For: kodak_85

Aug 24, 2009 14:46

For: kodak_85
Title: Thin Walls
Rating: M
Summary: Seeking love in wrong places sometimes works out in the end
Warnings: Infidelity, ninja violence, rough make up sex, snake bondage.
A/N: Hopefully this is ok. I'm worried you won't like it. I went a little crazy with it.
Mod note: Reminder for the author/artist of this submission, please do not reply to comments signed in, if you want to reply anon commenting is enabled.

Humid day switched to humid night. Sakura swept the sweaty bangs from her face. Hot air put a tight embrace around her body and forced her out of the squeaky hotel bed into the hallway. Cold breeze flew in through the open window and barely touched the open wind chime the hotel owner hung on the window frame. The wind chime sang sadly along with the occasional bang that came from the room next to hers.

The chorus of cicadas was roaring outside as if giving applause to the act that was being carried out. The world grew silent and watched. It hungrily took in every gasp and moan.

Sakura stood in front of the nonexistent stage and, for the first time since her teen years, she grew ashamed of being on the same team with him.

Old floorboards squeaked under her bare feet that felt gritty from the dirt she picked up on her way from one place to the other.

On nights like this she always became painfully aware of how thin the walls were. It felt like everyone knew. It felt like he knew.

The sounds next-door stopped and the door opened. Green eyes met blue ones. Sakura turned away immediately and both made their separate ways.

On nights like this, when the walls seemed too thin and the silent witness became the partner in a conspiracy, the air was too hot and the skin grew too sweaty.

Dodging the leaves that came their way, Sakura and Naruto landed on the nearby branches. The branches would have trembled and vibrated like guitar strings, but the job was done professionally with no room for error. They knew what was at stake. Getting caught was not an option, not with such important scroll with signed treaty that they were carrying.

Only a couple of miles were left and they could almost see the outer walls of Konoha.

Just a little more. Just a little longer.

"You should stop," Sakura voiced her thoughts, the ones that haunted her since she found out the secret.

"Stop what?" Naruto landed and asked, honestly not understanding the implications.

"What you're doing. It's not fair to Sasuke. You're lying to him and he has the right to know," the girl frowned and stopped, her firm words making both of them pause.

"I'm not lying," Naruto attempted to convince her of that.

"Then what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm just not telling him the whole truth," Naruto shrugged. "I don't think he'd care that much anyways."

"Of course he would," the girl argued, but her words were cut off before she could finish off the statement.

A kunai with an explosion tag struck the tree between them, forcing both to leap backwards away from each other.

Naruto threw his own kunai at the dark green bushes and shouted, "Why don't you come out? I know you're there."

A man jumped out and landed promptly in a tree opposite to Naruto.

"Are you alright?" meanwhile a clone reached out to give Sakura a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she rubbed the bruised side she'd landed on a bit too hard. "Is the scroll safe?"

"Can't you see? It's right here," Naruto-clone showed a blank one to her.

"Oh, no. It's empty!" she shouted. "You've got the wrong one!"

"No, listen," he silenced the girl and slipped the empty scroll into her bag. "And now- run for it and don't worry about it. I'll hold him off," the Naruto-clone got out a smoke bomb and suddenly everything was covered with thin layer of white fog. Once it cleared the only ones left in the trees were Sakura, Naruto, and the man that attacked them.

"That was a stupid trick. And it didn't even work," the man chuckled.

"What makes you say that?" Naruto asked, smirking, and charged at the only brunet present with a kunai.

He avoided being cut with the knife and dodged a handful of shuriken Sakura masterfully sent flying at him.

"You both are still here with the treaty scroll," the brunet laughed. "You failed to get away and I will get that treaty."

"Try it," the blond ninja laughed and suddenly two other clones of him crashed the rasengan into the enemy. "But you won't succeed."

Suddenly the brunet disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Damn! It was a clone!" two Narutos yelled as the explosion tag under them ignited and erased them from existence.

The only Naruto left landed in the newly-made clearing and took a long look around himself, "You're still here. I know it. I'll find you. Even if I have to smoke you out."

"Don't worry about me. I'm right here," the enemy said while smiling broadly.

Naruto turned and saw something chilling. The guy had a kunai at Sakura's neck.

"Move and she dies," the tiny trail of blood proved that he was in no way kidding.

Naruto dropped the knife he was holding and the sound of it hitting the ground echoed in the clearing the battle formed, "Why do you even need this scroll? What good would it do to you?"

"Simple- with that treaty there will be no more war. I'm a mercenary. If there is no war I'll have to look for a new job. And that's not about to happen," the kunai dug deeper into pale skin.

"The scroll is in her bag. Take it and leave," Naruto growled.

"How much of a fool do you think I am?" the man asked mockingly. "You had it the whole time. Hand it over."

"Fine," the blond ninja took out the treaty and threw it at the enemy. "You can have it."

It was easily caught. The man opened it single-handedly and looked at the contents to make sure it was the right one.

He laughed.

"What's so funny?" Konoha's knucklehead asked curiously.

"This is the wrong scroll," Sakura's throat was slashed in mere seconds; Naruto screamed in shock.

"What the?" the man yelled as the Sakura disappeared in smoke. "She was a clone?!"

"Yeah," Konoha's number one smirked proudly. "My clone transformed into her."

"You staged the whole thing," disbelief took over the enemy's face. "Where is the real treaty?"

"Probably on it's very safe passage to Konoha. No, actually, by now I'd say it's already in Hokage's office."

"That time in the smoke your clone switched places with that girl and let her escape with the scroll. You were the only one present here since that explosion. Damn it!" the ninja shouted and rushed towards Konoha in hopes of stopping the treaty from reaching Hokage.

"Not so fast!" the Naruto in the clearing popped as two more charged through him at the enemy with the rasengan. The impact was enough to send the guy away a few steps but not enough to knock him out. He held onto his damaged middle and panted in pain.

"Last night was good," he sneered. "You were actually a fun lay."

"I'll take that as a compliment," the blond one smiled confidently.

"I wonder if your lover knows."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"The one whose name you screamed last night," he answered, the expression taking on an evil look. "You didn't ask for mine. But surely the guy whose name you were moaning is aware."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Are you that afraid? Are you trembling? You wouldn't want him to know what you do when you are away? I've seen you before. You tend to have sex with strangers on every long-term mission. Every time it's someone different. What would he do if he knew? Would he hate you? I wonder if he'd find you dirty, push you away?"

Naruto jumped toward the enemy, attempting to strike him with a kunai in hazardous movements.

He laughed and avoided the hit, "So sloppy."

The shuriken he threw nicked Naruto's shoulder. He cursed and dodged the next set of shuriken. A storm of various weapons came at Naruto with neck breaking speed. He dutifully escaped the danger and blocked the sharp objects he couldn't avoid on time.

"Does he know how much you enjoy it? Do you do this back in your village too? Do you open your legs for every one that asks? Such a whore. I wonder if he likes it. Does it turn him on, knowing that other men were in you? Does he think about what they did when he rams into you?" Five Naruto clones appeared out of thin air and were annihilated in mere seconds.

"Shut up!" frustrated blond ninja screamed and stopped the wire from wrapping around his neck.

The enemy pulled the wires back. He avoided the weapons Naruto hurled at him and returned them with exploding tags that immediately took effect, destroying the forest even more.

"You're sick. You know that? Screaming his name when you come while holding onto other men. Does your lover not satisfy you? Or maybe you just can't have him. Is that why you settle for everyone else but him? Are you really that pathetic to sleep with anyone just because he can't make you come?"

"You know nothing about it!" Naruto argued. "It's not like that at all! I…. I love him. I really do. But this is something I wanted to do."

"Really now?" the enemy smiled with malice clear on his face.

"Same as that. I can't let you tell him," the kunai was at the guy's neck. "I'd much rather get rid of you now than have to explain to him why I slept with you."

The brunet froze up for a second, but he dropped a smoke bomb right as his throat was about to be sliced in two, separating the head from his body. Naruto cut air and cussed at the persistence.

"What will you do once I tell him? I know his name- I can find him," the enemy's words terrified the blond man.

"You can't!" He shook his head to avoid even the thought of him finding out.

"Oh, I can. And I just might. I might have missed the treaty, but tearing up your life is no problem to me. You got in my way so I might as well give your life hell," he threw more shuriken at the blond man. He instinctively avoided them, thanks to years of training, making them strike a tree behind him and embed deep into the dark bark.

Disappointed with the outcome the enemy ninja threw more kunai with exploding tags. Naruto avoided those as well, but once he landed on the branch he heard a voice behind him, "Got you where I want you," and felt the kunai dig into his back. The direction of the knife switched as it buried itself under the ribs and pointed towards Naruto's heart.

Suddenly his body exploded right into the enemy's face.

"What the hell what that?!" He screamed as the deep cuts on his cheeks and forehead bled.

"That was just a new use for your explosion tag," the real Naruto mocked him. "All I did was attach it to my clone's body without you even noticing."

"You lie. The ones I threw at you have already been used," he tried to stop the blood from getting into his eyes.

"Yeah, they did. This one I stole from your pouch the last time I got close enough," Naruto explained as he looked over the cuts and bruises he managed to get during the battle. "Now is time to finish this."

"Agreed. Enough talk," he took out a new kunai.

They lunged towards each other with the final strike. Both were too exhausted to fight and the enemy ninja was critically injured from the first rasengan that made contact. More wounds were added to both of the men. Naruto didn't have time to react as the kunai dug into his upper arm. Before it got any deeper a clone slashed at the man with a kunai of his own. The enemy escaped from danger, but was attacked by another clone.

Naruto managed to create a rasengan which hit his enemy head-on. ANBU showed up by the time the body hit the ground.

"We were told to come to your rescue," the masked ninja informed Naruto, who was panting like a dog.

"Yeah, well you guys are always late," he groaned and took a hold of the nearest tree trunk. Loss of blood made him a little dizzy.

"We'll handle it here," the ANBU told him. "Feel free to get to the village to get medical assistance."

Sakura was immediately by his side. She put his arm around herself and helped him towards the village.

Tsunade healed his arm and made sure to berate him while she was at it.

"What were you thinking? You should have let Sakura help you out. What's the point of having a team if you don't use it? Next time you pull a stunt like that- you're staying in the village for D-rank missions for the next four years if not more."

"But I had to make sure Sakura got to the village with the scroll. Doesn't the mission count as anything?" He whined in response.

"Yeah, it does. But I'd rather not go to your funeral if I can help it."

Sakura helped her bandage the arm carefully and told him of the future pain, "It was a pretty deep cut. We took care of it, but you know it will take a day for you to heal. Knowing you it's nothing to worry about. Just make sure to avoid using your left arm for some time."

"Alright," he smiled brightly.

"Mission completed. You have succeeded. Now go home and relax," the Hokage released them from her office.

"Will do," the prankster agreed with a grin.

Sakura walked him home and they continued the conversation that was rudely interrupted, "I feel guilty, Naruto."

"Why?" he asked his friend.

"I'm keeping this secret and it feels like a wrong thing to do. You should stop doing those things," she said sadly.

"I…. I can't tell him, Sakura. How am I supposed to explain to him what I did?"

"Then don't do it again," she suggested.

"Why?" Naruto truly could not understand why he couldn't repeat that process all over again.

"Just… please," the girl begged her friend. Before Naruto could answer they realized that the conversation was heard by a third party.

"Sasuke?" The wounded blond stared at the man in question. "Why are you out here?"

"Why am I outside of my own house? The nerve of you," Sasuke glared.

"Well, since I brought him here, he's all yours," Sakura laughed and retreated from sight.

"Good," Sasuke grumbled and pulled Naruto into the house by the sleeve.

The two entered the kitchen. Sasuke sat his companion on the chair with a silent glare as a command to remain in one place with no sudden movements.

"Aren't you going to ask me how it went? That mission was dangerous, you know. The first part was boring, but the last part took too long," Naruto let him know the general details in hopes of getting him interested enough to ask for more.

"You'd tell me whether I wanted to know or not. I'm more interested in another thing," the grumpy man stared at him, waiting for response.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so late? You told me that the mission was supposed to be a week-long one. You were supposed to be back two days ago," his voice took on the accusing tone.

"What about you? I thought you said you'd meet me by the gate," Naruto threw the accusations right back.

"You expected me to wait for days? I do have other things to do."

"Like what? You can't go anywhere," the blond ninja realized his mistake too late. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm confined to the village. That does not mean I'm paralyzed or completely disabled. I can move around the village," Sasuke's glare got darker. "You still didn't answer. Why were you late? And I'm not talking about this time only. You've been late on every single return the past year."

"I can't tell you," Naruto frowned.

"Why? Is it confidential? Or are you just busy doing something else? Did you think I wouldn't figure out? I know exactly what you do," he continued speaking.

"What?" the blond one froze with terror of being discovered.

"Are you cheating on me, Naruto?" Sasuke asked directly.

"No, of course not," he answered falsely.

"You're lying. I can tell. When you get home I feel them on you. I can't touch you for weeks afterwards," he complained.

Naruto's fear became a reality. Sasuke stared at him with disgust in his eyes.

"Sasuke, I can explain," the blue eyes hurriedly ran over objects of the room, trying to find words to say.

The man in front of him glared aggressively, "You think it's ok, don't you? I'm confined to this village now that you brought me back. I can't follow you on those missions, so you go off to sleep with just anyone."

"Sasuke…. I…."

He roughly grabbed Naruto's chin and held his face tightly in place while speaking to him, "You might not care much for me in reality. You gave up so much for me before. I could never really understand why. Is this your way of getting back at me? If so, then your kindness is cruel."

Sasuke's eyes had some far away sadness in them. It was hidden by the darkness only he possessed.

"You don't understand," Naruto tried to stop it before the conversation took a tumbling roll down the drain.

"What do I not understand? That you get back at me like this? There is something that you don't understand, Naruto," the hold on his chin got even tighter- enough to leave purple bruises. "Before you were anyone else's- you were mine and only mine"

Sasuke finished that statement with a kiss that surely broke the skin of Naruto's lips with brutal force of contact.

Naruto tried to get away, but all was in vain. His already damaged orange jacket was ripped off his body. He sputtered as his equally orange and destroyed pants were thrown in a corner. He was about to protest when Sasuke noticed the wound on his upper arm. Cries of pain did nothing to deter the glaring man from grabbing the arm by the injured part to make Naruto obey.

The dark red spots appeared and spread on the bandages. Sasuke dragged his partner mercilessly into the bedroom and threw him on top of the covers, not caring that the blood started dripping on the cloth, making small red spots on the light bed covers.

"You let them touch you," he growled angrily. "You let them take you."

Naruto understood the frustrations he did not expect from Sasuke. "I thought you wouldn't care."

Without speaking Sasuke attacked Naruto's neck, biting to put claim with animalistic passion. The marks were clear and red, beginning to swell a little. Naruto knew those would hurt for a while later on. He quickly made clones to get Sasuke off of himself, but they only succeeded in pushing both of them on the floor, tangled up in the bed covers.

The clones were destroyed quickly and Naruto soon came to realize that he was no longer wearing anything. Sasuke still had the ninja instincts despite being stuck inside the village for the past years. Naruto threw a punch aimed at the other's face, but it was blocked with one hand that immediately pushed the hand above his head on the floor. Naruto almost forgot the last time he fought with someone this dangerous. The man from before was nothing compared to the one in front of him. The one on top of him was purely an animal, barely contained in human form. This was what fascinated him in the first place. The beast within Sasuke. The one he could feel in every move. The beast was pure aggression.

Snakes Sasuke summoned wove themselves around Sasuke's left arm and Naruto's right one that was on the ground.

Sasuke slammed his lips on Naruto's yet again, with the same bruising force. The man under him pulled him back by the hair, but Sasuke pressed on the open wound. Naruto cried out and started bucking.

The summoned snakes spread out to keep the disobeying parts of Naruto's body down.

"You have no idea how I feel when you come back like this, full of other men's come," Sasuke's fingers dug roughly into his entrance, widening it for upcoming abuse.

Naruto was prepared for the pain that came with penetration. He's been through it before countless times. With legs wide open up in the air held tightly by the snakes, Naruto winced as they crawled all over him, letting their master take complete control of the body before him.

Sasuke didn't bother undressing. He just unzipped his pants and entered Naruto, filling him up from the inside.

Naruto's back arched off the floor and presented a tan chest for more bite marks. Sasuke did not refuse, leaving red signs of possession everywhere he could reach while moving out and in at fast pace. His right hand was covered with Naruto's blood from the wound he intentionally opened. The blond man on the bottom was getting dizzy again, but being a ninja he could hold up longer.

Sasuke dug his nails into Naruto's hips, lifting them up to meet with his thrusts. It was not enough, his right hand grabbed the back of Naruto's right thigh and pushed it aside and up to get in even deeper. His other hand was busy holding back Naruto's uninjured arm since snakes alone were not enough.

Naruto finally managed to land a punch, although it was weakened by the injury.

"Why, Naruto? Why so cruel to me?" He asked.

The man in question felt something from Sasuke, something he couldn't describe or even completely comprehend before. Sasuke's pain. It was overflowing. The pain of betrayal. The pain of loss of a dear one. The pain of being left alone.

Those were the things he didn't expect to be released so freely from Sasuke.

"You love me," the revelation came to Naruto right then. "You really love me."

But with the revelation came the shame of what he did, "I'm sorry, Sasuke. I didn't mean to do that to you. I…"

He wasn't allowed to finish that statement as the next thrust effectively shut him up and made his back slide across the carpet, giving him a bad case of rug burn. He screamed out because of the hot agony.

"I didn't want you to know. I swear."

Those were the wrong words since the nails dug deeper into his thigh, drawing blood from five moon-shaped scratches.

"You couldn't come with me. I wanted you on those missions. I wanted you by my side all the time, but you're stuck here. They looked like you. It was always your face I was seeing in theirs. I thought we were doing this because it felt good."

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"I didn't think you loved me. It felt empty, Sasuke. In someone else's embrace I saw you loving me. I still searched for you everywhere. Even if you were right here. You were just not enough for me," Naruto told him the entire truth.

"Not enough? I gave you everything you wanted," the outrage came out as Sasuke pushed in more violently, his arm jerked forward, moving the legs even farther apart and getting the hips to crack.

"I wanted you to love me," he clarified. "But you did, didn't you? This whole time you did. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked for any more. I just wanted to hear you say it. I just wanted to feel loved."

"And did you? Did any of them love you as much as I do?"

"No," Naruto cried out as he came finally, releasing the pent up frustrations he had as well. Sasuke loved him from the beginning. Silently.

He was followed soon after by the man on top of him.

Sakura listened to harsh pants of two men from the outside.

The walls were still too thin. The world was still applauding loudly to the show it was given. The skin was still too sweaty and made everything stick to it. But the rain was coming. She could feel it. And maybe things could work in the end.

Sakura left the new set of bandages by the front door and smiled to herself. Yes, things would definitely work from there on.

rating: m, summer 2009, submission: fic

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