Shiny-warm-sunny-spring-smut Meme

Apr 30, 2016 09:01

Shiny-warm-sunny-spring-smut Meme!!

It's spring and spring fever comes up, so let's have a super smutty-spring time

Rules are the same as always

1) No pedophilia!
2) Please request anonymously
3) Ip is logged off!
4) Please use following format:
Pairing(s)/ Persons I want:
Kink I want:

Go wild and write some nice spring fever porn <3

Written so far: (to come later)

Sakumoto split personality
JunBa first time smut (2stories)
Juntoshi punishment
Ohmiya Ohno is too lazy to go out and find a lover
Matsumiya Just a picture
JunBa Punishment

PiKame Backstage smut
RyoKame Love me like only you can do

*2016 spring meme

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