Come wind, come weather," it's
and Snape is never a lamb, and certainly not a lion!
Time for our new community challenge, "Snape in March." For this contest, draw Snape with anything that can be associated with March.
Painters born in March:
de La TourFra BartolomeoGoyaMichelangeloMondrianTohakuvan DyckVan Gogh Illustrators/Sculptors/Other:
CaldecottGreenawayBorglum Work probably under copyright:
AlbersGrisKokoschkaPyleWood Other notable people born in March:
Composers Bela Bartok, Frederic Chopin, Franz Joseph Haydn, Glenn Miller, Maurice Ravel, Arturo Toscanini
Performers Bix Beiderbecke, Nat King Cole, Chico Marx, Erich Weiss (aka Harry Houdini)
Politicians Mikhail Gorbachev, Andrew Jackson
Scientists Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein
Writers Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dr. Seuss, Robert Frost, Mickey Spillane, Tennessee Williams
(Long-dead or ghostly people only, please!)
March holidays and observances:
St. Patrick's DaySpring ForwardInternational Women's Day
International holidaysAnd many others, including Save A Spider Day (March 14), Mothering Sunday (March 18), the Vernal Equinox/Earth Day (March 20), Poison Prevention Awareness Month, Talk with Your Teen about Sex Month
Harry Potter March events:
March 1 - Ron Weasley born
March 10 - Remus Lupin born
Wizards of the Month:
Mungo Bonham, founder of St. Mungo'sDaisy Dodderidge, founder of The Leaky Cauldron Miscellany:
Flower: Jonquil
Gemstone: Aquamarine, Bloodstone
Weather: "In like a lamb, out like a lion"
If you have any other ideas, such as situations or landscapes that remind you of March, please go ahead with them. Enter more than once! As usual, anyone can enter, drawings should be done in ArtPad, humor is more important that artistic skill, entries should be posted as a response here, and frequent screenshots should be taken in case ArtPad fails.
Now March!
And check out our current contest,
Art! Snape, running through March 15. Put Snape in your favorite work of art.