(no subject)

Aug 14, 2007 20:50


snapeartcontest is happy to affiliate with the new Snape discussion community, snapedom, started by our very own sylvanawood. To celebrate this affiliation, we are holding a special Snapedom contest, to last from now until midnight on September 12, 2007. For this contest, please present Snape in his element, following the motto of the Snapedom community, "We Put a Stopper in Death." For further ideas, please see the Snapedom user information page.

As usual, humor is more important than artistic skill. Please post your work in a comment to this entry with a link to the painting or drawing, or the picture itself; create your entry in ArtPad or an equivalent, easily-accessible art program; if using ArtPad, take screenshots as you work, in case ArtPad does not save your work; and enter as many times as you want! Winners will be selected by polling snapeartcontest members, and prizes will be the admiration of many others, as well as banners and/or userpics.

And speaking of snapeartcontest, we have not been hiding under a rock during the latest LJ crisis. Even though Snapeartcontest has always been PG13 at its most extreme, unwarranted attacks on artists still disturb us. Therefore, we have started an alternate S.N.A.P.E. community on Insanejournal, found here. sylvanawood discusses the reasons quite well in an August 9 post in the Snapedom LJ and IJ journals, so I won't repeat them, just direct you there. Most of our members are on LiveJournal and unless that changes, we will be on LiveJournal. However, for those of you who have moved to Insanejournal, please join and participate there. If we have leftover energy for Greatestjournal, you can join us there, too, but right now, Insanejournal is the best bet. We'll get you all together in update posts and polls!

affiliate contest

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