Fic: Black Ice (SPN/Star Wars)

May 10, 2009 21:13

Title: Black Ice
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Category: Crossover, AU
Wordcount: 825
Spoilers: For the general feel of season 4 of SPN. No spoilers for the most recent episode, 4.21
Series: Part of the Jedi!Sam universe
Disclaimer: I don't own any these characters or the Supernatural and Star Wars
universes. This work of fiction is not written for profit.
Notes: This is more of a fusion, Sam and Dean et al as if they were part of the Star Wars universe. Chronologically, this takes place about ten years after the events in Little Jedi Lost Title is from an AC/DC song.

Summary: "I am Cas-ti El," the voice replied. "I am an agent of the Jedi. I've come to rescue you."

At my LJ

star wars

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