Title: Starting School Type: Fic Age-Range Category: One Characters: Severus Snape, Eileen Prince Snape, Tobias Snape Author: goddess47 Rating: PG Summary: It was Severus' first day of school.
Severus is such an accommodating little boy here. Considering how sneaky and isolated he is by the time he meets Lily, and how much anger he carries with him all his life, I have to assume his experiences in Muggle school didn't pan out very well. He's exactly the sort of kid who would be considered a weirdo by 'normal' schoolmates. I also had to wonder if Eileen was showing him all those different ways to get home in case he had to evade bullies.
It's poignant to me that she still hopes Tobias will have a change of heart and start acting and caring like a proper father. The reality is, it most likely would have been embarrassing and unpleasant if he'd accompanied them to the first day of school. But it's nice to know Severus will have a refuge in the library, even if he can never risk bringing books home.
So this is both sweet and sad, especially since we know Severus won't remain this innocent and trusting for long.
This really read as spot on to me, from Eileen showing Severus different ways to get to and from school, second hand clothes, and Tobias’s indifference to important firsts.
Comments 16
Lovely fic, thank you :)
You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it!
It's poignant to me that she still hopes Tobias will have a change of heart and start acting and caring like a proper father. The reality is, it most likely would have been embarrassing and unpleasant if he'd accompanied them to the first day of school. But it's nice to know Severus will have a refuge in the library, even if he can never risk bringing books home.
So this is both sweet and sad, especially since we know Severus won't remain this innocent and trusting for long.
I suspect Eileen offered to have Tobias to come, while hoping he would not. She's caught between a rock and a hard place here...
Severus quickly learns how to hide his books... and while Tobias isn't uneducated, he also can't begrudge Severus the tools he needs to do homework...
Thank you!
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