Title: Desperate Refuge Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Four Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Kreacher Author: goddess47 Rating: PG Click to View [Warning(s)]Reference to off-screen canonical abuse by Voldemort on his followers. Summary: Severus desperately needed a place to recuperate.
Oh, Regulus' cardigan! That hit me hard, especially considering how lonely both Sirius and Severus are, how trapped with the memories of their decisions . . . . Short and evocative, this!
They are especially lonely at this point of their lives and there is no one they can really talk to... I would like to think that Kreacher would share the cardigan with someone like Severus, who was polite to him.
Severus is too hurt and tired to have any energy to deal with Sirius. And Sirius is desperate enough for company to appreciate that Severus came to Grimmauld to recuperate.
Yeah, we all want him to be free. Poor thing. Wish he could actually get there.
This was nice to see Sirius actually have some empathy for Severus. Something we didn't see in canon, but I would hope he could get there at some point.
And Regulus' sweater... a sweet momento of a man who was misunderstood.
I like to think losing James (and Lily) and his time in Azkaban would make Sirius at least take a moment to think about what might happen to Harry because of his actions...
The sweater is Kreacher's way of thanking Severus for being kind... he has seen little of that.
Awe, that last line about the cardigan's owner hit me like an arrow through my heart! Severus had something to hold onto that belonged to Regulus and it was nice of Sirius to inform him of this. Good to see a more friendly scene between those two men. I really enjoyed this tale - thanks.
Comments 10
Oh, Regulus' cardigan! That hit me hard, especially considering how lonely both Sirius and Severus are, how trapped with the memories of their decisions . . . . Short and evocative, this!
They are especially lonely at this point of their lives and there is no one they can really talk to... I would like to think that Kreacher would share the cardigan with someone like Severus, who was polite to him.
Excellent ending! - a touching and meaningful twist.
I feel for Severus and his pain, but it's nice to see him and Sirius and Kreacher being calm and kind to one another. Animosity takes so much energy.
Kreacher's mutterings are a nice touch; very IC.
Severus is too hurt and tired to have any energy to deal with Sirius. And Sirius is desperate enough for company to appreciate that Severus came to Grimmauld to recuperate.
Thank you!
Exactly! They are both is desperate places here and understand there are bigger battles to fight.
Thank you!
I want to be free! Severus thought to himself.
Yeah, we all want him to be free. Poor thing. Wish he could actually get there.
This was nice to see Sirius actually have some empathy for Severus. Something we didn't see in canon, but I would hope he could get there at some point.
And Regulus' sweater... a sweet momento of a man who was misunderstood.
I like to think losing James (and Lily) and his time in Azkaban would make Sirius at least take a moment to think about what might happen to Harry because of his actions...
The sweater is Kreacher's way of thanking Severus for being kind... he has seen little of that.
Thank you!
I like to think that they would bond over protecting Harry in any way they could. They don't have to be best friends but they have a common goal.
Thank you!
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