FIC: It Was Magic (R)

Jan 09, 2023 00:00

Title: It Was Magic
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: One
Pairing: Eileen/Tobias
Author: iulia_linnea
Rating: R
Click to View [Warning(s)]For dubious consent.
Summary: Tobias and Eileen's wedding day is the result of a magical connection.

It's a small wedding because neither Tobias nor Eileen have any family, at least, that's what they've told each other. In a sense, their words aren't lying ones because Tobias' people are drunken, thieving cunts (his words), and Eileen's are drunken, murderous bastards (not hers; she doesn't speak of her family to Tobias as being anything other than dead {to her}}. They never see their families anymore, and their families never see them; what's the harm in shading the truth?

Tobias is wearing a very fine black suit; he nicked it. He comes by his skills honestly, as a Snape. He also "found" the money to pay for their hotel and excursions in a gambling hell. Eileen has no idea what "suit shopping" entails, and that's good. Tobias knows that he looks fine. Tobias knows that while Eileen isn't what one might call traditionally beautiful, she's ferocious in bed and intriguing out of it-so meek and ladylike, so willing to please. She's a keeper.

Eileen is wearing a lace gown that leaves just enough to the imagination; she Transfigured an old sheet and designed her creation to resemble the latest Parisian trend in wedding gowns, well, if by "latest" one means during her mother's time as a bride. Eileen's always wanted to wear her mother's wedding gown, and the old Transfigured sheet is as close as she'll ever get to that now. She looks elegant, and that's enough. There was a time when elegance would have seemed too much to hope for; certainly, Eileen has never truly felt that she was beautiful, but then, that was before Tobias took her to bed and showed her that some beauties only blossom in the dark. Such a gentleman, Tobias is.

Neither one of them loves each other, but the sex and adoration and cookery is enough to quell their mutual loneliness. The sex-it is a miracle that two such homely people can have such glorious sex. It is what binds them most closely. It is what will, when the fire is spent, cause them the most grief.

Their officiant is there under duress. Suit shopping resulted in, as it was earlier noted, some gambling, and Tobias understands that church folk fall hard upon their passions. The minister owes him a great deal of money, but in return for paying for their license and marrying them, Tobias will forgive the man his debt.

The catering, well, Eileen cannot create nutritious food out of thin air, but she can transform and charm various plain and inexpensive foodstuffs into something fancier, and well, she wanted to look important enough to warrant a special spread of dainties after the vows were read, and like Tobias, she was able to procure "friends" that she'll never see again. Everyone smiles. Everyone says their oohs and ahhs as the vows are read, and everyone enjoys the food.

Eileen feels important. Tobias feels respected. Their witnessing "friends" feel full and full of hope for the oh-so-in-love couple whose wedding they've had the privilege to witness.

"The way they can't stop touching each other," one guest says to the minister, "there'll be babies in no time."

Eileen and Tobias overhear this comment. She turns to him. He turns to her. "At least one," they say, together.

There isn't yet a house for them. Tobias is working on that. Eileen, through her "contacts" - and by that, she means her ability to "charm" people into doing what she wants - is working on finding Tobias a job. There's a mill that looks promising. Tobias loves working with his hands. Eileen giggles to think how. Tobias smiles at her indulgently, his clever wife. An old geez just died down the road from his favourite pub, and he thinks he can persuade the man's widow to move house to be with her sister one town away. It's almost a sure thing, though he may have to use, well, some physical flattery to induce her to agree. Eileen won't mind.

Eileen will never know.

Furniture. It's an odd topic for a wedding reception, no matter how "intimate" the reception, but Tobias and Eileen want comfortable furniture. Oddly, and it comes as a relief to Tobias, Eileen wants furniture that's been lived in, broken in, that does not look brand spanking new. "Comfort is everything," she's told him. Tobias cannot be more grateful to his bride-so sensible!

Only parvenus buy bright and shiny shop pieces. New-monied imbeciles, thinks Eileen, chafing a bit to think of the quality she can expect, but knowing that, as long as the pieces are comfortable and tasteful, she will accept them. Her house cannot be too fancy; that wouldn't do at all, and she knows that she must do nothing, no, nothing at all, to attract attention wherever she lands. She's genuinely happy that wherever that might be, it will be with Tobias. He's happily comfortable and ever so broken in.

"How did you two meet?" a guest asks.

Eileen giggles.

Tobias beams.

A chorus of "ooooooohs!" arises as people assume that it was a naughty encounter-and so it was, with ripped clothing and sucking and thrusting and moaning in entirely too public a space.

For Tobias' part, he's entirely too proud of himself for having inspired such lust in a woman who didn't even know him at the time. That said, he's always had a natural charisma, so of course, he accepts Eileen as his due. He is a man. She is a woman. They are only natural, only natural together. He absolutely cannot wait to fuck her again.

For Eileen's part in that, well, she's only grateful that they'd found themselves a copse of trees before the spell took effect. What she had not expected, she has to admit, was how very much she had enjoyed having a man's hands on her body, inside of it. A man's . . . . The momentary pain had been well worth it, and after it, the pleasure; she can still feel Tobias' love even these three weeks after their first time. Of course, that may be because their last was only moments before the ceremony, but Eileen doesn't care. She wants Tobias again, anywhere. Everything is throbbing, and it's difficult to even contemplate speech. She's proud of herself for managing it.

"Oh, well," she says, with a blush not quite feigned, "it was magic."

category: one, type: fic, author: iulia_linnea

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