Dude. neverbeen2spain directed me here after, I think, she was directed here by fivil -- and while that was a lot of links to follow and it felt sorta like passing notes in junior high, it was totally worth it b/c this vid is so awesomely perfect.
This was beautifully done. I loved the roses! And the phones! And Saif falling! Everything was synched (is that how it's spelled? Probably not...) up so well with the song. And you really got the feeling of heartache that is Rohit/Aman.
Plus, it's funny. I just can't stop watching it!
Thank you for making it and sharing it! *watches it again*
Comments 10
I have to run to work but I can't leave the house without linking it in my LJ for others to enjoy.
such a cheesy song..such a perfect fit!
Plus, it's funny. I just can't stop watching it!
Thank you for making it and sharing it! *watches it again*
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