For: rosalui

Aug 12, 2009 13:47

For: rosalui
Title: Nine Spiral
Rating: R
Summary: Naruto goes back to his roots, but things in the Akatsuki have changed since he’s been gone. Then again, so has he.
Warnings: Mansex! Language!
A/N: I hope this at least resembles what you wanted! I messed around with a little after writing and rewriting it about a bajillion times. It’s not nearly anywhere I wanted it to be (it needs more mansex), but this is it for now. I think there will be a sequel, but this piece should be able to stand alone, even with all the unanswered questions.
Mod note: Reminder for the author/artist of this submission, please do not reply to comments signed in, if you want to reply anon commenting is enabled.

He ran a hand through his shaggy, spiky blond hair, trying not to make eye contact even though he could practically feel their eyes on him. He sat with his back ramrod straight, in a ratty, vomit colored loveseat, surrounded by maybe twenty bulky, muscular men in all shapes and sizes, sitting in equally vomit worthy hued couches. The only people to occupy the area, of course, were the expendable ones. The important ones were deep inside the building; the inner rooms were what mattered, he knew.

One man coughed, the sound echoing in the large, mostly empty room. The sound reverberated in the still, silent air, and for just a second, Naruto Uzumaki was starting to rethink his plan. Maybe walking up to the front door of one of the most notorious gangs of Konoha hadn’t been such a bright idea after all. Or maybe he should have had a plan in the first place. Oh well, too late now, he thought with a hint of morbid amusement. With all the people, there was no way he was getting out of this unscathed.

Other than the horridly colored furniture, there was a large foldable table in the middle of the room with what appeared to be an abandoned poker game on it and a small television shoved in the right hand corner, playing what looked like soft porn on mute. He averted his gaze, his bright blue eyes watering when he stared at the glaring lights overhead for too long. He blinked a couple of times before he instinctively tensed, feeling that there were more than just a few hostile eyes in the room. He was ready for a brawl if the situation called for it, but he hoped it wouldn’t have to come to that.

He had walked down the damp, dark, maze-like alleys for nearly an hour, taking special care to shake off anyone who might be stupid enough to follow him, and this was what he got? Hours (he wasn’t actually sure how long it’d been, seeing as how they had taken his phone and wallet) of this aggravating waiting game and a roomful of goons who probably couldn’t even recite the alphabet? He was going to either die from the tension or boredom. Whichever got to him first.

“Well, well, well,” a new, distinctly male voice said with amusement, “what do we have here?”

There were three doorways; one was the exit, and the other two led deeper into the building. The man had come from one of latter, obviously, but Naruto had been so busy blinking the tears from his eyes to notice. Things weren’t starting off so well. He narrowed his eyes, trying to make out the figure in the shadowed doorway before making the grave error (at least, that was what Kakashi liked to say, but he was a pervert anyway so his opinion didn’t count) of opening his mouth.

The man came into view, and Naruto had to work to suppress the growl from escaping his lips.

“Orochimaru,” Naruto greeted with what he hoped was a smile.

The fact that Naruto had recognized the man, let alone greeted him by name, had the men in the room letting out a collective sigh, releasing the tension and lightening the atmosphere more quickly than Naruto had thought possible. Some even had the gall to smile at him! He ignored them to focus on Orochimaru. The older man’s lips were upturned, in what was probably meant to be a pleasant expression, but his freakishly snakelike eyes gleamed with suspicion in the harsh lights of the room. Even when he had been a part of the group, Naruto had never quite gotten used to the way Orochimaru would look at him. Like he was a moderately amusing animal.

“Kyuubi,” he said with a hint of warmth, from anger or fondness, the blond had no clue. The goons didn’t seem to notice, however.

If anything, this affirmation of Naruto’s identity only served to amplify the odd feeling of welcome he was getting from the large men.

“Or do you go by a different name now?” Orochimaru added questioningly.

Naruto gave himself a mental pat on the back for not wincing at the implications behind the statement.

“Five years away from this dump doesn’t change anything, old man,” he answered breezily. It was true; the place itself hadn’t changed much at all in all the time he’d been gone. Apparently, that was good enough for the men in the outer room.

“Man, man, so it is you! Man, we’re sorry for not believing you, Kyuubi. Just gotta be careful these days, y’know?” one of them interrupted excitedly. “And, man, you just like, disappeared and everything, so we didn’t know what to do, y’know?”

Naruto didn’t even bother to mention that his scarred, whiskered cheeks should have been a dead giveaway.

“Yes, what did happen out there?” Orochimaru asked, cutting off the man’s rude interjection, feigning indifference and absently toying with the cuff of his shirt, aware of their large audience. He wore a black suit jacket (which Naruto thought was weird since it was nearly two in the morning) over a white floral patterned shirt, open at the chest, revealing his sickly pale skin. He was impeccably dressed, even in the dead of night, but Naruto was no fool. Image played just as large a part in leading a large organization as being able to shoot someone in cold blood.

Naruto himself was dressed in a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a couple of buttons unbuttoned at the top, revealing a smooth, tan collarbone. He supposed he didn’t look threatening in the least, but then again, he knew that he looked, at the very least, higher class than these idiots hanging on his every word. Besides, if the time came to fight, he knew they would sorely underestimate him, and he would definitely use that to his advantage.

“Actually, can we speak in private?” Naruto asked with (what he dearly hoped was) an easy grin.

The truth was, Naruto didn’t care who the hell heard, but it was better to just tell it to one person. There was no telling what he would mess up with little inconsistencies that were bound to appear from having a roomful of witnesses. He could contradict himself without even realizing it, and this was probably where having a plan would have come in handy.

“Of course,” the greasy haired man (okay, so maybe it wasn’t greasy, but it was still gross and shiny) said with an odd look, gesturing to Naruto with a careless wave of his left hand.

The outer room was full of protests when Orochimaru turned to leave without a word, clearly expecting Naruto to follow. Naruto couldn’t help thinking that he wasn’t a fucking dog. Either way, Orochimaru was leaving, and with a small, hesitant wave to the men, Naruto followed. He could hear people muttering in the room he had just left behind, the words blending together. One thing was clear though; they believed that the legendary Kyuubi was back.

As he tried to figure out which way he had gone, he wished Orochimaru would have told him where they were going since it would have made things easier for him, though the man was often difficult on purpose. Naruto would have been find the way on his own, without jogging, thank you very much, if he had a destination in mind. He had lived in the place for years, after all. Naruto managed to catch up, and Orochimaru continued walking at a brisk pace, his sandaled feet the only other noise in the dimly lit halls. The tension was back, damn it.

It was a damn maze inside the building just as it had been to get there in the first place, but this made sense to Naruto as it prevented intruders from finding their way. Naruto felt more than saw it when they reached the entrance to the inner rooms. He shivered, and he didn’t think it had anything to do with the air conditioned corridors. He watched as Orochimaru entered a code and placed his thumb on a scanner. Crap. It was going to nearly impossible to get in here without another member.

The door slid open silently, and with a deep breath, he stepped over the threshold. The inner rooms were more carefully put together than the outer rooms, though just as large, the beautifully furnished room, complete with priceless art framed on the walls and plush carpets, the epitome of luxury. The only people allowed in were important, of course, so they had to be treated with the best money could buy, especially if they were inner circle members or potential business partners. Naruto used to be one of them.

This was the neutral ground between the more decadent rooms and the dismal outer ones, with neutral coloring to match. Orochimaru sat gracefully on a beige sofa, crossing his legs and folding his arms before leaning back and raising an eyebrow as if to say, ‘Well?’

Naruto sat opposite him, though not willingly. He didn’t like being within two feet of the man.

“I was arrested,” Naruto said bluntly. “Five years ago. The cops figured they had gathered enough evidence to lock me up for a long time and acted on an anonymous tip telling them where and when I’d be that week. It was Nagatsu, by the way, but I took care of him already.”

That much was true at least. Now for the hard part.

“They were afraid there’d be an attempt to break me out, mostly from you guys. Fuckin’ knocked me out before they took me in so that I wouldn’t struggle and make a scene. Said I was resisting arrest and all that crap. When I woke up, they had already moved me to Suna.”

He let that statement settle for a bit before continuing. Suna was well known for its highly guarded prisons, low escape rate, and ruthless police officers. It was also notorious for its gangs. He watched Orochimaru settle into his seat more comfortably, though this did nothing to lighten the atmosphere.

“I wasn’t allowed any interaction with the outside. They said I was too dangerous. Solitary fucking confinement,” he said disgustedly. “But after a couple of years, I managed to get a message out to Suna’s jinchuuruki. He helped me hightail the hell out of there. The details are a little fuzzy, but all I have to say is, even the best cops can be bought. So here I am. Damn, I can’t believe they managed to keep it all a secret for so long though. I thought for sure you guys would have heard something on this end.”

Orochimaru accepted his story with a twitch that Naruto took to be a nod. Konohagakure’s Kyuubi pulled off impossible feats all the time, after all.

“Despite your incredible story, you do realize,” he said after a pause, “that I can’t let you in any further than this room?”

“No, no, I get it,” Naruto replied agreeably, though inwardly, he was cursing Orochimaru and his unborn children, which he hoped would stay that way for a long, long time. .

“Yes, I believe that after five years, you need a little refresher course of just what it means to be a part of our organization.”

“You don’t mean…”

Orochimaru smiled again, the sight making Naruto want to vomit.

“That’s right. You’ll have to prove yourself through the outer circle again.”

“That’s fine with me,” Naruto grinned as he stood up. “I’ll let myself out, thanks, and introduce myself to the guys.”

The door slid open, and with one last look at the snakelike man, he left.



Two weeks had done nothing to reduce the awe he would receive when speaking to any outer circle member. They were so grateful, so honored to be in his presence that they constantly asked him if he needed anything, be it a change of clothes, another drink, or a back rub. He passed on the back rub. They all slept on the ugly couches together, some in sleeping bags, others on the ground, but they made sure Naruto had his own couch, separated from their group at night, for which he was thankful.

All in all, it was an easy time, training, eating, sleeping, collecting debts, more training, knocking around a couple of rival gang members, petty thefts, training again. In spite of being watched twenty-four seven, it was much easier than being in the inner circle, but the blond was anxious to get in. He had wasted enough time as it was. Besides that, there was something that had been bothering him. Someone, actually.

On his second day in the building, the door leading to the maze that led to the inner rooms opened, and a man Naruto had never seen before stepped out, Orochimaru right on his heels.

Electric blue eyes met smoldering black as their gazes locked. Naruto couldn’t help but stare incredulously at the man coming from the labyrinth, a place where Naruto rightfully should have been, and to see this…this guy with his ridiculous duck butt hair and his equally stupid pale skin (that somehow didn’t make him look like he was about to die, unlike Orochimaru) and that damn mouth, downturned ever so slightly when he turned his gaze towards Naruto. Gah. Okay, so maybe the guy was kind of good looking, if you liked the brooding emo look. Which he didn’t. But damn it.

“Ah, Sasuke,” Orochimaru said, “I don’t believe you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting our little fox.”

The old creep had the nerve to sound pleased, but that guy, that Sasuke, only raised one eyebrow at the news and remarked offhandedly, “I wasn’t aware our organization dealt with the taming of wild animals. This one still looks rabid.”

Okay, who the hell did this guy think he was? Obviously, the hierarchy had changed a little more than he had anticipated, but for this complete stranger to insult Naruto, the renowned nine tailed fox of Konoha…this fucking punk was going down.

“Oh? Well, I didn’t know that any of Orochimaru’s boy toys were allowed out either, so I’d say we’re even.”

Before the blond could blink, he found himself pushed against the wall with, of all things, a sword held against his throat. The black haired man was taller than he had looked sitting down. He was roughly the same height as Naruto, and his thin figure had hidden surprisingly well trained muscles. He probably shouldn’t have forgotten that being able to sit in that particular seat without punishment meant that he was highly skilled in combat. Damn. He couldn’t back down now. So he settled for glaring. Really, really hard.

He noticed, in the midst of his glaring, that whereas Orochimaru had pasty white skin, Sasuke’s was pearly white, smooth, so fucking touchable that he felt as if he had to reach out for at least a little feel. It couldn’t possibly hurt, could it?

The sharp blade at his throat was a harsh reminder that yes, it could and probably would hurt, if not outright kill him.

“I don’t recall seeing you here before, but let’s get one thing straight. I don’t care if you’re a fucking lion, dead last, you do not speak to me that way.”

Naruto glowered. He couldn’t risk saying a word, let alone take in a breath; the blade would have cut into the soft flesh of his neck easily. In fact, it was probably already bleeding, but Naruto knew that now he was back, there was no way Orochimaru would let him die. At least, not without getting something useful out of him first.

On cue, Orochimaru stepped in between the two, placing a cold, pale hand on the other’s wrist.

“Don’t be too hasty, Sasuke. No need to damage an ally. Isn’t that right, Kyuubi?”

Sasuke’s eyes widened imperceptibly (Naruto only noticed because he was so busy trying to glare the crap out of the guy) as he backed off.

“There’s no way he’s the Kyuubi,” Sasuke said disbelievingly as he sheathed his sword, even though Naruto was right there. “He disappeared five years ago.”

“What, I can’t come back from the dead?” Naruto scoffed.

Sasuke merely snorted, pivoting on his heel and stalking out of the room. Orochimaru offered what Naruto supposed was a sympathetic grimace before following.

“What the hell is that guy’s problem?” he asked no one in particular.

“That’s Sasuke,” No One answered unnecessarily.

“Yeah,” another chimed in with glee, “he came in like, four years ago. We all figure it’s ‘cause the boss has a thing for him, but we never dared said it to his face before.”

“He’s dangerous and power hungry, that one. Heard he killed like, fifteen people in the lower district crews with that sword to get the boss man to notice him, and he’s only risen in ranks ever since.”

Naruto hummed in response, making a mental note to watch out for that one and avoid him at all costs.

Of course, Naruto’s resolutions always did have a tendency to come back and bite him in the ass. Every day following his resolution to steer clear of the slash-happy man, he would catch a glimpse of pale skin, long, dark hair, a cold sneer, or fiery black eyes just as they turned a corner. It was kind of freaking him out.

At the moment, however, it was all Naruto could do not to stare at the delicate looking man, trying to focus his attention on the task at hand. Orochimaru had requested to speak to him in his office, which he hoped was about his promotion, but Naruto hadn’t expected Sasuke to be there. Sasuke, with his pristine dark purple dress shirt (which Naruto was valiantly trying not to laugh at) and black pants, looking irritated beyond belief in a corner of the room.

“What’s up, boss man?” he asked, mocking the outer circle’s nickname for the man. It didn’t faze him one bit.

“You’ve done well, Kyuubi, these past couple of weeks. Kabuto reports that you’ve done everything we’ve required, and your loyalty is as strong as it was before you were detained.”

Naruto nodded, mentally freaking out over the fact that Kabuto had been watching him without his knowledge. He had thought it was only the pack of idiots.

“I believe it’s time you return to your rightful place. Sasuke, show Naruto to your rooms. They were his previously, did you know?” Orochimaru added with a mischievous smile.

“Explains the smell when I moved in,” he heard Sasuke mutter under his breath, ensuring that only Naruto could hear.

He watched as Sasuke left the room without another word, and with a look back, Naruto could see Orochimaru still smiling in his creepy way as he bid him goodnight. He quickly followed Sasuke, not wanting to be left alone with the older man any longer than necessary.


Right. Time to regain his confidence. The sudden meeting and Sasuke’s presence had thrown him off his game a bit. It didn’t exactly help that walking behind Sasuke gave Naruto an excellent view of the guy’s ass. Ah, distractions.

“You can sleep on the floor,” was the first thing Sasuke said after endless walking through the labyrinth-like halls.

“What the hell? I’m the guest! Shouldn’t I take the bed?” Naruto demanded.

“No,” Sasuke answered without hesitation, “you might have fleas or some other parasitic infestation I’m unaware of.”

“But it’s my room anyway!”

“Then you should be well acquainted with the floor, idiot.”



“Hey, how long have you been here anyway?” Naruto asked curiously as Sasuke entered the code into the keypad in front of them, as if they hadn’t been arguing a few seconds prior.

Sasuke, unsurprisingly, didn’t answer. He could practically hear Sasuke grinding his teeth together as the machine scanned his thumb. Naruto laced his fingers behind his head and let out a bark of a laugh.

The doors opened. And Naruto’s jaw dropped.

“What the fuck? What happened to my room?” Naruto cried, devastated.

He could swear that Sasuke was smirking beneath his long, black bangs.

“My ramen posters, my ramen wallpaper, my ramen bed sheets!”

Sasuke looked up and gave him a look as if to say, ‘you really think I’d be caught dead sleeping in a room with all that crap?’

“But…my stuff!”

“They thought you had defected, moron. Why would they bother keeping your things?” Sasuke scoffed.

“But it’s so empty!”

The room was spacious, with only the bare necessities. There was a large bed in the center of the room with a dresser and a nightstand on the right and a desk on the left. The closet door was shut.

“There’s no color!”

Whereas the room had been previously decorated in bright neon orange and red, its current color scheme was much farther down the spectrum. The only colors visible to Naruto were dark blue and black. Gloomy. Just like its current occupant.

“I trust you know where the bathroom is,” Sasuke said snidely. Oh, what he would give to wipe that condescending smirk off that face.

Naruto made a face instead, sticking his tongue out rather childishly at the other man before announcing that he was going to be taking a shower, so unless Sasuke wanted to nice view of his ass, he would stay the fuck out. Sasuke responded with a glare. They were both well versed in the language of glaring.

Five seconds after his blond head disappeared into the bathroom, he stuck it out again.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a spare set of clothes, would you?” he asked sheepishly, having had to rely on the outer circle for basic items like clothes and soap.

“Only an idiot would come here with nothing but the clothes on his back,” Sasuke muttered under his breath. Naruto couldn’t disagree.

Because Orochimaru would probably scold him if he didn’t, Sasuke reached into the dresser and blindly grabbed the first thing available: a black tee and a pair of black shorts, both with a weird pokeball embroidered on the back. He tossed them at Naruto without a word, who gratefully caught them and shut the door again with a slam. He was definitely not going to ask for new underwear.

The steam from the showers helped him relax a bit as he helped himself to Sasuke’s shampoo and conditioner. He snickered at the thought of what the other man would say. He lathered on a considerable amount of body wash and hoped that he wouldn’t come out smelling like Sasuke. That would be disturbing on so many levels.

He helped himself to one of Sasuke’s towels as well, wrapping it around his waist as he picked up his day old clothes from the ground. Though Sasuke was a jerk, he didn’t seem like too bad of a guy. Minus the sword fighting part.

“Hey Sasuke,” Naruto said as he opened the door. “Do you have like, a hamper or something?”

Sasuke, as luck would have it, was in the middle of drinking a glass of water on his bed. Which he promptly choked on when he saw Naruto’s barely-there towel around his waist. He coughed and pounded on his chest with a fist with a thud before speaking.

“You couldn’t ask me that with your clothes on?” he asked in a strangled voice.

“Um. Oh. I could’ve. But I didn’t, so…”

Sasuke’s flustered and reddening face was a whole lot more attractive than that come-close-and-I’ll-puree-your-precious-parts scowl he usually wore. In fact, Naruto found himself liking it more and more as it grew darker.

“What’s the matter?” he asked with wide eyes as he moved closer, his bare feet padding against the carpet.

“Don’t come closer!” Sasuke snapped. “You’re dripping on the carpet.”

Naruto’s bright smile was the only warning Sasuke received before the vulpine man shook himself.

“All better!” he declared with a puffed chest.

“Go back inside and put on some pants,” growled the increasingly impatient man.

“Geez, don’t get your panties in a twist, I’m going, I’m going.”

When Naruto walked out again, he had done what Sasuke had asked. He had put some pants on. The t-shirt was nowhere to be found. He then proceeded to flop noisily onto Sasuke’s bed. His bed, which he was currently occupying.

If Sasuke hadn’t been so dumbstruck, he would have released an embarrassing squawk.

“This is so much softer than my bed, let alone the floor! I think I’ll sleep here tonight!”


“Not listening! Good night, sourpuss!” Naruto said as he snuggled deeply into the pillows.

Unexpectedly, Naruto found himself roughly shoved to one side of the bed. And by shoved, he meant punched. Really hard.

The mattress dipped as Sasuke shifted his weight and moved to the opposite side of the mattress and settled in. Naruto growled. He leapt onto Sasuke’s prone body and grabbed a handful of his shirt, effectively leaving them face to face, before landing his own punch, right into Sasuke’s jaw. His head snapped back, his hand automatically hovering above the wounded area.

“You complete and utter moron,” Sasuke hissed as he leaned forward to elbow Naruto right in the gut, pinning him down on the bed and reversing their positions. For a second, the blond couldn’t breathe, and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to.

“You started it,” he wheezed, attempting to kick Sasuke or knee him in the crotch. Whichever worked best; he wasn’t picky. .

Sasuke’s face was millimeters away from Naruto’s, their harsh breathing the only noise in the room. Their warm breath mixed, and without another thought, Naruto grabbed Sasuke’s bangs and pulled him closer. Much better than kicking or kneeing, in Naruto’s opinion.

Their lips collided, and he didn’t think it could exactly be classified as a kiss. It was more a clash of lips and teeth. Either way, it still felt absolutely wonderful and tasted very much like mint. He could feel more than see Sasuke’s face heating up again, his body tense and frozen, and he nipped at the other man’s lower lip just to see how Sasuke would react.

He didn’t disappoint. The sharp intake of breath fueled Naruto’s desire to unearth more reactions, more responses out of him. It didn’t take much more of Naruto sucking on his lower lip for Sasuke to hesitantly open his mouth. Naruto’s tongue plunged inside, exploring every crevice, tasting every corner, battling Sasuke’s tongue for dominance. It was not a battle easily won.

Still on top, however, Sasuke took control of the kiss, moving a hand to cup the back of Naruto’s head, running the other through his soft, blond hair. It gave him better access to Naruto’s mouth as well, and holy crap Sasuke was a good kisser. Who would have thought the uptight asshole would melt under his touch? With one particularly hard bite, which Naruto found incredibly sexy by the way, he vaguely registered the fact that they would both probably end up with bruises tomorrow.

He nearly let out a yelp when he felt Sasuke tug on his hair harshly, and the other man briefly paused to give him an annoyed look before going back to sucking Naruto’s soul out of his body through his mouth. His hands clenched, as if unsure whether or not to pull or push Naruto away. In return, Naruto tried to get Sasuke to stay still, damn it. With Sasuke’s elbow leaning on his chest and a sharp hip bone nudging his own, he couldn’t move without wincing. Yep. Definitely bruises. But no time to think about it now that Sasuke was starting to do wonderfully wicked things with his hands.

Never stopping the kiss, one of Sasuke’s hand snaked down from Naruto’s head towards his chest, flicking a hard nipple as it passed. If asked later, Naruto would not admit to making any sort of whining sound whatsoever. When the hand reached the waistband of his pants, Naruto’s hips lunged upwards, starved for touch. Okay, he was totally not going to admit to that either.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), with that one awkward thrust, Naruto had managed to see just how happy Sasuke Junior was. And he was pretty damn happy. Feeling it for himself made the blood rush to his own nether regions, and he eagerly wrapped a leg around one of Sasuke’s, pulling him down right on top of Naruto before flipping and reversing positions. Ah, yes, friction.

Sasuke let out a strained groan as Naruto broke the kiss to latch onto his sweat slicked, pale neck. It was just begging to be bitten. Sasuke lifted his hips, trying desperately to reach Naruto’s. He kneed the blond in the side before pinning him to the bed, smirking for a total of five seconds before Naruto roughly bucked and the pair toppled to the floor in a pile of tangled limbs and heated flesh. Their groins met in a rough and ragged sort of dance, the cloth serving to hinder their release.

Why was everything so damn hot? And Sasuke was still fully clothed! This wouldn’t do. Alternating between sucking and biting on Sasuke’s neck led to the most delicious noises he had ever heard, and tugging down his pants and wrapping a hand around Sasuke’s weeping cock and pumping was, if possible, even better. Sasuke desperately thrust into Naruto’s hand, eyes clenched shut, face still flushed.

Naruto smirked before he lurched, efficiently straddling Sasuke (who, at this point, seemed incoherent), and languidly rolled his hips against Sasuke’s. Both men let out a small cry, and Sasuke’s eyes snapped open with a glare.

“Damn it. Kyuubi, you better--”

“The name’s Naruto,” he interrupted.

Naruto grinned cheekily, tugging his pants down to his knees. Yes, this was what he needed. Flesh on flesh, skin on skin. Their leaking cocks rubbing together, both their voice increasing in pitch with every well placed thrust. With a grunt, Naruto grabbed both their pulsing red members and began thrusting and pumping in earnest. He wrapped one arm around Sasuke’s shoulders, bringing them chest to chest. He vaguely thought that Sasuke really needed to be out of that shirt, but he promptly forgot about it as he felt Sasuke tense. more more more

They were both close, sticky and slick from sweat, Sasuke pawing and scratching rather viciously at Naruto’s shoulder blades, and it felt good. He was fucking seeing stars, and it didn’t help matters when Sasuke reached down to help things out.

The glass of water laid long forgotten, spilled all over the plush, blue carpet. The pair didn’t notice when they rolled over the large, damp spot.

Naruto felt as if he was on the edge of a cliff, and with a hiss, let himself fall headfirst into the abyss. He frantically fisted Sasuke’s cock in his euphoria, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive head and slit for good measure before he too came, arching his back beautifully and opening his mouth in a silent scream. He made such wonderful noises, Naruto thought, and a debauched Sasuke was a sight to behold. He wished he had a camera.

They said nothing as Naruto collapsed next to the dark haired man on the bed. He held out his fluid coated hand in wonder. How in the world had they gotten from a death threat to mind blowing sex? And they hadn’t even gone all the way yet! As if reading Naruto’s mind (or just the expression on his face), Sasuke opened his mouth to speak.

“That was a,” Sasuke said as he caught his breath, “one time thing. It’s not going to happen again.”

Naruto licked the patch of skin on Sasuke’s neck (where there was sure to be a love bite in the morning) in response. He tried to cuddle but wasn’t surprised when Sasuke punched his jaw (and it hurt, damn it!). He settled for wrapping his legs around the other man’s, and silently agreed.

Coming back to Orochimaru to destroy his corporation from the inside had been the idea. Forming intimate relations with one of its contributing members was not.

All his police training in the past five years would be for nothing if he let this one person ruin everything. His betrayal would have been for nothing. The sex was fantastic, but there couldn’t possibly be anything more. They were two completely different people, after all.

But when Sasuke yawned and shifted in the bed with, not a smile, but something close to satisfaction, Naruto couldn’t help but feel a little pang. Slowly, he crept one arm around Sasuke’s waist and settled in for the night. For now, he would enjoy the moment and wonder just how he could persuade Mr. Duck Butt Hair to shut him up by having sex. He smiled warmly at Sasuke before closing his eyes. Maybe he could try converting Sasuke into an average everyday citizen. One that didn’t walk around with a sword threatening to kill people all the time.


Their relationship was strange, Naruto realized after a week of sharing the same living space as Sasuke.

Other than that first night, Sasuke did not allow Naruto to cuddle. In fact, after sex, Sasuke stayed as far away from Naruto as possible, even going so far as to sleep right on the edge of the bed, precariously teetering every night and punching him when he tried to move closer. Another thing was that even though Sasuke had claimed they wouldn’t have sex again, they had. Several times a night, in fact. They had never gone all the way, but the blowjobs, handjobs, and frottage were just as good.

Outside of their bedroom, Sasuke made a point not to acknowledge Naruto unless they were training or the blond was being particularly annoying. In retaliation, Naruto made a point to be as annoying as possible.

Being in the inner circle again was nerve wracking. Sasuke was a nice distraction, but he couldn’t forget his goal. He needed to bring down Orochimaru, especially now that he could see the weird way he looked at Sasuke. Gross.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke was the most helpful in this area. When they weren’t on missions (where Naruto made sure to carefully not kill anyone because with all the blood, no one bothered checking), Sasuke had been typing away on a laptop. Naruto had snuck a peek and was stunned. It was a laptop full of all of Orochimaru’s business endeavors, with dates, names, and numbers. Just what Naruto needed. He felt horrible for using Sasuke, but with his goal in sight, he had no other choice. It was so close he could almost taste it.

“Hey, Sasuke?” he asked one day, lying on their bed upside down.

“What?” the brunet bit out, updating the information on his laptop.

“Can I borrow your phone?”

Sasuke turned in his chair to stare at Naruto disbelievingly.

“They haven’t given me mine back since they think it’s bugged,” Naruto explained with the patience of a kindergartener. “And all phone calls are monitored here, but I figure if I call with your phone and you do the monitoring, it’ll be less creepy than having Orochimaru walk around with a recording of my voice. I’ll even put it on speaker and everything.’

“And who would you be calling?” Sasuke asked with narrowed eyes.

“Gaara of the sand, better known as Shukaku,” Naruto answered truthfully. “I owe him.”

Sasuke had heard the story from Orochimaru and reasoned that it would probably do them more harm than good if Naruto didn’t call Gaara and return the favor. He tossed the phone on the bed.

Naruto took a deep breath before dialing a number that he repeated to himself everyday for the past four weeks so that he wouldn’t forget. It rang three times before anyone picked up.

“Yes?” a deep voice answered.

“Gaara! How you doin’?”


“Right, cool, I’m doing good too.”


“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I got here safely. Obviously, right? Otherwise I wouldn’t be good.”

“Good,” Gaara repeated.

“You remember how when we got out, we went left, up, right, straight, left two more times, and down a flight of stairs?”


“Good times, good times.”

He laughed nervously and ignored Sasuke’s amused snort.


“Uh huh. Anyway, so you know how you wanted to visit?’ he asked tentatively. “Well, you can come anytime.”

Silence on the other end.


“Thursday at five.”

“Cool, that’s cool. I’ll see you then!”

Gaara hung up.

Sasuke gave Naruto a strange look. Naruto handed back the phone, too dazed to start insulting his roommate. It was done then. All that was left to do was wait.

Waiting, it turned out, was the hardest part. Thursday was two days away, and though he performed his duties well, at night, he wasn’t in the mood for sex. Instead of getting angry, like he expected, Sasuke seemed more worried than anything, and it made Naruto feel even more guilty.

When the day came, at precisely ten minutes to five, Naruto snapped. He couldn’t go through with it. He grabbed Sasuke’s wrists and held them tightly.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Naruto?” Sasuke snarled.

“Look, I need you to get out of here,” Naruto said gravely. “I don’t want you to get caught up in this.”

“Caught up in what?” he demanded.

“I’m a cop,” the blond blurted out. “They’re going to be here any minute now, and I can’t let them get you too.”

Sasuke looked too stunned for words, his mouth moving with no sound coming out. Naruto kissed him. The brunet pulled away.

“You’re telling me that you’re an officer?”

“Yes, yes, now can you please-“

“No, let me get this straight,” Sasuke continued rather calmly, considering the situation. “You expect me to believe that the Kyuubi is actually a cop?”

“Damn it, Sasuke, when I was arrested, they only got me on charges of theft and assault. They’d been pestering me for years, enough times that we’d become somewhat friendly. They thought I could do better and arranged a way out for me. I only became a cop a few months ago. The only reason I’m back here is because Orochimaru’s getting out of hand with all the killings going on lately, and they needed someone who knew this place and how he works-“

“So Gaara-“

“Working with the cops-“

“And your conversation on the phone-“

“Yea. Directions for where the heads are meeting up and how to get there in this maze.”

He looked at Sasuke expectantly but impatiently.

“You fucking idiot.”


“I’ve been undercover for four fucking years with that bastard getting this information, and just because I haven’t been in contact with headquarters in years, that doesn’t mean you can---and now that I’m nearly done, you think you can just-“

Naruto’s brain short circuited.

“You…you’re a cop?”

Sasuke didn’t answer, grabbing his laptop off of his desk roughly and pulling the cords out, muttering under his breath about the idiocy of blonds.

The door slid open with a hiss and the sound of a cocked gun. Naruto looked up in surprise, only to find himself looking down the barrel of a gun.


He’d know that voice anywhere.


“Thought I’d let you know that they’ve gotten everything taken care of downstairs. I was a bit late for the raid, so I volunteered to go looking for you! And here you are!” he said underneath his mask. “I sure am a good police officer.”

Naruto didn’t miss that while Kakashi was talking to him, his eyes and gun were trained on Sasuke.

“Kakashi, that’s just-“

“Sasuke Uchiha,” Kakashi said quietly. “You’re getting quite a reputation in these parts, you know.”

“I know.”

Naruto had to admire Sasuke’s ability to remain calm, but this really wasn’t the fucking time for it. Panic would be good right about now. Remorse too.

“Any of it true?”

“As true as anything you read in your perverted little books,” he scoffed in reply.

Kakashi’s one eye curved, and he put down his gun.

“Welcome back, Sasuke.”

Sasuke smirked.

Naruto was going to have a heart attack. What the hell?

“Naruto, meet the officer that everyone thought had turned sides. Sasuke, meet your replacement.”

Naruto’s jaw dropped as he sputtered nonsensically. Sasuke was too dignified to do the same, but he looked as if he might start any second now.

“I never believed them, though,” Kakashi confided with an over exaggerated whisper. He noticed the laptop and seized it before either of the two could move. “Ooh, evidence! I’ll be taking that, thanks! See you outside!”

In the wake of Storm Kakashi, the pair could only stand there, astonished. Naruto was the first to break the silence.

“So. A cop, huh?”

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

“I guess this means we can still talk to each other! I mean, I’d thought about continuing this relationship while you were in jail or on the run, but this works out so much better, don’t you think?”

Sasuke kicked him when he passed by, trying to get to the door.

“I bet you look awesome in uniform.”

Sasuke grabbed a handful of Naruto’s shirt and pulled. Their lips met in a rough kiss, obviously meant to shut Naruto up more than anything. As Naruto deepened the kiss quite enthusiastically, he smiled. For once, his plan had worked out perfectly.

rating: r, summer 2009, submission: fic

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