The signup post!

Sep 01, 2011 00:00

You can stop holding your breath -- signups are now open for all participants!

Please read the complete rules before signing up. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. For anyone who is new, here's a basic rundown of the fest ( Read more... )

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Comments 114

idea_of_sarcasm September 1 2011, 04:44:46 UTC
Journal/pen name: idea_of_sarcasm
Email address: idea_of_sarcasm AT
Are you over 18? Very much so
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yes

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Fic, please

4-6 preferred characters/pairings:
Katie Bell/Viktor Krum
Katie Bell/Zacharias Smith
Angelina Johnson/George Weasley
Padma Patil/Terry Boot
Angelina Johnson/Oliver Wood
Pansy Parkinson/Terry Boot

Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving:
Alice Longbottom/Alastor Moody
Katie Bell/Cedric Diggory
Audrey/Percy Weasley (whom I picture as rather antithesis of each other)

(I really as happy with these "other" pairings as with the main ones, but they are my harder ones based on "suggestions" and squicks, so they get relegated to this list)

Suggested prompts or kinks: If you can give me a long and involved plot, I’ll love you forever, but really I’m just looking for a story to drive the fic at the very least - I’m not a fan of PWP. I love strong female characters, and I love the development of the characterization ( ... )


idea_of_sarcasm September 1 2011, 04:45:34 UTC
Squicks or characters/pairings you don't want to receive: For tertiary characters, I have no specific ‘do not wants’. For the rest: incest, chan, non-con, necro, bdsm, fluids that are not 'typical' during sex, 'cruel'sex, , bestiality, OOC characters, cross-gen, alternate universe, throwing DH completely out the window, gender-screwing around. Just really, any of the big ones - if I've forgotten something that sounds similar, it will likely squick me. Anal. Really dark. Mpreg. Pregnancy. Wedding fic unless you can avoid schmaltz. Three/moresomes. Infidelity! Inane fluff! The use of the words 'cunt' or 'pussy'. Calling somebody 'whore' or other derogatory names during sex. Trite 'angst' for the sake of 'angst'. Ridiculous nicknames. Things definitely don't have to be happy and wrapped up in a nice little perfect bow, but not 'dark' fic. I would prefer the characters be older - at least 18. Harlequin romance novel terms for body parts - core, rod of love, love canal etc.

Are you a writer or artist? Writer *insert ( ... )


el_em_en_oh_pee September 1 2011, 04:45:54 UTC
Journal/pen name: el_em_en_oh_pee
Email address: (required) fics.of.arie at gmail
Are you over 18? most definitely
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yes I did!

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? (limited by number of contributors, of course!) I would be 100% fine with either :)
4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Ron/Pansy, Ron/Ginny, Rita Skeeter/Colin Creevy(/Romilda Vane), Hannah Abbott/Ernie Macmillan, Harry/Ginny, Rose Weasley/Teddy Lupin
Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: Outside of those already mentioned... Rose/Scorpius or crazy crackfic/art like Umbridge/Filch or Sir Cadogen/Moaning Myrtle
Suggested prompts or kinks: UST, nontraditional gender roles, friends first, first time (together or at all), awkward sex, UST, a sense of 'doing this is wrong', plot, strong (/feisty) female characters, infidelity, post-Hogwarts/pre-epilogue (I'd love to get the sense that it could be epilogue-compliant, but that is by no means necessary), lots of ( ... )


rillalicious September 1 2011, 04:47:50 UTC
Journal/pen name: rillalicious
Email address: amaltheamoondragon at yahoo dot com
Are you over 18? Oh yes.
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? I did!

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Either one!
4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Narcissa/Charlie, Lee Jordan/Lavender Brown, Ron/Pansy, Draco/Hermione, Rose/Scorpius, Lily Luna/Teddy
Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: I really, really adore rarepairs, and if you're willing to give a try to a couple like Harry/Minerva or Neville/Minerva or Rose/Sirius, however you might envision something like that working, I'd love to read it.

Suggested prompts or kinks: Infidelity is a definite kink, though I would prefer if it's not coupled with darkfic. I love the epilogue, and the next gen kids, but if you want to leave them out that's cool too. I love canon-compliant and AU fic equally. I adore plot. Rushed, frantic sex with clothing getting ripped or tangled up is a definite kink. Breathplay. Clandestine meetings. Happy/hopeful/wistful endings. Literary ( ... )


snegurochka_lee September 1 2011, 04:49:55 UTC
Journal/pen name: snegurochka-lee
Email address: lupinbabe at yahoo dot com
Are you over 18? Yep
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? I did!

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? Either!
4-6 preferred characters/pairings: Draco/Hermione, Harry/Pansy, Harry/Hermione, Charlie/Hermione, Scorpius/older woman (Pansy or Hermione would be cool).
Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: Harry/Narcissa, Draco/Astoria, Viktor/Hermione, Scorpius/Victoire, Sirius/Lily, Sirius/James's mom, um... I'm pretty flexible on rarepairs. :) I'd be up for just about anything involving Harry, Draco, Pansy, or Hermione somehow (ie: paired with each other, or with others outside that group. Give me a threesome or foursome (!) involving that group and I might just love you forever).
Suggested prompts or kinks: Story-wise, I love a wide range of genres - as long as it isn't super dark (non-con, murder, horrible ending, etc.) or super fluffy (marriage, kids, sap, etc). I love drama and angst in romance, happy endings that take awhile ( ... )


snegurochka_lee September 1 2011, 04:55:09 UTC
For art, I love: messy hair; orgasm faces; predatory looks; thick-soled boots and muscular or at least fit men; tattoos; piercings; rushed or half-clothed sex; public sex; sex at weddings (ie: not bride/groom); Quidditch, and anything else from the stuff above.

Squicks or characters/pairings you don't want to receive: Pregnancy or fertility issues; foodsmut; crossdressing men; weak women; happily-married fluff. Not a big fan of Neville or Percy in major roles; Ron is not my favourite, but okay in minor or sidekick roles. Canon pairings are fine in the background if the fic is about a completely different pairing (ie: Harry/Ginny is fine if the main pairing is Draco/Hermione), but please no focus on canon pairings if I haven't listed them as ones I want. No Snape/Hermione. I know it's canon, but please don't write out Fleur's accent phonetically. Really not a fan of women giving blow jobs. Don't know why. Oh wait, yes I do. Even better if they object to it right there in the fic or art, ahaha, but not necessary. I'm a lesbian and ( ... )


#1 leni_jess September 1 2011, 04:59:05 UTC
Journal/pen name: Leni Jess
Email address: (required) leni_jess AT yahoo DOT com DOT au
Are you over 18? Too right
Did you read the 2011 rules thoroughly? Yes

Would you prefer to receive art or fic? (limited by number of contributors, of course!) Fic!
4-6 preferred characters/pairings: [pretty much priority order - Snape is so my favourite character!] Snape/Hermione, Snape/Slytherin female (one of his ex-students), Lucius/Hermione or Lucius/Narcissa => Lucius/Hermione, Neville/Hermione, Lucius/Narcissa
Other characters/pairings you would enjoy receiving: (optional) Viktor, or Viktor/Hermione (could be in Snape's Headmaster year after her September birthday), Dudley/Slytherin or Hufflepuff female might suit him best (post-war)
Suggested prompts or kinks: I've repeated several prompts from last year; I'd still like to see them written!
Post-war is fine (essential for the pairings involving Hermione, Neville and any ex-students (and Dudley too) - see may not write/read under 18s in sexual relationship, even in ( ... )


#2 leni_jess September 1 2011, 05:01:11 UTC
Neville/Hermione: Maybe Hermione is off personal relationships, after Ron's fits of unreliability during DH, and Neville needs to learn that he can be valued for himself, not just for suddenly becoming hero!Neville, though his activities during DH did show an enormous growth in confidence in his abilities - but action is different from relationships. Post-DH Neville has really interesting possibilities. Post-DH Hermione might realise she has a lot to learn about herself as well as about men. Ultimately a relationship of equals, please, though they have very different skill sets; maybe they can grow up and gain confidence together. Or you can set this pairing a few years into the Epilogue, if you like, after Hermione's children are born, and she finds she has three children to care for, not two. And there's Neville, all grown up, kind, unselfish, effective, but not a doormat ( ... )


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