Mar 01, 2009 00:18
'Lo all. I once did a penpal thing that I found through LJ and it was wonderful. Except, like others, I did not get any fannish people. Sure, learning about people's mental problems and how their job sucks is fun, but it would be so much better to exchange badly drawn doodles and randomly written drabbles. I mean, fandom is something that needs to be squeed about on paper. It is much more fun.
So, about me.
20, female, Georgia, USA. I draw bad doodles and stick figures. I dream crossovers. I have had a habit of mailing strange bits of things to penpals in the past. I also have a strange desire to write postcards.
I am easy to influence- meaning I am easily suckered into new fandoms all the time. Only two days ago did stumble into Merlin, and all because I saw a fetching piece of fanart. But, all this means is that if I do not belong to one of your favorite fandoms, just push me a bit and you will probably be able to get me into it. If you push a bit harder you will be able to sway me into reading your favorite ship first. I really am that easy.
I'm also up to talking about other stuff, besides fandom. I have many intrests. Some people say I am interesting. Others say I am mean and hurtful. And full of hate. All of this is true, but I am never mean with fandom. I am all bubbly and happy and optimistic. It is quite distressing.
My fandoms, let me show you:
Most recent first.
Merlin, Supernatural, Leverage,
Chuck, SGA, due South,
Eureka, The OC, Heroes,
Numb3rs, House, Firefly,
Psych, Harry Potter,
Captain America/Ironman,
Various anime/manga
I have also been thinking about falling into Torchwood, Life On Mars, The Sentinel, NCIS, and Smallville. I really only need someone to nag me a bit and I will.
So. There you go. I will probably respond enthusiactically to any letter, no matter what fandoms of ships the other person likes. I will probably also go off topic sometimes with random rambling stories or something. I love humor, so I'm sure I will make you laugh. It is something I try to do, and usually manage even when not trying. It's a talent.
My email is Either email or post yours here. I'll send you my address and we can get started.