Title: In Snape's World, Lost Love Means Popcorn
bextcoll. I used to be
boggartmoonhead, and I have a couple of posts here under that name.
Rating: Basically PG
Pairings: Snape/Tonks, pre!Remus/Tonks
Summary: Snape has a lot going on, and can’t keep up to Tonks’s standards. She sets her sights somewhere else. Very beginning of the summer after fifth year.
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Comments 2
Snape guessed that it would last all of a month, he planned on sitting back with popcorn for the show, and being there with open arms when she found out how much was wrong with the mongrel.
I love the subtle way these passages show what Snape really feels, even though he probably doesn't realize it himself. Is there going to be a sequel?
Yes, there will be a sequel. I don't know when it will be finished, but I'm working on it.
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