FIC: It's All About Who You Know (NC-17)

Jan 25, 2024 07:30

Title: It's All About Who You Know
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Two
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus & Regulus, Severus/Mulciber, Severus/Avery
Author: themightyflynn
Beta(s): Jess
Rating: NC-17
Click to View [Warning(s)]Hand jobs, blow jobs, sex for favours.
Note(s): Thanks so much to Jess for the quick beta! And to the poor mod for putting up with my crap!
Summary: Severus knows that to get ahead in life, it's about who you know, not what.

Severus Snape was one of the most intelligent people Regulus had ever known. And that was saying a lot, considering the connections his parents had. Pushing away from the table he was sitting at in the library, he ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

"No, Regulus. Focus."

Regulus frowned. Severus sat in the chair beside him, his head bent over the textbook Regulus was supposed to be studying from. His greasy hair cascaded down, blocking Regulus' view of his face. It was long enough to almost touch the book and the strands clumped together unpleasantly. Shaking his head, Regulus stretched.

"I have been focussing for the past two hours, Severus. Can we take a break?"

"The very fact that you have been here for two hours means I have as well." Raising his head far enough to meet Regulus' eyes, Severus' top lip curled. "If you had paid attention in class, this wouldn't be an issue, would it?"

Scoffing, Regulus glanced around the library. There were only two other tables filled, and those with people he did not care to know. He sighed again. There was nothing and no one here to distract him from his studies.

"It's Muggle Studies, Severus."

"Exactly. Muggle Studies. The one class that makes no difference whatsoever to anyone of any intelligence. And you are failing it."

Regulus pressed his lips together. He had to admit, when put like that, it did sound a little pathetic. And if he failed a class, his parents would not be pleased with him, even if it was the one that made no difference to his future. Still, he had to try to get out of writing the essay himself.

"What would it take for you to do this essay for me?"

He watched Severus carefully, unsure what his reaction to bribery would be. It was difficult for even Regulus to make out what Severus was thinking. Generally, he was able to read people fairly easily, but Severus' black eyes were indecipherable.

"You are trying to bribe me."

It was clearly a statement rather than a question. Regulus nodded slowly.

"I may be, yes. I have always respected your intelligence, Severus. I know this would be easy for you." Hope sparked in his chest that he might have found a way out of doing the essay himself. "Would you be amenable to bribery, if I was trying?"

Regulus watched as Severus sat back in the chair. His eyes were locked with Regulus', and steely as ever. When he leant forward, Regulus held his breath.

"What I want, Regulus, you can never offer me."

Shock rippled through him at the intensity to Severus' voice. He watched as Severus returned his attention to the textbook, his mind racing through the possible meanings of Severus' words. There was one clear possible meaning, but surely he could not have meant… that, right? Regulus knew better than to ask. Letting the subject drop, he bent over the textbook again for a little while. They were nearly at the end of the study session by the time he lost focus again. Regulus just had to finish the conclusion and that would be it. He judged that it had been long enough that Severus would not bite his head off, and so, he tried again.

"So… What would it take?"

Severus sighed. Shoving backwards, he glared at Regulus. "You cannot afford my price, Black."

"My parents-"

"Now, them. They could probably give me what I want, yes. But you are not them." Reaching across Regulus, Severus grabbed his quill and shoved it towards him. "Now, finish this fucking thing so I can leave."

"If it's money you want-"

Regulus was cut off again, this time by Severus barking laughter. He glanced over at Madame Pince, who was shooting them a glare. He smiled apologetically and waved a hand at Severus in an attempt to quiet him down.

"Money? You think I can be bribed by something as mundane as money? Oh, no, Black. Not money." Severus leant forward, causing Regulus to hold his breath. His black eyes glinted in the candlelight. "What I want is power. I want influence. I want the kinds of connections that you are too young to have made yet. I am not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. This tutoring is a favour for your parents. You know them? The Black family members with the power to manipulate others? The importance that allows them to sway people's opinions? The connections to people who…" Severus paused here, smiling. "If I help you, I am helping them, Black. And that helps me. Now, get back to work."

He stabbed one finger down onto the parchment before them. Taking a deep breath, Regulus let it out slowly. Fine. He would do as commanded. He would fall in line. But only because this was apparently what his parents wanted.

This little incident didn't change Regulus' opinion of Severus. In fact, it only strengthened it. If Severus was intelligent enough to be able to at least try to manipulate Regulus' own parents, then there was no doubt in his mind: Severus was the smartest man he knew.

Severus Snape had clever fingers. The proof of that was clear in the steadiness of his hands when he was making all of those delicate potions he was always playing with. It was also in the elegance of his movements as he cast spells. Some people looked like flailing gorillas when doing spellwork, but not Severus. Leaning against one of the posts of his bed, Mulciber crossed his arms over his chest.

It was the end of their seventh year at Hogwarts. He had spent a decent amount of time just standing there watching Severus over the past seven years, and he wasn't going to stop. Especially when Severus was practicing for his Charms exam in their shared dorm room. Clearing his throat, he waited for Severus to glance over.

"What do you want, Gabriel?"

Mulciber smiled. Severus was the only one to call him by his given name at school.

"What do you think I want?"

"I'm busy."

"You can spare me five minutes."

"Only five? You disappoint me."

Mulciber's smile widened. This was typical of Severus. This arrangement they had was beneficial to the both of them, so he knew he would not be turned down. All he had to do was offer something worth Severus' while.

"I spoke to my father two days ago."

The spell Severus was casting wavered a little. He did not give any other indication that he was paying attention to what was being said. Mulciber knew that there were others that Severus had these kinds of arrangements with, but he also knew that his information was worth much more to Severus than anything the others could offer. He just had to offer something worthy of distracting him from his studies.

"He will set up a meeting after we leave school. There are formalities that everyone must go through with, but this will be a foot in the door."

They both knew what he was speaking of, there was no need to speak it aloud. He watched as Severus cancelled the charm and straightened. Turning, he dragged his eyes down Mulciber's body, sending a tingle straight through him.

"A meeting."

"As soon as you are prepared to go after we graduate. There are preparations that need to be made for the pledging, and they will be put in place at this meeting. We shall join together." The spark that lit Severus' eyes sent a jolt of lust straight through Mulciber. Yes, he was going to get what he wanted. His smile turned heated. "Is that enough for you?"

"I shall make the contacts I need at this meeting? I won't need to jump through hoops like the other… new members?"

Mulciber knew that there was a different end to that sentence. Other half-bloods, is what Severus had been thinking. And yes, it was difficult for known half-bloods to join the cause. But with Mulciber's father's connections, Severus would have no problems. Mulciber shook his head.

"Father has made certain. You will face no opposition." When Severus merely stared at him, he continued, giving away his very last - and most important - piece of information. "He has also made your proficiency with both curses and potions known. There are certain people highly interested in your abilities, Severus."

Me included.

Mulciber nearly breathed a sigh of relief when Severus nodded. He would, of course, not allow Severus to know how much he wanted - needed - this. Clenching his jaw in anticipation, he raised an eyebrow in question.

"On the bed. Undo your fly."

Mulciber grinned. Slipping between the curtains, he did as he was bid. When he was lying on the blankets, Severus moved the curtains aside. He waved his wand, casting his Muffliato charm. Mulciber's blood ran a little faster as he watched Severus' hand move. Biting down on his bottom lip, he shifted on the bed. That got Severus' attention, and their eyes met.


Keeping their eyes locked, Mulciber rocked his hips upwards. "As always."

This arrangement had been a lifesaver for him this past year, he was certain of it. He, of course, knew that Severus was merely using him to further his own interests. He wasn't stupid enough to think of this as love. And he would go on to marry a nice, pure-blood woman and produce nice, pure-blood children. Right now, however? Right now, he was Severus'. He rarely spoke. Severus, on the other hand, was more verbose than Mulciber had ever heard him.

"Gabriel," he whispered as he closed the curtains and knelt on the bed. "Whatever are you going to do with yourself once we are out of school? Once you don't have someone at your-" Severus paused here to pull Mulciber out of his trousers. "-beck and call?"

Mulciber clenched his teeth. He wanted to close his eyes, but he knew that would be met with disapproval. His breath hissed in through his teeth as Severus wrapped his hand - that clever hand that Mulciber so admired - around his half-hard cock.

"Are you going to get yourself a girl, Gabriel? Or have your family arranged something for you? Some pretty, airheaded bitch who will only put out for you once a month. Twice, if it's your birthday."

Mulciber groaned as Severus twisted his hand. There was only just enough lube on Severus' hand to be sufficient, but that was the way he liked it. The roughness of Severus' touch sped him along towards completion much faster than anyone else ever had.

"Is that who you think about, alone in this bed late at night? Huh?" Severus tightened his grip, increasing the pressure and causing Mulciber to groan again. "The woman you are going to fuck and get fat with your spawn?"

His tone was malicious, but Mulciber couldn't bring himself to care. He shook his head.

"No? What, then? Who is it you dream about when you jerk yourself off here, huh?" Severus leant closer, his face filling Mulciber's vision completely. "Tell me, Gabriel."

He was close, so close. Gasping for air, he thrust up into Severus' hand. "You, you bastard."

The smile Severus offered was triumphant. He leant closer, his hand moving ever faster. Leaning in so his lips brushed Mulciber's ear, he waited until Mulciber was just on the verge of coming before responding.

"I know."

Severus Snape had the filthiest mouth Godfrey Avery has ever seen. He hadn't been sheltered at all when he was a child, but the words that came out of Severus Snape's mouth were things that he had never heard before. But, he knew, it wasn't just the way Snape spoke that held his interest. He watched as Severus nibbled on the root of a bitterroot, then immediately spat it out.

"Seems fine. What do you want in return?"

Godfrey watched the words forming from Snape's mouth. It had been a while since Severus had required his assistance in locating potions ingredients, and he was just now remembering exactly why he had liked retrieving them for him so much. He pretended to consider the question for a few seconds. When Snape raised an eyebrow at him, he smiled.

"Is it worth a blowjob to you?"

Snape glanced down at the plant in his hand again. Godfrey again watched as he raised it to his mouth and bit off a small piece. He chewed, a thoughtful look on his face.

"I won't swallow."

Godfrey nodded. "Deal."

He followed Snape down through the castle and into the grounds. They both looked around as they exited the Entrance Hall, but there was no one watching. Snape gestured for Godfrey to follow him. He led him across the grounds towards the Dark Forest. There, just far enough inside that they were covered by the gloom that gave the forest its name, he turned.

"Where do you want me?"

Godfrey licked his lips. "On your knees just there."

There was no point in delaying it any longer. This wasn't going to last long, anyway. It never did. Godfrey undid his fly and belt, and let his trousers drop to the ground. Snape's eyes followed them, then dragged up his legs, stopping at the sight of Godfrey's cock. Kneeling down, he licked his lips before glancing up to meet Godfrey's eyes.

"You wanna fuck my mouth? Or do I get to suck you?"

Godfrey didn't have to answer verbally. All he did was step forward and lace one hand through Snape's hair. Snape obediently opened his mouth, allowing Godfrey access. Godfrey smiled.

Using his free hand and some conjured lube, he stroked his cock until he was hard enough. His other hand tightened in Snape's hair, holding him still enough so that his teeth wouldn’t interfere as he guided himself into Snape's mouth. The hot, wet heat sent pleasure shivering through him. His cock hardened fully in Snape's mouth as he began to thrust.

He held Snape's hair in both hands, his eyes closing tightly as the pleasure began to build. The control he had over Snape in these moments was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was a rush, adding to his excitement as he guided Snape into a new position at a better angle.

True to the agreement they had, Snape didn't suck or try to encourage him in any way. Godfrey enjoyed it this way, as it gave him full control. He moved at his own pace, using Snape's mouth to bring himself pleasure at his leisure. The only exception to this rule was when Godfrey thrust hard and hit the back of Snape's throat. Then, he knew, it was impossible to prevent Snape from gagging, his throat flexing to try to expel him. He pulled out enough for Snape to breathe for a few seconds, then began again. Faster this time, and much more frantic.

He was panting and moaning with each breath, trying to hold on. It was impossible, though. His instincts took over, and he thrust hard, burying his cock into Snape's mouth as he came. He heard Snape gagging again, but couldn't bring himself to care. He was pushed backwards as he finished. Snape leant over, choking and spitting. Godfrey landed on the ground, his softening cock bouncing against his thigh.

"It was worth it for me, Snape. How about you?"

Snape spat on the ground, then cast a charm that gave him a handful of water. Godfrey grinned.

"If this fucking root is worthless, I'll take it out of your fucking hide."

Severus Snape graduated Hogwarts with high marks in several subjects. Not that his marks made all that much difference to him, because he knew exactly where he was heading in life. Standing up straight, he offered a small smile as Lucius Malfoy stepped forward out of the crowd gathered in the Malfoy Manor ballroom to greet him.

"Severus. How good it is to see you."

Lucius shook the hand Severus held out, his eyes locked with Severus'. Resisting the urge to adjust his robes, Severus offered a small bow in Narcissa's direction as she moved to join them as well.

"I wasn't expecting a welcoming committee."

"Well, how could I resist?" Lucius kept hold of the hand he held, using it to manoeuvre Severus towards the drinks table. "There have been some highly influential people asking after you tonight, old boy. Come along, you must tell me how you know Charles Mulciber. Is he not the father of one of your year mates?"

Severus was unable to prevent the smile that spread across his face. He had spent so long cultivating a collection of people who owed him favours. Or people for whom he had done favours. Now that he was here, in the very room with all of those people gathered together, all his hard work would pay off.

"Well, Lucius," he began, still unable to stop himself from smiling. "It's all about who you know."

category: two, type: fic, author: themightyflynn

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