Jul 02, 2002 02:02
CHARACTER NAME: Ken JoshimaCHARACTER SERIES: Katekyō Hitman Reborn!
Backtagging: Yes please!
Threadhopping: Yes.
Fourthwalling: No. :|
Offensive subjects: IThere should be no problems with me~
Hugging this character: Get him into puppy mode and you'll have to cuddle him all day long!~ Otherwise it could be a hard task, but if you manage to surprise him you may be successful - his reactions depend on the persons doing it and his current mood. It may hurt either way.
Kissing this character: If you're brave and strong enough, just try it! /wants to see /shot
Flirting with this character: Actually you can do whatever you want. <3 But if you're not direct enough he'll think you're teasing him (though whatever you say - he'll just think you're teasing him..) and then Ken'll get pissed.~ hoho
Fighting with this character: Some fist fights and other body tackles are welcomed since Ken loves to take it on with other people (you can either provoke a fight or just jump at him [though it's more likely that Ken possibly jumps you just because he feels like it]). You want something bigger and more serious? Then discuss it with me further.
Injuring this character: A few bumps, scrapes and scratches here and there are always welcomed. Even a bloody nose or a sliced up lip are possible - he's a passionate fighter.
Killing this character: NOOOOES-byon!
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: /snorts. NO.
Untamed doggy that's painting the townschool's ground red! Beware of getting bitten.
Nighttime's sleep can occasionally be disturbed by howling.