Oct 12, 2006 10:38

Alright, i know that most of them look the same but i had to icon them. I went crazy with the cropping and as you can see they are Dean Centric *Damn him for being so croppable*

I actually made 336 *EEEP* i know. I'm not posting all of them, i'm just giving you a few so that you can see. If you want to see the rest, you can go to my photobucket. ( Read more... )

icons, everybody loves a clown

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Comments 23

ongiara October 11 2006, 20:29:37 UTC
*squee* These are great! I especially love the first one. The font suits so well. The second one wants to make me read wing-fics LOL. Amazing work, hun! *goes off to see the rest at your pb account*


ongiara October 11 2006, 20:39:14 UTC
Woo, how long did you work on all these \o/
#115 and #241 are priceless LOL
Great shot in 308 :)
Awesome cropping in #272 ♥
And I think your icons from Sammy's speach at the end just broke my heart *sniff*
Lovely work *hugs*


ilovesn October 11 2006, 21:29:57 UTC
OMG! sweetie. you are so sweet.

Thanks for the comment.

They actually took me 2 days to make. As you can see i want crazy. I'm so glad that you liked them.

I know, the sammy speech. His eyes killed me but i had to do it.

*bear hug*



ongiara October 11 2006, 21:37:03 UTC
Wow, you're fast :) It's really interesting to see the different icons you made of one shot!

Still working on your email. With uni now it's even less time ;) Hopefully I'll get it done by tomorrow...

btw, I didn't need a password to look at your pb albums, apparently you didn't protect it with a readers pw. The pw you gave actually is your login pw ;) You might want to remove your comment or change the pw before anyone takes it over ;)


(The comment has been removed)

ilovesn October 11 2006, 22:24:01 UTC
I've never actually seen that movie

Is it good?

The clown thing was not cool

*skin crawls*



theburnoutkid October 12 2006, 00:42:20 UTC
LOL the one with Sam pointing over his shoulder cracked me up hardcore.


ilovesn October 12 2006, 15:34:17 UTC
i know. i totally made some emotion icons out of those.

So freaking funny and just for me.

i'll be posting them on my userpics

if you want to see and tell me what you think


theburnoutkid October 12 2006, 20:42:58 UTC

I love all of your user pics, and of course the one of Jared. WTF?



ilovesn October 12 2006, 20:53:53 UTC

I know, i just loved making them

thanks for the feedback

i love that icon too.

His face is just perfect.



ckll October 12 2006, 12:42:49 UTC
I wish i knew why i don't see your entries here in my flist.Did you friend me back?


ilovesn October 12 2006, 15:38:07 UTC
if you go to my comm profile you can see that you are on the list.

I don't know why sweetie :(


inderpal October 12 2006, 17:24:38 UTC
I love these and wow that are alot! How long did it take to make all of these?


ilovesn October 12 2006, 18:07:25 UTC
it took me 2 days to make them all.

if you want you can go to my pb to see the rest

ilovesn password: ilovesn

thanks for the love



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