FIC: The Friendly Shadow (PG)

Jan 24, 2024 01:01

Title: The Friendly Shadow
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: One
Characters: Severus Snape, Tobias Snape, Eileen Snape, OC Miss Thompson, OC Antonine Prince
Author: geminisister
Beta(s): Jocose
Rating: PG
Click to View [Warning(s)]Child neglect, baby neglect, mistreatment of a baby but no details mentioned.
Note(s): Thanks to the organisers and my beta for all of their help.
Summary: This tale is of a child who grows up in an unloving home. One wintry day as he heads to school in the snow, he is unaware that things are about to change forever.

A Baby Is Born:

Eileen Snape refused point blank to have her baby in a Muggle hospital - she failed.

Two weeks old

A baby lies in a pram outside the back door to a house in the rundown area known as Spinners End. Inside, the parents argue, ignoring their newborn’s cries.

The day had been cold to begin with but Eileen Snape was angry and had a sore head so had shoved the battered old pram out the back door, uncaring about the inclement weather.

Neither parent showed any concern about Severus Tobias Snape or that the rain had changed to snow. They continued to bicker back and forth, not even reacting when their child’s screams fell silent.

Ten minutes later, a tall thin dark haired man burst through the back door and entered the house of Tobias and Eileen Snape.

His dark black eyes glared over at the two drunken adults, his brow furrowed and his face contorted with anger at the pair.

“Who the F…” Started Tobias but he was silenced by magic.

Eileen recognised her uncle Antonine Prince, through her drunken haze. She dismissed the bundle in his arms and was more concerned that he knew where she lived. She had forgotten she had sent him a note to say she had a new son, while she recovered in hospital. He later removed their memories but first he inspected the baby’s room and found it wanting.

Eileen could not find a name on the boxes that arrived the following day. There was clothing for a baby plus a new pram, cot with blankets, toys as well as enough formula and bottles to last months. Tobias wanted to sell the lot, but Eileen stopped him. She had a feeling they were being watched.

Three Months Old:

Baby Severus cooed with delight as he lay in his cot. His arms and legs waved and kicked with excitement. He blew a bubble towards the window and then he smiled for the very first time at the shadow.

The now, familiar shape of the shadow in his bedroom always brought a burble of joy to the baby. His smile was broader and he moved more.

The shadow laughed out loud and Severus copied it. This made the shadow join in with him. Severus froze, he heard a sound, his eyes wide with fear.

Eileen got out of bed, she was sure she heard laughter. She stepped into her son’s bedroom but all was silent. the boy was sound asleep.

Six Months Old:

Severus had been wet and miserable and his throat had hurt from crying as his gums were sore. Now, he was warm and dry and no longer hungry or in pain.

He always was happy and content when his shadow friend was around. Severus Snape was aware even at such a young age he had to be careful.

Nine Months Old

Eileen had stormed into her son’s bedroom and found him sound asleep. She often thought he was pretending so poked at him ‘til he woke up. The boy turned and glared at her. Why did her son never smile or laugh? She poked him again, he cried and only then did she walk away.

One Year Old:

Severus clapped his hands together as he sat up in his cot. His teddy had waved at him and also spoke to him. To him it sounded like Nine. He hugged his teddy to him and fell asleep.

Three Years Old:

Severus dragged his favourite teddy with him as he went to the shops with his mother. She had tried to grab it from him but he refused to let it go.

“Nine, Nine.” Severus roared tears welling in his eyes as he kept a tight grip on his teddy.

“I know it is yours you stupid boy.” She snapped. She felt he was too old for teddy bears but when she chucked it out in the bin it somehow came back into the house.

“Nine.” Severus whispered gently into his bears ear and cuddled him. His parents never realised he was not saying mine but nine.

Five Years Old:

Severus loved his pretend friend. He knew his mother and father could not see him. He always appeared when they were out or not nearby.

It was his birthday and he was going to start school the next week. He had been given new clothing for his birthday and Christmas but the friend known to Severus as Nine had made slight magical adjustments to them. His special friend had gifted him with clothing that would grow with him and keep him warm and cool too. It was his secret.

Six Years Old:

Severus only spotted the shadow figure out of the corner of his eye from time to time. He never spoke to his Nine and did miss him. He knew not to speak of his imaginary friend to anyone. Least of all his parents.

He still had that teddy he had named Nine hidden in a hole in his floor. His mum had tried to burn it but he had saved it and squirrelled it safely away. Nine had always said it would keep him safe. Severus knew this to be the truth, but it was his turn to protect his Nine now, from his mother.

Nine Years and Eleven Months Old:

Severus Snape was happy he was inside the school building. He had been glad of the heat and he warmed up while his wet Coat dried off, hanging on the pegs in the warm cloakroom.

Inside his classroom, he was lucky to sit near the radiator and had removed his wet shoes and popped them under his desk and shoved them a little closer to the heat. He hoped they would be dry by break time.

Miss Thompson had seen him slip off his wet shoes, she had seen how wet his feet were. She never voiced out loud that perhaps his socks would be better popped onto the radiator .

The morning break came but due to the snow continuing to fall the class were told to stay inside for the break but were restricted to either being in the classroom or to stay in the cloakroom area. Severus stayed at his desk.

Most of his friends ran off out into the corridor heading to the cloakroom. Only a handful of children remained in the classroom.

He removed his socks and popped them onto the radiator and stood with his back to it hiding them from view. The radiator was toasty hot and the socks steamed.

Miss Thompson reappeared and walked past Severus with a smile, but popped something that looked like a ball onto his desk before walking on. The ball was a rolled up pair of warm thick socks. He smiled over at her as he popped them onto his feet. Then the bell rang, announcing it was the end of their break.

“Attention class,” called out Miss Thompson as the whole class returned to their seats. “Due to the snow being quite deep outside, the headmaster has been advised that those who do not get school dinners should head home now.”

Miss Thompson glared at the boys still standing up whooping with joy. Silence soon came and she continued.

“We are waiting for the school dinner van to come with the dinners. All children who get school dinners are to stay in the class till the dinner bell rings. After you have eaten your dinner you then can head home. We will try to alert your parents if the school will be closed tomorrow.”

Another roar went up of delighted students. Severus never uttered a word, he kept his long hair covering his face. He knew he was better off inside school. Here he was warm and got a dinner that was hot and it filled up his tummy. He never left a crumb on his plate and when others offered their food to him he took it. He did not like broccoli but still ate it.

Miss Thompson left her now much smaller class on their own as she herded the others out of her door and out into the cloakroom to get dressed for the outdoors.

Miss Thompson had set out some games for them to play till the lunch break bell rang. She was a good teacher and rarely if ever had disobedient children. She kept them happy and rarely shouted at them.

She was glad she would be getting home early but worried about Severus Snape. He always looked pale and thin. She knew the school nurse said he was underweight for his age. She had gone to the lost property and hunted out some thick socks for him. She also had popped a thick pair of gloves into his shabby winter coat hanging in the cloakroom. She thrust a scarf around the peg along with a matching black hat.

Severus was hungry. He had not eaten since school dinners the previous day. His mum had given the last of the bread to his father the night before. They had nothing for tea, he went to bed hungry and had the same for breakfast.

The dinner bell rang and he smiled. His stomach groaned as he popped on his warm shoes and headed towards the dining room along with other pupils who remained behind for school dinners.

They sat in their designated seats but no food arrived. then to his bitter disappointment was informed by the canteen lady Miss Fiona that there was to be no school meals that day. The van could not get through the thick snow. There was nothing to eat.

Severus was surprised to find the woollen garments on his peg and inside his coat pockets. He discovered two penguin biscuits too, and quickly unwrapped one and ate it. He ate the second biscuit more slowly and then dropped the wrappers into the waste paper basket. He felt a little better and the ache in his tummy was appeased for now.

He wrapped himself up in his worn coat, popping on the scarf then his gloves and finally the hat. He stood at the open door as the janitor called out to him to hurry up as he had to lock the side gates.

He ploughed through the thick snow. It was thicker than he had ever seen it before. He was glad of the warm garments but by the time he approached his home they were soaking wet. He knew inside would be just as cold as out and unless his mother had obtained some money there would be no food or any form of heating.

He shoved open the unlocked door and entered his home. He called out for his mother but no answer came. He never called out for his father any more. The whole house was empty. It was as empty as the larder.

He had removed his wet coat, scarf, gloves and hat when a pounding came to his door. He knew this could mean trouble. He tentatively opened the door, then swiftly slammed it closed and bolted it.

The old gossip from across the street pounded on his door, informing him and anyone who would listen that his Da’ had been taken away by the Scoffers and his Ma’ was taken away by ambulance. She then with great glee shouted through the letter box to him that the Social would soon arrive to take him away too.

He hid in the safest place he knew. He tucked himself into his bed after scrambling down into a secret hole in his floorboards under his bed and retrieved his Nine.

He hugged his old teddy to him and sobbed. He had not held his Nine for years but the teddy was special. He crushed the teddy into him and howled into it. He shook from being so cold and hungry. He was alone and scared.

Antonine Severus Prince stood at the foot of the bed. He had visited Spinners End often when Severus was a baby and then as a toddler. He had also watched out for him before he went to school but had not seen him for a few years.

He had a connection with the bear he had given Severus for his first birthday. He had seen a grotty teddy in a box that his father, Tobias, had got and had magically exchanged it. This teddy had magic in it only accessible to Severus. This way he could tell when Severus was cold, hungry or needing his help.

As he had arrived in Spinner’s End he had heard the shouting outside his niece’s home. He overheard the mutterings and gossiping from the neighbours, as he entered the Snape residence. He knew his Great Nephew needed his help.

He had intercepted the social workers and managed to magically change their documentation to state that Severus was now living with a relative and was in safe hands, the details were all magically enhanced with a snap of his fingers, and he added a few extra magical items of paperwork so no one would ever come looking for him or his great nephew.

The boy was so thin. He shook with anger and gulped hard as his emotions were all over the place, he loved this child, had since the day he had been born. He would have taken the child away years before but knew or thought he knew that things would improve but alas they had not.

He magically cleaned the boy up, warmed him and repaired his clothing. He gently woke him up but stayed at the end of his bed, he did not wish to scare him.

Antonine could not but notice the way in which the boy clutched at the teddy and he knew never to take it away from him.

“Severus.” He called, gently and softly from a distance.

Severus woke and looked at the man standing in his bedroom. He frowned. He was warm. His clothing had been repaired and he felt good too, he was still hungry but not as much as earlier.

He looked up into the man’s face. Severus felt he knew him. He had long hair like him and dark eyes, his nose was smaller but he looked like his mum.

“I know you!”Severus said standing up slowly then stood his ground, he lifted up his chin and stared at the dark haired man, then held out his hand to him.

“You do know me Severus.” Antonine said, shaking his great nephew by the hand.

“I know you from my memories and from my teddy. His name is Nine.” Severus knew he was safe as he clutched his much loved bear to his chest..

Antonine smiled and pointed at his own chest.

“My name is Antonine.”

“You are nine?”

“Yes I am, I am your Uncle Antonine Severus Prince, Nine to you.” He chuckled . “Take my arm Severus Tobias Snape and I shall take you to my home, your home now. That is if you wish it.”

Severus ran into his arms. He was held within a warm embrace for the first time ever in his life. He knew this man would keep him safe just like he had since he was a baby.

He clutched at the only item he ever wished to keep and nodded as he gripped at the coat of the only person he had ever loved.

“Take me home please.”

And Antonine did exactly that.


Miss Thompson was shocked to learn that Severus Snape’s mother was dead, killed by his father.

On Christmas morning she found a wrapped gift leaning up against her back door. Inside the box was a beautiful knitted hat, scarf and glove set in the finest of wool. a gift card lay inside with familiar writing.

Thank you, Miss Thompson for looking out for me. I now live with my uncle and am very happy.
Happy Christmas
best wishes

Miss Thompson loved the set and found them cosy and warm and the set lasted her whole life long, never discolouring, or wearing out and remained toasty warm. Every time she wore them she was reminded of a student who had thought of her good deed and had rewarded her with a special gift.

No matter where she relocated, a Christmas card always found its way to her from Severus.

author: geminisister, category: one, type: fic

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