For: ladyshina

Aug 10, 2009 15:16

For: ladyshina
Title: Revelations at our Darkness
Rating: R
Summary: If comprehension can't be done in reality, should we find it inside the land of Dreams?
Warnings: Light Lemon
A/N: No, I don’t believe that this will be the ability in Itachi’s crow but it fits in the story. About the shifting the italics and normal font, well people, you know how much Naruto sucks in terms of genjutsu…:P When it was italic he could control the place, when it wasn’t , it was neutral. Beta-reader: Burnt Marshmallows (wobblyjelly@****.com) and Elle (cmucha@****.net)
Mod note: Reminder for the author/artist of this submission, please do not reply to comments signed in, if you want to reply anon commenting is enabled.

“I’m sorry…”


He supposed that if his pride wouldn’t let him apologize in reality, at least he could compensate inside the land of dreams. He was spread eagle wide on the ground, observing the ordinary ceiling and waiting.

His heartbeats though, still treacherously hammering through his ribcage, wondered about the inevitable. He forced his ears to tune into other more meaningful noises, steps marking bustling streets, the monotonous click of the clock, murmurs.

He wondered.


And he was suddenly pushed to the ground, a heavy weight placing him down. He couldn’t (wouldn’t) struggle, because there was something between them that immobilized him.

“You Bastard!” Mouth contorted into a frown, eyes widening in fury, one hand fisting his shirt, another raised in the air, ready to collide.

“Why the fuck, you asshole!” The harsh movement sang through the air, balled hand connecting to his ivory cheek, teeth, mouth and everything shaking from the impact as


He woke up, one side of his face stinging. One palm immediately wrapped around to survey the damage, though unsurprisingly, there was none.

Eyelids fluttered upwards when approaching steps stood in front of him, the guard leaving a tray of food and rapidly leaving afterwards. Even after so many severe actions he had done through his entire life, Konoha still treated him with reticent civility and the chakra binds were comfortably efficient. His fingers momentarily played with the chopsticks before he readied to eat his breakfast, warming his stomach with miso soup.

And he still wondered, against his analytical mind.

It still stings.


He saw black, wings unfurling towards the sky.

Vivid blue reflected upon his dark eyes, wide with wonder and being delightedly engulfed inside such vast scenery. The fresh moist of green leaves wafted to his nostrils and he inhaled more, feeling more alive. He could feel his veins running deep thorough his body, pumping warmth against his whole apathetic demeanor. He slightly flexed his chubby hands, running around the field with petite feet.

A set of golden spiky strands and brilliant hue filled his vision, they stared towards each other in questionable curiousness. That was until the tanned boy grinned wide, set of teeth sparkling white as scars lined around the fluffy face contorted altogether to complement that smile. He waved excitedly in his direction, and he couldn’t help but to tilt a small beam in response.

Impatiently, the small boy began running towards him, raising his arms into a close embrace-

When blood dribbled from his mouth.

His mouth opened by reflex from utter bafflement, trying to comprehend this disaster, when he realized that it was his hand, dug deep inside the tanned boy’s chest was the cause of wound. He immediately took it out, more crimson blood spilling forth and soiling the vivid ground.

But this time the chest wasn’t closing up. This time, sapphire eyes were slowly glazing over, the healthy complexion was losing its color and he kept waiting in vain…for a miracle to appear.

Hand fisted his shirt once again and Naruto whispered:

“Was it worth it for you? Sasuke.”


Eyes opened wide towards the cell prison, as his brain electrocuted all his senses in anguished speed, locating his current location and attempting to erase the horrible illusion.

He realized the impact of its memories because his hands were clutching the blanket anxiously; his lungs were heaving for more oxygen though his limbs were so pathetically numb. Invisible needles were piercing through his soul; cold sweat ran on his spine and spread like acid in each pore.

He wondered, he thought, he understood that he could no longer put inside the confines of his mind.

It clenched his heart.


“Heeh…you’re really an asshole, ya know…” A dark chuckle expanded through his mind and murmured. “But if you weren’t my asshole that I know, I wouldn’t feel guilty doing this to you.”


He wondered why.


“Because you’re a Bastard.”


He ignored the niggling voice echoing inside his consciousness and he began waiting for the passage of time, however, the rhythmical noises weren’t accelerating his pleads. So he settled to observe the sun, bright and strong, bathed inside and annoyingly infecting his room, as he was unable to block the influx of light. He closed his eyelids once again, his body unnaturally tired.



Sasuke quirked an eyebrow, slightly miffed, as he was forced to see indignant azure hue.

“It’s your entire fault now, ya know.”

The other boy simply ignored the useless yapping, opting to find a way out of this empty room when his friend snorted.

“’s no use. We’re inside, you can’t get out not unless we both truly want it.”

“Hn.” He crossed his arms in defiance and glared evenly back. It was the first time inside this whole illusion that he was forced to face such raw rage coming from Naruto. The blond growled:

“Now explain it to me. Why the hell you’re such an ass.”

“None of your business.” Fortunately for Sasuke, he succeeded to spit more impersonal words to recollect his own self.

“I think it’s some of my business when I’m in this state and it’s your entire fault, bastard.”

“You shouldn-“

“I shouldn’t WHAT?! Shouldn’t stop you, and let you become a murderer and a criminal nin then?!” Naruto quickly snapped back. “I’m supposed to let you do whatever stupid thing you want to do then?! FUCKER!” Sasuke felt his head throb. Facing an idiot always had such effects on him.

“It’s none of your busi-“ His hand suddenly caught another fist aimed to his cheek and another one blocked the path to his stomach.


“That’s why we should have cut our ties long time ago before…you’re such a persistent moron! I don’t need your bond anymore!” Sasuke ignored the twisting in his heart playing alongside with Naruto’s wounded expression. “I don’t need you- you’re always such a hassle!”

“That’s how you’ve always acted before, refusing us, refusing me…SON of A BITCH!” Something inside Sasuke snapped, and he delivered a kick that his friend mildly blocked, flying small distance away as consequence.

“Then GET OUT OF MY LIFE!” His voice sounded hysterical, breaking apart glassy walls that he kept around himself. Naruto materialized in front of him, another blow directed at his stomach and a slight yield.



What woke him up wasn’t his sensitive hearing capturing soft steps; it was his mind focusing on a flash of nostalgic hair that made his head turn upwards.

“Sasuke-k-“ She recomposed herself before using a graver tone. “Uchiha Sasuke. I am here to tend to your wounds.”

He nodded politely, giving her space while she opened the door. Time passed. Her knees flexed and she began healing with professional eyes, a green chakra illuminating and soothing all his scratches.

“Why…” You? He wondered.

“Sadly, since our last battle with…Akatsuki-” Sakura sighed while she picked the bandages. “we’re in shortage of medic-nins. I’m afraid that aside from Shizune-neesan, I’m the only one qualified to heal wounds of this magnitude.” She motioned him to turn halfway and he obeyed.

Her hand smoothly surveyed the wounded purple colored skin, unheeded by his hisses and clipped glares. “He did quite a good job in this one.” She said with a hint of pride. Her lips quirked upwards showing fondness, and he realized that the girl who was infatuated with him felt that way no longer.

Now it only rested wariness. Healthy amount of nostalgia, however, this ancient feeling was cautiously protected. It couldn’t be helped.

“Isn’t Hokage-sama suppose to also attend the wounded inside her crew or is she too busy pampering some old goats? I swear-“

It was the first time Sakura ever interrupted him. “Tsunade-sama no longer holds the Hokage title, for she is bedridden. The Rokudaime Hokage is the one who’s currently arranging those issues and believe me, he’s not following any of the statements that you’re accusing of.” Gauzes and remedies were put away efficiently as she muttered, “Now that the Uchiha case is out in the open, the councils, as well as Danzo, are in hiding.”

That peaked up his interest. “And then?” His upper body rushed forward, though instead of staying in her position, his former teammate took some steps back, by reflex.

Fear, a new emotion that he didn’t expect coming from her. Not from her.

Sakura awkwardly relaxed her body, opting to place a hand on his shoulder. “Please believe in us.”

“…Hn.” Sasuke raised his arm to shy away from her action and much to his dismay, she easily accepted it. After some rustling and courteous sounds, she gazed upon him, looking terribly weary and old, waiting for some kind of question from him.

“Well. I’ll re-check your injuries later.” She said as she ended the visit.


A nostalgic dark colored animal, prepped to fly.

He was awakened with a sensation of contentment and ease, being surrounded with familiar sounds and movements, with the presence of people whom he trusted enough to relax his guard.

A bigger hand messed his hair to his chagrin, while a cheerful tone greeted him, offering some food. The loudest one kept challenging him to whatever contest they should enter andto which he simply ignored with a soft snort.

Sasuke felt so foreign, yet so close to this place. The moment was created for him, and yet, it almost appeared that he was watching in third person through sepia colors.

“You see…This is what it could have happened, if you didn’t…” A murmur echoed through flaps of wings.

“What’s your point.” His current self continued to perceive this past, that it was acquiring a greyer tone by every second.

“You have thrown everything away for the sake of avenging. Were you satisfied with this bargain then?” The only splash of color appeared once again in front of him and Sasuke returned his mask of nonchalance.

“There’s no question of your so-called bargain, moron. I had to do what it had to be done that time.”

“Bullshit!” Two hands clung so strongly onto his shirt, he felt his breath being constricted away. “You know well that you didn’t need to do that and yet you preferred it this way. Admit it dammit!”

“If you really want me to say it, then yes, it was worth it.” When his words were comprehended, he was shoved off, deprived from the previous warmth.

“Why did you have to do something like that?! Giving up our time for revenge…are you satisfied now?”

“This is not the question-“ It had to be done…

“But even if it had to be done…” This time, blue eyes locked set on his vision and he wondered, why it was impossible to ignore the depth of this stare…? “You didn’t forget about m-us all…right?”

How could he. Even through all Orochimaru’s hellish training, whenever he isolated himself to the confines of some shady hideout, those memories would crawl under his skin and lodge inside. He couldn’t forget, not when he had a practically perfect photographic memory and he couldn’t just erase it.

Above all, he didn’t wish to forget…such nostalgia.

“So you didn’t regret spending time with us…”

Why should he?

“Our bonds are still there Sasuke…you can’t simply cut it.”

“Why are you insisting in such ways? Why are you annoyingly haunting my dreams?”

Sasuke’s answer was the quiet flutter of wings soaring to the sky.


He noticed after several days that though his guards were reticent and didn’t show any signs of opening in their stances, they offered courteous behavior towards a traitor of Konoha like him. His cell was deprived from any human warmth, but at least it was tidy and dry. They offered a set of clothes to change often, he had a private shower instead of communing with other prisoners and the food that was given wasn’t tasty but on the other hand it was enough for human consumption.

Only the Hokage was allowed to make such concessions about such issues, and he couldn’t help but feel slightly curious about who was nominated to become the Rokudaime Hokage.


He didn’t understand why his brain would, on a whim, choose this flashback, so he only, once again, reacted accordingly, watching a nostalgic memento, reveling briefly his heart. The sounds of fluttering of wings expanded through his heart.

The strong structure stood on the sea, binding two distant lands and bringing prosperity for a land sapped by corruption, now stood this bridge that will be the starting point of a famous legend, he knew for sure.

Naruto Bridge.

“So you’re still able to smile…” He knew that the owner of this noise definitely was wearing a cocky grin, his hands laced leisurely at the back of his spiky head. So Sasuke instead sighed.

“That’s why I don’t understand. You could use your time for more fruitful means, chase your Hokage ambition and find recognition across the lands, and yet, you prefer wasting your time chasing me.”

Naruto blinked owlishly back, not expecting this kind of response. “Because if I can’t save you-“

“You shouldn’t center your life around me, why would you still go so far…” He clipped off the last set of words when he saw again, the fond lonely smile.

“I’ve already told you… You are the bond that I’ve waited so long for…” This kind of expression was one that would always churn his stomach but at the same time…melt infinitely inside his soul, the warm hand cupping his face as he unconsciously leaned on it.

“Ah…” Naruto watched with puzzled stare his chest slowly dyeing in red, spreading like a horrifying virus as his body itself began to disappear.

“Naruto…?” Dilated grey eyes gazed as his friend was acquiring a translucent form, and he raised his arms in an attempt to establish a connection. “Naruto?! Naruto?!?!”

He vanished.


Two days. Two days without any dream, and it was driving Sasuke nuts. The guards were slightly puzzled with his sudden change in behavior, nevertheless, they still acted neutrally towards the Uchiha.

The next day, a jounin appeared in his cell, carrying a heavy scroll and even heavier contempt and stared evenly through Sasuke’s scrutinizing eyes.

The younger brunet suddenly remembered that this jounin was Kakashi’s substitute when they met at Orochimaru lair, hope crept through his veins. This man could give him answers that he needed.

“What happened to Naruto? What happened to his wounds, I need to know his current condition, is he bedridden, conscious or in coma?”

The man only sighed, flippantly ignoring Sasuke’s outburst as he opened the scroll. “Uchiha Sasuke…” He started to recite.

“Well? What about Naruto??” Sasuke pressed the issue again.

“Born in the land of Konoha, son of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto…”

“I need to know about Naruto!”

“You are hereby commanded to appear for an audience in the next month…”

“Dammit, tell me about Naruto!!” His hand had at last darted outside the bars to grip the jounin’s vest, much to his guards’ alarm, readying their weapon.

The jounin only returned with a cold, icy glare. “For the accusation of attempt of murder towards Uzumaki Naruto, our fellow Leaf ninja and citizen of Konoha.” He slapped away Sasuke’s hand with ease and ended the issue. “Do not take this kind of tone with me, young man.”


The single sound of wings kicking the wind vibrated into his memories.

God, the blood was contaminating everywhere, soaking the orange suit, trailing through the length of his sword until opaque dewdrops gathered, falling apart on the ground.

It took a few shocking spasms to realize that he was the culprit, another few to know that he was taking a life, though the main one that infiltrated his soul was:

“Naruto!” Sasuke shouted as the blond fell unhurriedly on the ground, another sliver of crimson liquid spilled through his chest and pooled around the rapidly cooling body.

Unbeknownst to his common sense, his hands darted to interrupt the flux of blood, his mind already running haywire, trying to access any kind of resolution that would halt this nightmare.

A medic-nin. He should find a medic-nin. His feet, contrary to his current beliefs, aimed to a certain village and he sprinted at high speed, Naruto’s arm slung on his shoulder, seconds rapidly seeping away. Halfway, he was surrounded by Konoha nins and a startled gasp echoed through the forest.

“Oh my god…Naruto!” Sakura hurriedly activated her chakra on her hand and began to close up the wound on his chest, but she shook her head in frustration. “His internal organs are also severed apart, we need to take him back to Konoha as soon as possible!”

“I will.” All the nins watched in shock the perpator offering aid towards his own victim. It was obvious when the sword he carried was still dripping with Naruto’s blood. “My Shunshin no jutsu is fast enough to arrive on time. I need to do this.”

“Mutt, are you cra-“ One started to protest.

“Okay.” Sakura voiced instead. “I trust you…Sasuke-kun.”

He ran until oxygen was completely deprived from his lungs, his kneecaps were bursting out from exertion and his legs no longer obeyed his commands, however, his mind was set, he didn’t falter, not until he saw the familiar gates.

People gathered around him and medic-nins removed Naruto from his arms, at the same time he felt cold swords surrounding his skin.

“Heeeh…so you went that far…for me. I’m glad.” The grinning voice rang inside his head, assuring that for now, this was fine. He felt the other’s presence through a teasing breath tingling the nape of his neck, approaching, till warm set of lips brushed upon his skin. “It’s time to wake up, princess.”

The noises of flailing of wings made its appearance once again.


“Don’t call me…princess.” Sasuke grunted under his breath, adding a small curse afterwards. Torn apart by being once again, shaken with annoying idiots and being relieved from the same idiot’s presence, he sat gingerly to eat his breakfast.

“Good morning, Sasuke.” Another presence made it known with a poof of leaves and Sasuke didn’t bother to lift his head to recognize it.

“What brings you here, Kakashi-sensei.” He muttered through mouthful of rice.

“Can’t I bother myself to visit my dear ex-student every once in a while?” The answer was laced with amusement coupled with concern Sasuke no doubt somehow, also missed such tone from his mentor.

Lifting his head, ready to launch a witty response, his words died in his throat when he saw Kakashi’s robes. “You’re…Rokudaime Hokage.”

“Hm…I guess I am.” Kakashi cupped his chin with his hand. “Many things have happened while you’re away from Konoha Sasuke, you inevitably missed them all.”

“…Hn.” Sasuke opened his mouth again to inquire though his teacher was faster.

“Naruto is still in coma…after the operation he had a steady recovery, but somehow his mind refuses to return to consciousness. We can’t pinpoint the cause of the problem but Sakura and Shizune are doing everything they can to help him.”

“…I see.” Sasuke gulped, trying to quell the guilt rising in his gut.

“We found the culprits of Uchiha massacre, Sasuke…” This time, Kakashi used a guarded tone towards his former pupil. “There’ll be the proper judgment and they will pay for their sins. Is this satisfactory for you?”

Truthfully, this completely went against his initial desires to avenge his clan. He promised himself that he wouldn’t ever step inside the village that betrayed the Uchiha unless it was to destroy it, and yet here he was, pathetically behind the cage bars of this forsaken place and waiting for news of someone whom he claimed that he didn’t care for.

Fate was so ironic in many ways.

“For now, I guess it is.”


He writhed, moaned, gasped in certain explored areas, purred the basking feeling of skin contacting with skin. His lips nipped across his skin, twirling his tongue every once in a while, the teasing mouth tugging upwards when the other man arched in response.

Feeling that he didn’t want to be outdone, Sasuke snaked a hand inside the jumpsuit, searching for the nub until his fingers found tweaked it.

A hiss tickled next to his ear as a moan vibrated on the tanned throat. “Sasuke.” He had never heard his name being called in such an intimate way, exploring his soul. He grunted in fogged pleasure when a tongue licked the shell of his ear, leaving a trail of a damp line to his wake-


And he was having a wet dream about his best friend. Feeling slightly ashamed and thoroughly ignoring the raging erection weeping for attention, his eyes blinked wide as all the lust was dying out, the physical sensations still emitting through his skin.

He would admit, he had those kinds of dreams every once in a while, but he had never felt it being so real and concrete before.

Trust that usuratonkachi to always mess up with his life.


“Bastard!” This time, the shout was more teasing then depressed.


“How is he…?” Sasuke inquired as she wrapped another gauze around his arm.

Sakura shook her head. “Still in coma. I don’t understand…Kyuubi has fully healed him by now and nothing should deter him from returning to consciousness. All his vital signs are clear. And yet…” She faltered, gulping dryly, some moist gathering around her emerald eyes.

He momentarily contemplated giving her an awkward pat on her shoulder, but he observed the gradual heavy silence punctuating the room.

“You blame me.” Sasuke murmured.

“Yes.” She tugged harder applying the next roll and couldn't meet his eyes. “This is so worrisome. The longer a person stays in coma, the chances for awakening becomes less and less. I…”

“…” He couldn’t reply.

“If you didn’t…” One of her hands gripped her skirt to wipe off the sweat gathering on her palm.

She left without saying another word.


The black form paused, gliding in the midst of the sky. Black feathers brushed idly through his face.

He knew that Konoha nins already found their position, as his teammates scattered and he felt burst of chakras colliding around. A rustle of leaves. He summoned a shuriken and disintegrated the clone with a poof.

Some few moments later, he sensed another one and threw a senbon chidori, ending it. Even fewer seconds passed, when another bunshin almost met him face to face, and he dispatched it with a Fuuma Shuriken, dividing in two. But as he eliminated each clone, the distance between each timing of appearance was shrinking, until he ( felt) saw, at last, the original one.

“Sasuke…what’s this? Why are you wearing an Akatsuki cloak?” Naruto voiced his shock, peering with his sky blue eyes.

He felt the desire to sheathe his Kusanagi. ( or simply run away)

“None of your business, just don’t get in my way now.” He snapped back.

“Are you crazy?! Why would you! That’s the organization that Itachi was in! The people that will threaten many lives around the globe! That’s the organization that destroyed Konoha!”

“Why should I care about that cursed village? They are the one who orchestrated the whole massacre of my clan!”

“What?” The cloudy eyes got muddled with confusion and he pressed on. “What the fuck are you talking about, Sasuke!”

He didn’t care. He didn’t have the time to explain everything to the dead last, the other boy should pick up on the signals and fix them by himself. He didn’t want to waste his breath explaining that it’s so obvious, that this was already a lost case and he should move on. Their paths are already divided, they are…enemies now.

Grow up, dead last.

“Just, get out of my way.”

“I can’t let you go. Not when I’ve finally found you.”

“Then you will meet your death.” Sasuke used his Shunshin no jutsu, his sword already unsheathed. Naruto blocked with a swift movement with his kunai.

“No…this time Sasuke…you’ll return.”

Why couldn’t he get it through his thick skull that he no longer wished to return to Konoha?

They fought through bursts of chakra, zinging of weapons and a strange familiar sensation that everything was previously choreographed. Every blocking of strike, forming of signals and movements of taijutsu were eerily somehow pre-empted, and Sasuke couldn’t stop the thrill of knowing that this was the opponent he had sought out his whole life. Fighting Naruto was like puzzle pieces locking in each movement, fitting like a glove. At the back of his mind, something would whisper that he could be content, only this, but he steeled himself in full concentration against his opponent.

However, by some kind of slip up or maybe the ground area was at his disadvantage, Naruto left an opening ready to be taken advantage of. And perhaps Sasuke did by reflex, perhaps because he wanted to finish it (or he was expecting that Naruto would still block it) his sword thrust towards the tanned chest and met its goal.

“Sa-“ Azure eyes widened as he coughed up blood, time halted too long, for them to realize what fate had decided upon them.

Sasuke, frankly, for fleeting seconds could imagine the rest of his teammates reaction. He could imagine Kakashi’s berating, Sakura’s betrayed expression and somehow, he could live with it.

But…what he didn’t expect to be reflected on Naruto’s eyes was sadness. Pure, unadulterated look of forlorn that gave a heavy pang on Sasuke and he couldn’t stray his eyes away.

The body fell and Sasuke bolted.

“And in the end, everything that you did was centered on changing targets for your petty schedule of vengeance, instead of Itachi now it’s the councils.” A mocking voice reverberated around him.

“It’s more complicated than that, moron.”

“It’s not!” Naruto snapped. “You’re always like that! Either trying to flee from us claiming that our bonds are severed, because you’re so fucking selfish or too busy trying to fill your avenger agenda because you can’t grow up!”

“They made a grave injustices towards my clan, they deserve to be punished.” Sasuke retorted.

“They will, you remember what Kakashi-sensei said? Then you’ll come back to Konoha at last! ”

“I already said-“

“I don’t care! If you didn’t fucking care, you wouldn’t have run so hard just to save my life! You said that you could kill me at your whim, yet here you are, blind because you couldn’t fulfill your will!”

Sasuke obviously felt his pride scarred under this statement, and retorted. “I didn’t! You’re so annoyi-“ He was swiftly interrupted when Naruto approached into a close embrace.

“C’mon Bastard, I’m the dead-last, you’re supposed to be the genius one. Please say that you missed me. Please say it that you regretted killing me. Please…say that our bonds didn’t break apart.”

“I didn’t…Regret killing you.” He still spat out trying to salvage the last bits of cold demeanor.

“Maybe you didn’t.” He felt a chuckle puffing on his shoulder. “But you tried to save me, didn’t you?”

“Naruto…” His arms were just resting by his side, he didn’t have the energy to reciprocate or reject.

Naruto tightened his hold. “Please…”


A hiccup invaded his throat and escaped without his consent, some moisture blurred his vision as he blinked away, burying all the constricted residues inside.

It was incredible that instead of resting, he’d get more tired when he slept. The irony was so annoyingly moronic that he could only blame the dobe once again.

He waited to fully wake up, though he was still not ready to face all those previous claims while he slept.

So he let his mind wander once again.

Waiting until he rested his body to the ground…


and feel the fresh grass comforting his back, soothing wind blowing his dark strands. There was a warm radiation next to his left hand, and Sasuke didn’t need to guess to know who was at his side.

“I wonder if I am just having strange kind of dreams or if everything will be like a mirage when I wake up at last.”

“Bakasuke.” He frowned at the provoked nickname. “You, more than anyone else, knows about the abilities of Tsukiyomi, right?”

He quirked his dark eyebrow. “What about it?”

A flutter of wings reverberated at that atmosphere.

“Tsukiyomi creates an illusion inside a dimension of dreams where the one who has the Mangekyou Sharingan can control it to his will.”

“And what does any of that has to do with this?” Sasuke was puzzled.

“This dimension is bending however to our will, reflecting everything that we want.” Naruto answered.

“…everything?” He felt a delighted stir in his stomach.

“Yep. Everything.” This time the grin was decidedly teasing.

“Hn. You’re such a Dobe.”

“And yeah, you’re a Bastard for making me run after your ass for so damn long.” Naruto snorted back.

“I never asked you to do that moron.” Sasuke grunted.

“ Gaaaaah, I can’t wait until I see you personally and fucking punch your goddamn girlish face!” The blond nin responded annoyed.

“I’ve never agreed that I’ll stay-“

“No, you’re going to stay, I don’t fucking care.”

“Why are you-“

“Sasuke.” Naruto’s face hovered over his and one hand (so warm) wrapped around his cheek. “We’ve learned to appreciate bonds around us, learnt how the grief of losing a dear one and I…” He approached him until they were inches apart. “I don’t want to know this feeling again, I want to keep you close, so I can be forever tied to you and you will no longer be out of my reach, ever again. “

“You’re always doing everything built on emotions, Dobe.” He also unconsciously lifted his hand to cup the whiskered cheek, caressing it a little.



“Sasuke…can’t you let go? Of Him?”



A couple of days passed and either Sakura would arrive with news of Naruto or the day of his audience, or Kakashi would visit, talking to him about the councils and the process of their condemnation.

Dreams filled with Naruto continued every time he shut his eyes, though as more time passed, he felt that Naruto’s voice was becoming more ethereal.

His days were boring, fearing the moment his emotions would explode, idly staring at the grey regular ceiling because if he attempted to look at the sky, he would remember about a certain hue. Strong rays of sun though never failed to make him ignore it completely.

He was starting to count the ticks of the clock when everything around him went white.

Sasuke couldn’t comprehend. He was sure that he hadn’t closed his eyes but it was clear that he was inside an illusion. There was the familiar warmth surrounding him and an echo.


Naruto’s voice. “What dobe?” Sasuke asked, noticing the strain in its tone.

“I can’t get out.”

“What?” Confusion filled his face.

“I said that I can’t get out of this world, I’ve tried, but I can’t!”

Alarm bells ran through his head. “How? And why not?”

“How the hell should I know?!”

“Aren’t you the one who created this illusion?!” Sasuke yelled to nowhere.

“Well, shit, I’m trying to go back to my body but for some reason I can’t!”

“You’re in coma. If you succeed in getting away of this world…you’ll regain consciousness in reality!”

“I know and I can’t! I’ve tried, tried and tried, but I dunno, my body rejects me! And now, I can’t see myself inside this dimension anymore!”

Sasuke couldn’t respond. His mind was busy trying to run come up any possibilities that would resolve this dilemma.

“Dammit!” A strong push propelled him to the ground and he met livid blue eyes. “What the hell?! How the fuck this had happened to me?! This is all your fault, Bastard!”

“Dobe! Let go of me!” But Naruto was relentless.

“I can’t return to the world of living! I’m stuck in your world of dreams and even now it’s dimming each day! I’m feeling that my whole being is slowly disappearing, I can’t see-!”

Sasuke hugged him tightly, also trying to reassure the corporeal feeling beneath his fingers. “Naruto, calm down, we’ll find some kind of solution, calm the fuck down!”

“I-I can’t! It’s like I can’t return because there’s isn’t enough desires for me to live, I…”

“Naruto…” Both of his hands held the whiskered face tightly and Sasuke held his breath. “Aren’t I the reason for you to live on?”

Maybe it took hours or few seconds, but Sasuke had at last moved to on his crave to feel chapped lips moving against his own. Naruto gave a slightly startled gasp, before grunting in pleasure and grabbed a fistful of hair in response.

Passions started to spiral out of control, Naruto wanted to feel the direct heat on his every fingertip and Sasuke wanted to explore every inch of that warm mouth, bruising his lips and crushing even further the distance between them, both hands, ivory and caramel, exploring their bodies hungrily and possessively.

Clothes quickly discarded, their lithe bodies writhed as their cocks grinded together, an electric pulse connected their hearts (to their core) until they wanted to know on how far they could overflow their emotions.

They melded into one, rhythm already loose right at the start due to their inexperience, Sasuke watched fascinated at the rise and fall of the tanned chest in conjunction to every thrust. Naruto was engrossed in the way beads of sweat rolled down pale skin as he leaned down to taste the salty beads.

Nails bruised their skin as they reached their peak, the feeling of completion being fulfilled as they swam in ecstasy.

Naruto lightly smacked Sasuke’s shoulder. “Dammit, not only did I lose my first kiss to you, I almost lost my life for the first time because of you and now I lost my virginity. I really have nasty luck.”

Sasuke, true to his Uchiha genes, only snorted.


Weeks passed without any presence of the annoying blonde but for some reason, Sasuke was content. Only a few days remained until his audience when another brunet arrived, looking grim and annoyed.

“He’s asking for you.” The young man muttered.

“…what?” Sasuke quirked an eyebrow.

“Naruto-kun. He doesn’t eat, he refuses any medication unless he sees you and he even wants to drop the accusation against you.”


“Why? Why would he go so far for you…?” There was this mutter, but Sasuke was sure that he heard it.

“So, what should I do?”

The brunet gave a displeased sound. “You’ll follow me.”

It was only while Sasuke followed the brunet and realized how much the other man had a similar outward appearance that he remembered the nin as his substitute. Unfounded anger crept but he succeeded in calming himself.

Only a door away from meeting his Dobe and set of dark eyes glared.

“So he always will choose you.” The final murmur he knew it was directed to him.

He stared evenly back.

“And I’ll make sure it’ll stay like that.”

Ignoring whatever expression was returned to him, he breathed in, turning the door knob, ready to receive the usual obnoxious voice greeting him.


rating: r, summer 2009, submission: fic

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