Title: Mutability
Category: Four
Characters and Pairing: Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort
kellychamblissBeta Readers:
therealsnape and
mountainmoiraRating: NC-17
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Note: My grateful thanks to my beta readers, who save me from countless blunders and who notice everything from a missing letter to OOC moments
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Comments 53
read in about as real a way as I've ever encountered them in a story
This comment pleased me no end.
Dumbledore's words filled the Great Hall of Hogwarts, soaring to the enchanted ceiling almost as if they were owls on the wing, and Severus Snape gritted his teeth against the sanctimony of it. "A choice between what was right and what was easy. . ."
As if the wrong choices weren't equally difficult. As if one could even tell what the right and wrong choices were.
Gods, what a great beginning this is - Dumbledore's self-righteous piety in the books got up *my* nose more than once - I can imagine that was particularly hard for Severus to deal with.
He deliberately turned his back towards her. There were many things Severus didn't need, and one of them was to witness the expression of desperate hope that he was sure he'd find on Minerva's face as she listened to Albus--because he knew that only years of hard-won self-control enabled him to keep a similar expression off his own face ( ... )
a mutual attraction that's organic and believable
And I was very pleased to read this comment. I love Severus/Minerva as a pairing, but it can be a challenge to make them believable. I'm always so glad to hear when they seem to work.
Thank you so much!
I'm also very pleased with some of the points that you find realistic -- such as the notion that the power of Lily's memory diminished over time for Snape. One of my goals in writing fanfic is always to complicate the characters, make their thoughts and actions more believably adult. I'm glad you seem to think I succeeded here.
the most canon Severus/Minerva I've ever read
I added this line to my "favorite bits of feedback" file.
(And I love your amazing icon).
Love the way Severus is always tallying, always plotting, even when he's not certain what he's plotting for. So much lovely ambiguity, too!
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