#Supernatural Review 6x12

Feb 09, 2011 07:00

Where do I begin?

It was such a wonderful sight to see Sam standing in the door way, say "Dean?" and then rush over and grab his big brother in the biggest hug I think we've ever seen on Supernatural! It was so rewarding! Throughout this season we were thrown for an emotional loop with soulless!Sam and how he was with Dean and everyone around him. Dean was wound up so tight, I was afraid he was just gonna snap and lose it completely. So, when Sammy emerged from that room, when Sammy returned, so did Dean. For the first time in a long time we see Dean smile, joke and make light of a situation by just being his Dean self. I mean he even went as far as to emphasize the word "virgin". We got our old Dean back, because we got our old Sammy back and let me tell you, it was oh so sweet!

# Did I get upset when Bobby didn't seem as happy to see Sam back as Dean was?
Well, sort of. It's understandable that he wouldn't want to be around Sam right now, not too long ago Sam was on the verge of killing him. So, it's completely understandable that he wouldn't feel the way Dean felt when Sam entered the room. However, I was a little upset that Bobby took Sam trying to kill him so personally. First of all it wasn't Sam, so why hold it against him. Was it because Sam didn't remember and Bobby wanted him to so he could feel the guilt and spend the rest of his life apologizing to Bobby? Well, Bobby you got your wish. Sam knows what he did or is going to know what he did after Dean tells him and he will sit in the dark and feel the loss.

I really think that Bobby has reached the ends of his ropes. He is right about Sam needing to know what he did, because he will find out one way or another. But I think Bobby has been put through so many trials with the boys that perhaps he's just finally feeling it in his bones and soul. I'm not saying he doesn't love the boys, because no doubt he does, but I really think he's at the ends of his ropes and he's getting tired. I just hope he's able to find it in him to treat Sam right and not hold what soulless!Sam did against him.

# What about Castiel?
What about him? I know quite a few fans were upset with Castiel for being so crass towards Dean. But I didn't expect any other kind of reaction. Castiel told Dean not to do what he did, that if he did Sam could die or worse. Dean did it anyway and then expected Castiel to be all okay with it. Castiel's reaction was in the right. I'm glad he didn't sugar coat it.

# Why is he so happy that Sam is alive and well? Why does Castiel care about Sam all of a sudden?
I couldn't help but ask that as I watched the awkward moment of Castiel nearing Sam to give him a hug. It was kind of creepy if you ask me, but yes, I did say 'aw' when Sam backed away. It was awkward and it kind of left me feeling why is he so happy that Sam lived. Castiel has expressed that he wanted Sam to survive. But why?

For the first time this season Castiel answers a prayer that has nothing to do with his battle up in heaven. It was a personal prayer and he answered it. Is it because Castiel has a much more profound bond with Dean that he feels he needs to do right by Sam as well. Or is Castiel truly growing fond feelings of Sam (I mean it would be strange if he didn't eventually, after all Sam did save the world). I don't know, I'm not complaining, it's nice to see a heavenly being treat Sam well. It's just weird and I can't help but feel that maybe there's something more to it than the mere angel friend happy to see Sammy again.

# Why was Dean so adamant about Sam not remembering the last year and a half? Isn't it hell that he should be worrying about Sammy remembering?
I think Sam answered that one, Dean is trying to protect him, he's trying to keep anything from cracking that wall inside Sam's head. I love that Dean doesn't want Sam to remember all the horrible things Sam did while he was soulless, and I love how much Sam appreciates it and apologizes profusely to Dean and wants to make things right.

However, I can't help but think - just because Sam might remember his last year and half as a soulless person, doesn't mean he will remember his time in hell. I think something completely different will trigger that part of his memory and it might not be his memories of being soulless.

One thing I hope is that Dean does tell Sam everything, and it's not what causes the wall to crack. I think it's best that Sam knows what he did, so he can make amends and set the brother's on the path of healing and bonding. Dean is going to have all those memories of Sam being crass, harsh, heartless. He's going to always remember the time Sam watched as he was turned into a vampire, I think it's only fair that Sam share that burden with Dean as well. Dean is doing okay now, he's got his Sammy back. But those memories will continue to haunt him, and in my honest opinion they should haunt Sam as well. I just hope that they don't crack the wall, cause I don't want Sam to remember hell.

# What do you think will cause that first crack in the great wall of Sam?
Mother of all. I think she will be the thing that causes Sam to start to remember his time in hell. I'm holding judgment for now, but so far I'm not impressed with the actress they chose to play mother. Hopefully, she does a good job of being evil, otherwise it might not work and if she's going to be the big bad for the rest of the season and hopefully for season 7, she better be good!

Hm, wonder why they needed so many virgins? Maybe 'mother of all' will need to hop through different vessels to stay top side? Either way, she was creepy and I think will be the creepiest big bad the boys will encounter. Killing virgin girls to raise mother of all evil, does no one else see the irony in that!

# If there's a mother of all evil, then shouldn't there be a mother of all good?
There should be and maybe that mother will be Mary Winchester! There has to be more to Grandpa Winchester trying to resurrect his daughter storyline, other than him just wanting her alive and back. It would be poetic - Sam defeating Lucifer, Dean resisting Michael, and mother Mary defeating mother of all evil!

# Favorite moments of the episode?
The HUG!!! O.MY.GOD! The HUG!!! It was such a sweet moment and I loved how Sam relished it and Dean was a bit hesitant at first, like he couldn't believe it, and then let it all go and hugged with just as much love and loss *clutches heart*

Beginning of season hug...

Mid-season hug ♥
Dean's smile as he watches Sam being soft and gentle towards the victim's sister. You could see how much he missed that. And his "I'm so happy you even asked that." *satisfied sigh*.

Soulless Sam...

Soulful Sam...

Dean reading the girl's diary and Sam finding it creepy! LOL! It was so wonderful to see them back to the brotherly banter and teasing. It's been long overdue me thinks ;)

Not only that. But they walked in sync and closed the car door in sync too! Our boys are back \o/

Dean's sword in the stone moment! What a sight for sore eyes, Dean making poop faces and laughing and joking and just breathing easy ♥

I got it...

I ggott itt...


Sam tricking Castiel into telling him what's up. The shattered look on Sam's face when he found out he was walking around without a soul was so heartbreaking =(

The talk between the boys. I loved how calm it was, I loved that there was no blame game, no shouting match, no animosity. Just calm and understanding. They're so grown up =D

Sam making the conscious decision to save Dean and let one of the dragons get away. Soulless Sam would have done the logical thing, risk Dean getting hurt or even killed, to kill both dragons and save all the girls.

Dean and his gold! Hopefully it doesn't disappear or get stolen. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it. Maybe a retirement fund of some sort ;)

Why don't you just cut to the chase and roll in it.

# My rating for this episode: 10 out of 10

I just loved it and couldn't really find any flaws in it, nothing that would warrant a lower mark.

Did anyone else think - 'CASTIEL?!' - when this scene came on screen? It was so quick that for a moment I thought he was Castiel. *giggle snort*

Edit: Just made a poll for the epi. You can take it HERE

reviews:season6 epi12

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