Title: Soul Eclipse
moire2Fandoms: BTVS/SPN
Rating: NC-17 or Adult
Warnings: Dark, Angst, Violence, Sex, Post-Season 7 for BtVS, Spoilers for “In My Time of Dying” for Supernatural. It has been ten years since the Winchesters were in the hospital and Dean was dying.
Summary: Buffy is in her mid thirties, but hasn’t aged much since Sunnydale. This is AU, folks, so there are some differences in vamps in this fic to blend the worlds. Please suspend belief if you can manage it. There are a few original characters. One fictional character is based on a ghost who haunts the re-built Sunshine Skyway in Tampa Bay. Locals believe this ghost died in 1980 when a freighter hit the old bridge’s steel and concrete supports during a storm. This event caused the old bridge’s center to collapse during rush hour. Many thanks to Nina for her inspiration and stellar beta abilities. I also have to thank Dani for her help with Dean’s dialogue. Without those two, this story wouldn’t be.
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