if read by Dan and Casey, would have no effect on the ratings. Poor misunderstood Canadian sport. Although, I don't blame people for tuning in to see Dan and Casey regardless of subject matter.
Danny makes a good hero. And if he gets a little beat up along the way and is a little bit of a woobie too, you won't see me complaining. Especially not if Casey's properly appreciative and willing to help a poor concussed boy out. Which he is because he is lovely in this.
Loved all the bits involving characters not Dan and Casey too.
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