Gen Fic: Hell, and Back (4/?) SPN/CM

Jun 25, 2008 22:47

Title: Hell, and Back
Author: Kikkimax
Fandoms: Supernatural and Criminal Minds
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Warnings: Uh, language and violence? AU from season 2 finale in SPN, WORK IN PROGRESS
Summary: The title says it all. Sequel to Defect, you probably want to read that one first.
Disclaimer: If I owned either of these shows I wouldn't still be going to work every morning...
Distribution: Please don't without my prior consent.

S.S.A. Hotchner glanced at the clock as he got to his feet and grabbed his jacket. It was still early in the work day by anyone’s standards but it was Friday and his team had been through hell and back in the last six days so he made an executive decision. Everyone, with the notable exception of Gideon whose office was already dark, was gathered in the bullpen comparing notes and finishing their reports.

Slipping into his suit coat as he descended the stairs Hotch went to join them. “Where’s Jason?” he asked.

Reid looked up, not especially haggard in spite of no sleep and the long flight home. Youth really was wasted on the young. “He already left. I think he was going to head up to his cabin this weekend and decompress. Do you want me to get him back?” he asked, reaching for the phone.

“No,” Hotch said quickly. “In fact I want you all to go home, the paperwork will keep. And I don’t want to see any of your faces around here until Monday… barring of course anything drastic.”

“Drastic like a new BTK or Son of Sam,” Morgan quipped, also looking none the worse for wear, but then again, he had slept soundly on the plane for hours.

Hotch nodded and sighed. Unfortunately a new, bigger, badder serial killer was never out of the range of possibility. “Yes. Drastic like that.”

“Are you going home, too?” J.J. asked with a tired smile.

“Yes I am,” Hotch assured her. “Right after I…”

“We’re not leaving until you do,” Morgan replied, cutting Hotch off as he turned back to his computer.

Prentiss and Reid also kept working. J.J. leaned against the edge of Morgan’s desk and looked at Hotch expectantly.

“Right after I talk to the director and take us off rotation for the weekend,” Hotch finished. “Then I promise to go home.”

“That will give me just enough time to finish this,” Reid said.

“Me, too,” Prentiss agreed. Relatively new, she was certainly fitting in with the team spirit.

Morgan grinned as he typed. “So we’ll all leave together.”

Hotch gave in after another minute. He knew his people and they weren’t bluffing. “We’re all out of here in fifteen minutes,” he told them firmly.

Nods of agreement went around but before he went to see the director Hotch stopped at Reid’s desk. “Was Jason okay?” he asked quietly, but not quietly enough as all eyes turned their way waiting for the answer.

“I think so,” Reid replied. “He said he was tired but I took it as more of a physical reaction to not sleeping than mental fatigue.”

“Okay. Good.”

“Although I could be wrong,” Reid second guessed himself. “Do you want me to call him?”

“No,” Hotch said. “I’ll talk to him later this weekend. Let’s leave him alone tonight.”

“Are you sure?”

“Fifteen minutes,” Hotch reminded the whole group without looking back as he headed for the stairs. There was a flurry of fingers on keyboards behind him.

criminal minds

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