Ghosts of Future Past, master post, [R] Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby

Sep 11, 2011 00:12

Title: Ghosts of Future Past
Author: etrix
Artist: amber1960
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, AU/AR, death, h/c, language, violence; spoilers for up to 6.20 (in a way)
Word Count: 75k

Summary: Dean already knows that the future isn't looking good. Sam's sneaking out at night and lying about it. Dean's pretty sure the angels are dicks and that they're lying to him, too. It isn't until he gets a visit from his own ghost that he realizes just how bad it's going to get, and the future that was becomes part of Dean's memories of the past. Surely, with all that he knows, he can fix things-if he can stay alive and sane, that is. A season 4 AU that bumps into seasons 5 and 6. Written for the 2011 spn_gen_bigbang challenge.

Story Master Post  |  Art Master Post

warning: angst, category: gen, rating: r, warning: language, warning: death, category: au, warning: violence, season four, author: etrix

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