The 2019 snapecase Reveal!

Jan 31, 2019 02:50

Greetings, Snape Fen!

Well, a miracle occurred: snapecase's generous creators contributed 30 fantastic fan works towards our enjoying a full run of the 2019 fest! Thank you ever so much, everyone, for everything you did to make the Snape Showcase a success this year! *\o/*

Without further ado, I present the 2019 Snape Showcase Master List:

The 2019 snapecase Master List
 Creator(s) Category TitleType
 1.  iulia_linnea  One   Distant Relations (G)  Fic 
 2.  iulia_linnea  Two   A Relative Feast (G)  Fic 
 3.  gracelessmary  Three   The First Christmas (PG)  Fic 
 4.  milotzi  Four   From the Ashes (G)  Art 
 5.  worrywart1966  Five   Paranormal Snape (PG)  Fic 
 6.  emrys_mk  One   How Always Began (PG)  Fic 
 7.  half_light_01  Two   Making a Mark (R)  Fic 
 8.  asclepiade  Three   Foreknowledge (R)  Fic 
 9.  sigune  Four   Flight Plan (G)  Art 
 10.  blueartemis07  Five   It's my party, I can hide if I want to (R)  Fic 
 11.  dudugodudugo  One   Aegris (PG-13)  Fic 
 12.  roseofthewest  Two   The Last of the Great Slytherin Wallflowers (PG)  Fic 
 13.  theimpossiblegl  Three   First Day Reflections (G)  Art 
 14.  acid  Four   Brew, Bottle, Stopper (PG)  Art 
 15.  libco  Five   Darker than the Stars (PG)  Fic 
 16.  iulia_linnea  One   The Casting (PG-13)  Fic 
 17.  too_dle_oo  Two   Dripping with Gold (G)  Fic 
 18.  delphipsmith  Three   By the Book (G)  Fic 
 19.  goddess47  Four   Draught of Living Death (G)  Fic 
 20.  milotzi  Five   That Moment (PG)  Art 
 21.  half_light_01  One   Lessons Learned (R)  Fic 
 22.  lyryk  Two   The Boy in the Fireplace (PG)  Fic 
 23.  dollarchan  Three   Night Flight (G)  Art 
 24.  blueartemis07  Four   Resetting the Wards (R)  Fic 
 25.  too_dle_oo  Five   Solvency (PG-13)  Fic 
 26.  mywitch & grooot  One   Seven (G)  Art & Fic 
 27.  mywitch & grooot  Two   Thirteen (G)  Art & Fic 
 28.  mywitch & grooot  Three   Twenty-two (G)  Art & Fic 
 29.  mywitch & grooot  Four   Thirty-eight (G)  Art & Fic 
 30.  mywitch & grooot  Five   Fifty (G)  Art & Fic

Creators, you are now free to answer the comments left in reply to your works as your fandom selves, as well as to post and archive your works wherever you wish. In addition, know that I'll soon clear the mod account's flist in preparation of the fest's next run. Please don't take this personally; it's just housekeeping. Please also accept my invitation to contribute to the 2020 run of the Snape Showcase; I'd love for you to come play with us again!

As well, if you enjoy SS/HG, I invite you to participate in the forthcoming sshg_promptfest; prompt collection begins March first! :D

Thank you so much and all best,


2019 master list, *mod post

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