Title: Just Another Reason to Hate the Government 13/?
Rating: R
Characters: Sam, Dean, Keegan, Alec (X5-494), Max (X5-452), Logan, Mia (Psy-Ops, X0) Ames White, Castiel, et. al.
Pairing: Not-so subtle hints of Alec/Keegan, Dean/surprise
Spoilers: up to and including all aired episodes (i.e. 4.21)
Warning: Crossover, Dark Angel
Word Count: 7412
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Dark Angel, both belong to their respective owners.
Summary: Alec breaks, and Dean unexpectedly learns a valuable lesson in being transgenic. Oh, and even more PLOT-y goodness.
Reindoctrination Begins:
HereComments are love.
So What If You Can See The Darker Side of Me