"Zing" - A Gift For ashleyfanfic

Jul 29, 2010 07:58

Title: Zing
Author: angelps_7
Gift For: ashleyfanfic
Summary: Rose has trouble getting Scorpius, her best friend, out of her head. Lucky for her, a mischievous Scorpius may feel the same way.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None…. Just some nice fluff :)
Word Count: 2,006
Lyrics/Quotes Used: 'Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember, always remember the sound of the stereo dim of the soft lights, the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers, and the time on the clock when we realized it's so late, and this walk that we shared together, the streets were white and the gate was locked so I jumped it and I let you in, and you stood and your door, with your hands on my waist, and you kiss me like you meant it.' - "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional
A/N: These were all really great prompts, but I opted to go with the last one. I felt that it evoked such strong emotions and vivid images, so I hoped to capture that feeling of never-ending romance here. I feel like we will all encounter a moment like this sometime in our lives, hopefully, so this is a little tribute to those single, unforgettable nights. I hope you enjoy this story!!!

The Great Hall buzzed with chatter. It was our last day before the official start of summer. Students rushed in and out, dragging their trunks behind them. They jumped all over the hall, hugging each other good-bye, snapping photographs, squealing and crying all at once.

Me? I was indulging in my final, delicious breakfast of the year. There was only one more year left to enjoy this spectacular sea of food.

“Good morning Weasley,” Scorpius greeted as he sat across from me.

He watched as I piled potatoes, scrambled eggs, and bacon onto a plate, topped it off with cheddar cheese melted by wand, and grabbed four pancakes doused with maple syrup on the side.

“Good morning to you too!” I said a bit too cheerfully, and then cringed to myself.

Scorpius raised a brow. “Rose, I still don’t understand how you can eat so much, yet manage to look like a lady and stay so thin.”

I shrugged. “It’s the Weasley blood. Have you seen my dad eat?”

He chuckled. “Yes. It’s bloody scary.”

I laughed, secretly happy about the small talk. It distracted me from thinking about the year ending and the summer beginning… I was definitely not looking forward to another boring summer at home, away from the excitement at Hogwarts. Not that it’s boring at home - I’ve got so many cousins, aunts, and uncles that it’s impossible to have nothing to do, yet it just wasn’t as exciting as being with my close friends. More specifically, with Scorpius.

My thoughts were interrupted as a few of my cousins swept by the table, grabbing a few scones before rushing out.

“Wait! Where are you going?” I yelled, sounding a little too desperate for company other than Scorpius.

“Quidditch!” was their one-word answer. Of course. Today was their traditional, final-day game between all the houses, with no rules and no referees. It was always the most anticipated event of the year. Once could definitely bet on several tricks, bizarre flips, and unforeseen cheating schemes. Players planned and practiced for months prior. Not to mention that the losing team had to fly five “nearly-naked” laps around the pitch.

I looked at Scorpius reading the paper across from me and sighed. I pushed my potatoes around on my plate, and Scorpius seemed to sense my discomfort.

“So… I heard you went out with Boot.”

I snapped up. “What? How did you know?”

Typical Scorpius. He always knows when I’m uncomfortable, and tries to push it further with awkward and personal questions. Does he not understand the personal bubble?

“Lily told me.” He raised a brow and grabbed my hand from across the table. “Better question would be, why didn’t you tell me? I thought there were no secrets between us.”

I pulled my hand away, burying my head in my hands. “I don’t know. I didn’t think you’d care to know.” The truth was, I didn’t want him to find out. I had been harboring feelings for him so long, and had been hoping that this summer would finally be ours. I highly doubted the little fantasies in my head would actually happen though. It had been way too long since any spark had existed between us.

“Of course I care, Rose. You know that.”

“Yeah well… there’s nothing to tell anyways.”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned being a Malfoy, it’s that there is always a story.”

Rolling my eyes, I put my napkin down and we headed outside towards the lake, trying to find an enormous tree to shield us from the unyielding sun.

I whipped around to face him, walking backwards. “He’s great, okay? He’s nice, and he’s tall. He’s strong and yet so sweet. A gentleman. The ‘complete package,’ according to Lily.” I sighed and turned back around.

He didn’t’ say anything.

“He’s a friend of my friend… he really likes me, so I’m just seeing where it goes.”

We finally sat down, and I leaned against the tree. He knelt beside me.

“And is it going anywhere?” he asked cautiously.

I didn’t even have to ponder the question. “I don’t know. I don’t think it is. He’s a really nice guy. He really likes me. But I just don’t feel … it.”

“Feel what?”

“The zing. The butterflies, you know… it’s just not there.”

He looked curiously at me.

My eyes widened. “Haven’t you ever felt it?”

“I certainly didn’t feel it with Danielle.”

Right. Danielle. His lady-friend-thing that lasted all winter and spring.

I sighed, trying to find the words to describe the feeling. “It’s like… you can’t get enough of each other. You always want to be around each other, you find excuses to see each other or to touch each other… and when you’re together, it’s… magic. You can feel it. It’s comfortable and it’s home. And you can’t imagine the night ending.”

I looked up to see that he had moved closer. Suddenly the mood had shifted, and I felt my cheeks heating up. Why was he so close?

“And when you’re dancing, and you look into each other’s eyes, and the world around you disappears...”

He traced a finger up my arm, across my shoulders.

“And… when you touch…”

“Yeah?” He was just inches from my face, his piercing blue-grey eyes boring into mine. His gaze was so intense that my breath caught in my throat, the rest of my words completely lost.

“It’s… that zing -” I didn’t have time to finish my sentence because he closed the gap between us with a kiss that sent my senses into overdrive. My eyes fluttered closed. His soft lips felt perfect against my tingling lips, and I felt him wrap an arm around my back as my hand rested around his neck.

I pulled away, breathless. It felt so free. Unlike my last kiss, which had been so robotic and awkward, allowing me the time to think thoughts such as, ‘Oh. I’m being kissed.’

This… I could only concentrate on the burning jolts in my belly.

He rested his forehead against mine, breathing heavily while I tried to calm myself down.

“Was that the zing you’re looking for?” he whispered.

I could only nod.

He closed his eyes, smiling. “Like last summer,” he added.

I pulled back slightly and looked up at him, confused by the kiss and curious about his comment.

“Remember? We had only been friends for a while, maybe several months. But you invited me over for the summer.”

I smiled as I thought back to those amazing few weeks.

“We walked around town all day,” he said, “laughing, or doing nothing, just lying on the grass behind your house. And every night - we danced every night.”

I chuckled. “I’d help you chat up a different girl each night, yet still as the crowd grew, you and I would be center-stage; and as the night wore on and the crowd dwindled-”

“- so did everything around us. It was just you. And me. Swaying.”

“And I felt it,” I said, so barely that even I couldn’t hear my voice.

“So did I.” He looked into my eyes. “Every night, when we walked back home, I didn’t want it to end,” he said seriously.

“What, the evening?”

“Everything! The evening, the summer… this. The way I felt about you, and the fact that you seemed to feel the same.”

I swallowed hard. The moment was becoming too intense for me to handle. “How did you know?”

“I just knew.”

I lifted a brow. “That doesn’t help, Scorpius. This is not the time to be your typical, quiet and mysterious self.”

His face suddenly lit up and he smiled. “You’re right.” He raised himself onto his knees and rolled up his left sleeve, showing me his arm. “Like this. The fact that… you know the wound on my wrist is from a knitting accident, and not a duel.”

I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, so I let him continue.

“That we are friends, even though I’m a Malfoy. That between us, it’s not Gryffindor or Slytherin; it’s just Rose and Scorpius. That I could put my arm around you, and you’d hug me tight. That I can share what I worry about, and you make it all disappear without even saying a word.” He held my hand, kissing it gently. “That I can lie beside you and feel comfort, that I don’t need to speak nonsense to fill a silence.”

I blushed and looked away. I had no idea he had felt the same. I had always wondered, spent countless nights lying awake trying to figure out if he felt the same. I relieved every little moment with him endlessly, reciting every conversation, trying to interpret him and find the answers.

And now… I finally had them.

He watched me intently, sitting back down beside be.

I smiled. Perhaps it was time for me to reveal some secrets of my own. “You know, my favorite moment with you was the last night of that summer,” I confessed.


I nodded, resting my head against his shoulder. “I will never forget it.”

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know. It’s just flashes, but… the way we danced so close all night, teasing and tantalizing. Every moment had been building up to that night.” I closed my eyes, letting myself - yet again - fall into that particular evening.

“You bought me a drink, but my favorite song came on - so we left our drinks untouched at the counter and pushed our way through the crowd onto the dance floor. It was hot and crowded and the smell of beer lingered everywhere, but in a good way.

“Our friends kept giving us The Look, but they couldn’t tear us apart and eventually gave us our space… And then we were waiting outside, deciding where to go next. You got jealous that Ted offered me his jacket, because you didn’t have one with you; but then my legs were still cold, so you hugged me tight, trying to warm me up, as we walked through the town, finding a place to eat…”

He squeezed my hand.

I cleared my throat hesitantly as I approached my most vivid memory of the night. “And then you walked me back to my room. And we lingered at my door. I remember I was so nervous. I didn’t know whether to let you in or where the moment was leading up to.”

He nodded. “You hugged me good-bye, but then you couldn’t let go. So I came in,” he finished for me.

“I’m so happy you did. It had never felt so right. As in, this was where I belonged,” I finished.

A comfortable silence ensued, as Scorpius gazed ahead. I settled my eyes on the quidditch pitch, seeing but not watching.

“I wish we hadn’t lost those couple of years,” he said softly.

“Me too.”

He ran a hand through his long, blond locks. “I didn’t know… I thought when we got back to school, that you wanted it to just be a summer fling.”

“I thought the same!”

“Bloody miscommunication.”

“We can make up for it now though?” I peered hopefully into his eyes.

“I would love that. In a way, this can be our anniversary? It was about this time of the year.” He smiled the boyish grin that was reserved just for me, the one that fit his face a thousand times better than his usual smirk.

“Right… and this time, it won’t just be a summer fling.”

“Of course not.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening. What I thought had ended and would never be re-sparked had been slowly burning this entire time.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves around us, drifting his scent toward me. I allowed myself to sink into his body.

Closing my eyes, I could still feel his body swaying against mine beneath the dimmed moon, the fresh scent of his long locks, and the sound of our steps on the cobblestone streets.

fic, author:angelps_7, round three, rating:pg-13

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