Title: Finally Happy: Snapshots of the Summer Post Hogwarts Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Two Characters: Severus Snape, Tobias Snape, Eileen Snape, Avery, Mulciber, OC Author: debjunk Beta(s): steelersgirl Rating: PG-13 Click to View [Warning(s)]Some violence and abuse-emotional and physical. Summary: Severus has graduated from Hogwarts and sets his adult life in
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Oh, Severus, for all your hope, you've no idea what you're doing. I think that's so very clear, and soon to be clearer to Severus is the mistake he's making-but it's good to see him defending himself against his father and trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. Voldemort must have been incredibly charismatic to such a young, inexperienced, desperate boy like Severus, and you've thoroughly conveyed that here.
I think Tobias is definitely frightened enough not to do anything to Eileen, at least not right away. But Severus was serious in his threat. If anything befalls her due to Tobias, he will definitely regret it.
Oh, I can't help but hope that his state of happiness extended for a little while longer, before the chickens came home to roost. What a tantalising picture of possibility you give us, MA, and all the more bittersweet for it since we know where the story goes.
Poor Severus! I was happy to see him stand up for himself against Tobias, but sad that it was necessary. Your writing was so evocative. You really painted a picture of these events. Well done!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words. I like exploring this time in Severus' life. We don't know a lot about it, but we can make guesses. I think he was excited to be part of something until that something wound up being so evil.
Comments 14
Oh, Severus, for all your hope, you've no idea what you're doing. I think that's so very clear, and soon to be clearer to Severus is the mistake he's making-but it's good to see him defending himself against his father and trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. Voldemort must have been incredibly charismatic to such a young, inexperienced, desperate boy like Severus, and you've thoroughly conveyed that here.
I always feel sorry for him during this time. I think if he'd had someone in his corner, he may not have gone down the path he chose.
I'd never want to be eighteen again... to know so little about life yet be so optimistic... and that is our Severus.
Although I'm so glad he finally got to stand up against his father, but will it be at Eileen's expense? Tough to know.
But I love the moments of happiness that Severus did get here. He will need those memories...
Very nicely done!
I think Tobias is definitely frightened enough not to do anything to Eileen, at least not right away. But Severus was serious in his threat. If anything befalls her due to Tobias, he will definitely regret it.
Out of the frying pan into the fire. Poor Severus. Or is it like the frog in slowly boiling water who never saw it coming?
I think never saw it coming. We build stories in our head, and only living through reality can burst those bubbles.
Oh, I can't help but hope that his state of happiness extended for a little while longer, before the chickens came home to roost. What a tantalising picture of possibility you give us, MA, and all the more bittersweet for it since we know where the story goes.
I think it lasted a little while longer, but as he grew familiar with the group he'd joined, I would think that all disappeared quickly after that.
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words. I like exploring this time in Severus' life. We don't know a lot about it, but we can make guesses. I think he was excited to be part of something until that something wound up being so evil.
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