Title: What's an 09er?
Author: Echolls.
Crossover: Supernatural + Veronica Mars.
Rating: PG-13.
Characters: Sam/Dean/Veronica.
Spoilers: Supernatural S1/Veronica Mars S1 + S2.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own them either.
Summary: Three missing person cases arise in the town of Neptune, California. Sam and Dean Winchester arrive to find out just what the hell is going on. In the meantime, they bump into a seventeen year-old teenage girl by the name of Veronica Mars.
Feedback: It would be appreciated! This is the first fanfic I've ever written, and it's pretty much unfinished. I just wrote a little to see what the response would be like. I have a whole load of ideas, so if you people do like it, I'll write on. Just let me know.
“Dean, I hear what you’re saying, I just don’t think this is our kind of gig.” Sam Winchester emerged from the 1967 Chevy Impala, his hand pushing against the door as it slammed shut. The noise of the impact turned Dean’s head, that familiar irritated look on his face as he clenched his jaw tight. He didn’t say anything, but the expression on his face said it all - ‘shut up, Sam’. The two brothers appeared incongruous to the setting, braced for winter under the California sun. Neptune, California. The last place they expected to find themselves.
“And I thought your car was a hunk of junk,” Sam laughed, giving a low whistle as he looked to the perfectly parked LeBaron. Dean turned to look at the car, not amused with the dig. “You wanna be a smartass? Let’s see how far your feet carry you,” Dean was quick to retaliate as he gave the building the once over. Neptune High School. As far as Sam and Dean knew, all of the three teenagers who had gone missing in the past week had one thing in common - they all attended the same school. It was weak, but it was the best lead they had. Dean’s plan was to ask around. If anybody knew something, it would be these kids about to break out from the school at the sound of the bell.
Of course, some of those kids had their own quirky ways of escaping the traffic. “Aren’t you guys a little old for high school?” A small blonde by the name of Veronica Mars approached her car, her infamous title around these parts unknown to these two strangers. “Or a little too tall?” She looked to Sam who seemed to tower above her. She’d be intimidated if she could be.
Dean offered a faux-smile, the least bit humored as he took a step forward. “I’m Dean, this is my brother Sam. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” He didn’t really care for an answer, because he’d ask them either way.
“Sure. But first, let me ask you one. What is the Matrix?” And she tilted her head a little, perfectly aware that her good sense of humor was lost on this pair. She gave a nonchalant roll of her eyes, even though the tall one did give a little smile, but the shorter one had stared him out of it.
“Our cousin Gary went missing a couple of days ago,” Dean pulled a flyer from his pocket, folding it out and holding it to her attention as he spoke. “We hear that three others are MIA, too. Wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” He needed something that proved their coming here wasn’t a complete waste of time. The last thing h needed was to be proved wrong, Sam might love that. Veronica eyed the photograph, placing Garys face quickly. Cousins? Their cousin had been missing for two days, and they were dealing with it personally. It was quite odd. “Well, let me see. Last time I seen him he was doing tequila shots off of Lisa Leckmen.” Veronica nodded, pressing her tongue against the inside of her cheek. She watched as Dean gave the approving nod a guy might give when his best friend gets layed. “He’s an 09er. I’m pretty sure he’s gone AWOL in Las Vegas while he blows his parents net worth on hookers.” She handed back the flyer, walking off to her car and rummaging around in the bag for her keys.
Sam was quick on his feet, catchingup with her, unfamiliar with the slang around Neptune. “Hey, wait! What’s an 09er?” Dean folded the paper up, glancing to the LeBaron and then to the spitfire blonde. He was pretty sure he knew her type. Just then, she spun around, a grin on her face. “What’s an 09er!” Veronica repeated his question in pretend disbelief. “They just happen to run the town.” A town without a middle class, right?
“The rich and famous of Neptune.” Sam nodded, glancing over as Dean slipped the flyer back into his pocket.
“Exactly.” Veronica smirked, a little hint of bitterness on her lips. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to be getting back to my middle class life before this building explodes with them.” Veronica pulled her keys from her bag, unlocking the door to her car. Dean and Sam just watched on before Dean danced around the golden question. “We didn’t catch your name.” He nodded his head up, wondering if everyone was as talkative as she was. If so, they weren’t in for much luck.
“Veronica. Veronica Mars.” She shielded her eyes from the sunlight, her satchel calling shotgun as she turned back to look at them. No way in hell was she telling them her dad was working the same case. Relatives could be impossible and impatient. She didn’t even fully believe they were relatives just yet. Call it a hunch. “Nice car, Veronica Mars,” a smirk tugged at Dean’s lips as he held it back best he could. “You too.” She cocked her brows and looked to their run down vehicle before getting inside of her own. If she was certain about one thing, she was sure they weren’t from around these parts.