Title: General Chaos, Under Control Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Five Characters: Severus, original and canonical characters, implied and otherwise Author: iulia_linnea Rating: PG-13 Click to View [Warning(s)]For ever-so-mild mentions of goriness. Summary: Hogwarts' denizens answer every challenge with which the school presents them and find a way to enjoy their lives at
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Never a dull moment, at all! I'm glad that I got to beta this for you because it's crack-y and fun, most particularly because Severus is moving on no matter what's going on. Yay! to Severus for trusting his house-elves to sort things. :D
Comments 7
Never a dull moment, at all! I'm glad that I got to beta this for you because it's crack-y and fun, most particularly because Severus is moving on no matter what's going on. Yay! to Severus for trusting his house-elves to sort things. :D
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Well, that was crazy. Good thing Severus is good with the elves. It helped him to move on with his day. (wiggles eyebrows)
This was both fun and funny. I love the idea that the elves speak "normally" when no humans are around.
That was a delight. I like Severus trusting the house elves. LOL. Nicely done.
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