#Supernatural Meet The New Boss Review

Sep 26, 2011 05:52

I'm not sure what's more disturbing, Castiel as a Leviathan or the thought of Sam still in the cage!

Season seven started off with a bang and held back no punches, it was an episode filled with the expected and unexpected alike. I wasn't sure if I should cry, laugh or just cower in fear. I believe I did all of the mentioned!

I have to admit to one thing that I never thought I'd ever admit to since this particular character was introduced to the show. But I really think I might miss Castiel. For me he started out as a really cool angel, who then turned into a big disappointment when he started to flip flop from being this angel, to being a confused child, who then turned into someone I really disliked when he hurt Sam and Dean. Now, though, I'm thinking I might miss him, just a smidgen.

With that being said, I'm looking forward to Castiel as the Leviathans (Casiathan?). Misha is a great actor, he had me hooked since the episode started and I actually can't wait to see how he portrays these Old Ones, and how he goes about dealing with Sam and Dean. Of course I haven't forgotten what Castiel did, and how it is the main reason for why Sam and Dean's lives are leveled, yet again. I was hoping we would see a lot of redemption-seeking from Castiel this season. But it's sad to think that he's not even alive to receive that forgiveness he desperately sought, when he finally came to his senses at the end of the episode. It's sad that Dean is going to have to hold yet another burden on his shoulders, because he didn't forgive Castiel and now that he's dead Dean won't be able to. Just another day in the life of the Winchesters, eh.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Sam, he was battling these hallucinations, while trying to figure out how to reach Castiel and do something about the new threat, all the while trying to seem okay for Dean because he didn't want to be another bubble-buster. Then, in comes Lucifer to tell Sam that he hasn't really left hell! I mean what the hell?! What the hell kind of joke is that to play on a guy?! … Oh, wait he's the devil, that's what he does. It was just so wrong on so many levels, Sam rationalizes to himself that everything he is seeing is a hallucination. He even believes it until Lucifer pulls the blinds down to reveal it's just another torture method. Clever, scary and had me believing it for a moment.

I have to wonder though, where did Sam go at the end of the episode. If what Sam was seeing was truly a hallucination, then where did he disappear to when Dean came looking for him? It makes me think that perhaps what Sam is seeing might be partially real and partially a hallucination. Maybe Lucifer escaped the cage and is messing with Sam's head. “We have to keep Michael in the cage.” Says Castiel. Interesting how he doesn't say Lucifer AND Michael. Perhaps another big secret that Castiel failed to mention? It'll be interesting to see where this goes.

Along with feeling bad for Sam, I was feeling equally sad for Dean. His world has yet again been turned upside down. He just came from wiping Ben and Lisa's memories of him. His brother's wall was torn down. His angel who he saw as another brother turned against him, and rained down yet another problem that he's going to have to fix. He was threatened and was close to getting smite by Castiel! I would drink and watch Asian anime porn, too! … maybe not, but I understand where Dean was coming from. He knew he was out of his league, he knew there was nothing he could do about the Castiel situation. But he did what he could do: fix the impala and drink beer. And, when there was something he could do about the Castiel situation he was right there with Sam and Bobby helping out. That feeling of helplessness doesn't suit Dean at all, and it makes us viewers feel very uneasy. But he is human and he is entitled to having those moments of self doubt, pity and just wanting to give up. What showed his true character, his true Deanness if you will, is when he stepped up where it truly mattered.

I have this uneasy feeling that we are going to be hallucinating along with Sam. I can't help but think the writers are going to throw in a few things that might look real to us, but is a hallucination to Sam only to then reveal it really wasn't real and therefore a hallucination for both Sam and us viewers! … My head hurts. … I'm a huge psychological/thriller buff and I'm looking forward to that aspect of the show. I only hope the writers do it well.

A few random thoughts:

Sam had a bandage on his hand throughout the whole episode. I'm assuming at least a month or so passed while Dean was fixing the car. Surely, Sam's hand would have healed. Unless that injury is telling us something.

The impala is obviously back to her normal self by the end of the episode, but we only see the back of her when the boys drive up to the house of the couple they're going to steal the sand crystal from.

Castiel really doesn't want Michael to leave Lucifer's cage. But why? I mean Castiel had enough power to kill Raphael, surely he would be able to do the same if Michael escaped.

Misha's Jim Carey moment when he turned into the Leviathans. It was creepy, but I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. Oh, Misha is gonna be good this season!

Dean does a lot of drinking yet he still looks as hot as he did in season 1. How is that possible! Shouldn't he be suffering from kidney problems by now!

Lucifer has a pop-belly xD

Death's bindings reminded me of a scene out of Harry Potter.

“You can't! Death's our bitch now!” But Dean used his blood, wouldn't that mean he was Dean's bitch? Meaning Castiel probably could have killed Bobby and Sam?

Grey Poupon! LOL! Poor Dean is missing his burgers and dreaming of the finer things in life. I can't wait for the scene where the boys are sitting in a diner and Dean is munching on a burger while Sam is gingerly chewing on his salad :)

Why is it that Bobby is the only smart one in a situation that is a matter of life or death. Re: the whole bowing down to Castiel.

Did anybody else find the scene with all the dead angels disturbing?! I sure as hell did and it gave me the jeepers creepers, too.

The title card for this season has moved to the top of my list of favorite title cards. The exploding, goop /blood/ectoplasm or guts, gives such disturbing visuals, coupled with it being in negative format. Then the oozing of the title just adds that extra something that has me shivering when looking at it. AWESOME!

Sam in one layer! … Sam in ONE layer!!! *dies at the pretty*

Sam and Dean fixing the impala together. Loved how it showed both brothers working together on their home. A complete contrast to the scene in season 3 'Fresh Blood' where it was more - big brother showing little brother the ropes. This scene showed them as equals and I could see that Dean really enjoyed the moment just as much as Sam, considering what was happening around them.
Dean might not be able to help you Sam, and you don't want to be another burden, but it doesn't mean he can't be there for you. Share a little brother, share a little.

Dean looked a little too domesticated with his side-due in the beginning of the episode. Chop that shit off and spike it up, give him back the rocker/rebel look!

I don't know why, but Death eating always fascinates me. Maybe it's the way he chews his food and slurps his soft drink.

Castiel was straight tripping in this episode. I mean he was really ego tripping and it's funny how it didn't last very long. LOL! He really did seem to enjoy his new position.

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So, what do you think is gonna happen with Castiel? Do you think he'll come back after the Leviathans are sent back to Purgatory (if that's how it happens)? Or do you think he's gone for good? Do you think Lucifer is out of the cage taunting Sam, or do you think Sam is just hallucinating?

screencaps courtesy of: ina_ami
video made by: yours truly aka Yaya8nifinty

discussion:episodes, reviews:season7 epi1, theme:hallucinations, discussion:characters

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