Title: Hearts Are Made Of Broken Glass
pink_bagelsGenre: humour, drama
Pairing(s): Castiel/Crowley (eventually...kind of...), Dean/Crowley (eventually...kind of? o.O)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2352
Disclaimer: You kidding? I own nothing.
Warnings: Some spoilers for the seventh season and some deviation from canon at the end of the sixth.
Note: This story did go on hiatus for a number of months, but I do think I've mentioned I'm a stubborn completionist--there's more done offline, so it will be finished :) Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Hell is no place for a brooding, guilty angel. So, Crowley sends Castiel on a crossroads mission. Big mistake.
Hearts Are Made Of Broken Glass ~
one //
four //
five //
six //
seven //
eight //
nine //
ten //
eleven //