Fic: Tears and Laughter Dean Winchester/Tara Maclay NC-17

Jun 09, 2011 10:17

Title: Tears and Laughter
Artist: davincis_girl
Disclaimer: I own neither of the shows nor any of the characters. I write for fun and not profit.
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Tara, Sam, Giles, Bobby, others in minor roles
Warnings: some language, fight scene but nothing that you wouldn't see on screen
Spoilers:AU from season six of BTVS, after Jus in Bello for SPN
Summary: A reunion, a problem and an eventual solution
Author’s Notes: A sequel to Everything’s Temporary. I just love these two together, so I felt compelled to write more. With many thanks to dream_mancer  for looking at early versions of this and tolandiana24  for the later versions and helping with added scenes. Written for sncross_bigbang 
Link to Art Master Post: Here (give the artist some love!)

Part one
Part two
Part three

buffy the vampire slayer, .fanfic

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