SUBJECT: July Challenges!

Jul 01, 2006 12:38

(Don't mind me...I'm just minding the store for rexluscus while she's out of town)

It's July, which means it's time for the July challenges here at snape_rarepairs. Yay!

The featured pairing for the month of July is Snape/Luna.

This is a small ship that has just begun to take off in recent months. It even has its own comm now, snuna, to which you're welcome to cross-post your challenge entries. If you are scratching your head over this pairing going "WTF?" allow me to argue that actually, it makes a funny kind of sense.

Snape's main means of defense is to insult and belittle people, and Luna is peculiarly immune to this kind of attack. She's very perceptive about people and might even be able to see right through Snape's defenses to the insecurities that motivate them. It's hard to imagine what qualities Snape might actually respect in a person, but perceptiveness and a willingness to speak the embarrassing, unadorned truth might rate very highly in his book. In a way, with their outsider status and refusal to alter themselves to fit in, Snape and Luna have a great deal of common ground. We know Luna doesn't approve of cruelty and Snape has no patience for flights of fancy, but these two could come to complement each other if given the opportunity.

The featured theme for July is loss.

I chose this theme because it's an important one for both Snape and Luna. Luna lost her mother when she was young; she loses most of her belongings over the course of Order of the Phoenix; but she somehow takes it all in stride and seems to derive a kind of wisdom from her losses. Snape, on the other hand, seems to have had a life marked by loss, but he's responded to it by becoming isolated and bitter. How loss affects a person, and how they respond to it, is in fact one of the great themes of the whole Harry Potter series.

Remember that you can answer these two challenges in any combination - the pairing, the theme, or both together. Your entry can be a novel or a drabble, a sketch, a painting, a rec (or a rec list), an essay, an icon, or just about anything else you can think of. Just have fun, and spread the Snuna love!

challenge loss, challenge announcements, from the mod, challenge snape/luna

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