It Had To Be You (R)

Nov 04, 2011 12:29

Title: It Had To Be You
Author: lunalovepotter
Prompt: "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer." - unknown
Summary: Rose had always firmly believed that boundaries were set for a reason. Until she crossed one of them.
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,732

She didn't even ask him first, before she kissed him. One minute they were sitting on the sofa in her flat on an otherwise ordinary Friday evening, and he was rubbing her feet and consoling her after her horrible week at work - then all of a sudden something came over her and she practically threw herself at him. While not fat, Rose was still not a small woman, and Scorpius let out a pronounced "oof!" when she landed in his lap. Straddling him with her sturdy thighs, she dug her fingers into his carefully combed white blond hair and mussed it up as she seized his mouth with hers. His breath smelled faintly of wine.

Only a second or two later, once he'd recovered from his initial surprise, Scorpius responded in kind, bracing his hands on her waist while his tongue slid into her mouth, engaging hers in a game of tag. Rose rolled her hips forward, grinding against his crotch, and before long she was rewarded by the feeling of his erection poking her thighs.

Then he suddenly pulled back, gasping for air. "What are we doing?" he asked. Meanwhile his hands found their way under her skirt. He squeezed her bottom encouragingly.

"I believe the technical term is 'foreplay', which typically leads to sex," Rose said, matter-of-factly. She started unbuttoning his shirt. Her face was flushed and hot, and her heart was pounding. Part of her couldn't believe she was doing this, while the other part wondered what had taken her so long. Her breasts were straining so hard against her bra that the underwire dug into her skin. It was uncomfortable, but she hardly noticed; she was too focused on the task at hand. Her fingers moved quickly and skillfully down the front of his shirt, unfastening the ivory buttons. She then yanked open the shirt, pulling it out of the waistband of his jeans to expose the sculpted planes of his chest. Scorpius had never worn an undershirt, and for this she was eternally thankful.

The corners of Scorpius's mouth twitched, and he edged her closer. "Well yes, I know that, Rose. I mean, 'what are we doing'?" He said the last four words with emphasis, slowly stroking her bottom.

Rose shrugged. "Well, I've had a crap week, and you've been moping around for two weeks since Melody left. I think we both could use the release. Besides, don't you think it'd be fun?" She worked the belt buckle at his waist, unfastening it in no time flat.

"Well sure, yeah...But I dunno, it's just that we've been friends for such a long time...don't you worry it might affect things? I mean, of course I find you attractive," he added hastily, "but I really do love being your friend, and being able to talk to you about everything. Nobody understands me the way you do. I don't want to lose that." Scorpius's hands traveled slowly up her sides and smoothed across her belly. He traced his tongue along his lower lip, his eyes dropping to her ample chest. Rose was sensitive about her breasts, seeing as she had the largest set out of anyone in her entire family - including Grandmum Weasley - and they were typically the cause of unwanted attention; she'd even secretly considered getting them reduced. But right now having Scorpius's eyes on her, wanting her, was just about the best feeling in the world.

"I don't know how explain it, but this feels right to me," Rose said, pausing with her fingers on his zipper. Her body was warm and tingly. She gently nudged her breasts toward him. "I trust you, Scorpius. I want to know what it's like to have sex with you. I've actually been curious about it for awhile now."

His hands came up to cup her breasts. "You're sure about this? You really want to have sex?"

Rose leaned closer, her lips brushing across his mouth. She flicked her tongue against his teeth. "I'm positive." She slowly drew down the zipper, revealing a triangle of dark emerald green silk boxers. Her mouth went dry with anticipation.

"Because as I recall, back when we were thirteen, you were the one who expressly stipulated that in order for our friendship to work we would never be able to have sex, because it would, as you put it, 'throw off our dynamic'." Scorpius winked, and her heart dropped into her stomach. In the six years they'd been best friends, she'd never quite realized just how gorgeous he really was, with those silvery gray eyes, and the lean, athletic physique borne of his years as a Beater for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Of course there had been countless girls throwing themselves at him on a regular basis, but his active dating life hadn't fazed Rose in the least (even when her dating life was woefully inadequate by comparison), because he was just Scorpius, her friend, and that was enough. Until suddenly, that day, it wasn't enough.

"Scorpius, are you going to argue with me or are we going to do this once and for all?"

"It's just - well...I've never seen you like this, Rosie. Usually you're so strict about following rules." His fingers went to the buttons on her blouse.

"Well what can I say, except sometimes rules are meant to be broken?" Rose curled her hands around his neck, and delicately brushed her lips across his mouth.

"All right then," Scorpius dug into the sofa cushion, pulled out his wand and murmured a low incantation. To her surprise and delight, Rose found herself free of every stitch of clothing except her skirt, while Scorpius wore only his boxers. "I think it's hot to keep some clothes on during sex," he explained. With one hand comfortably wrapped around her right breast and fondling her aching nipple, he dropped the other hand between her thighs. She watched his wrist twist inward, and then felt his long fingers slide up into her. His lips parted into a brilliant smile. "Blimey, you're soaking wet," he remarked, seeming pleased by the idea that he was the source of her pleasure. Heat flooded Rose's cheeks and she arched her hips, lifting herself slightly off his lap to allow him better access. He slid another finger inside. She moaned when the pad of his thumb pushed up against her clit. Waves of heat pooled in her belly.

"Mm, oh my goodness...oh yes...sweet Merlin, but you're good at this!"

"Quite the tone of surprise," Scorpius deadpanned, with a smirk. Rose ignored this, too caught up in the pleasures of his fingers. Meanwhile his erection poked her thigh insistently. She felt the orgasm tickling the fringes of her consciousness, tempting her to let go; but as much as she loved what he was doing, she wanted his cock inside her when she came. Yet Rose's brain couldn't seem to make her hands move from his neck to free his erection. It was maddening the way sex derailed her thought processes. She grunted, grinding hard into his hand. " --"

He released her breast and dropped his hand, whipping out his cock in one swift motion much as he might draw his wand. Despite herself, Rose gasped at the sight of it - she'd never seen one so big. It was magnificent. "Blimey," she murmured. Then she felt his hand withdraw from inside her, and she whimpered at the loss, about to protest, until he lifted her off his lap and guided her directly onto his erection. The moment their bodies joined, her mind went blank - she wouldn't have been able to remember her own name had she been asked. All she knew was the feel of his hands on her waist along with his pulsing, swollen cock filling her. Their bodies moved together easily, as though they had been created just for this very purpose. And Rose had no doubt that this was the case; she was meant to be with him. Waves of heat rolled through her body, and the orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave. She screamed, collapsing against him just as he shot off inside her.

Scorpius slid onto his back, with her draped across him. He wrapped his arms around her, settling his hands in the curve of her back. Rose let one leg dangle over the side of the sofa, tracing her toe leisurely across the floor. For a long time they were just quiet, listening to the sounds of traffic on the street below as they absorbed what had just happened. Rose closed her eyes, taking comfort in the steady rhythm of his heart against her ear.

"Can I ask you something?" Scorpius asked.

Rose opened her eyes, lifting her head to look at him. "You know you can ask me anything you want."

"When we wake up tomorrow, and this is all said and done, are we still going to be friends, or because we've had sex does it mean we' know -- dating?"

Rose paused to ponder this question. "Well, the way I see it, we can't really call ourselves just 'friends' in the truest sense, because of the sex, and considering we were friends for such a long time before we had sex, dating might seem somewhat redundant. We already know so much about each other. So I wouldn't really say we were dating, either..." She furrowed her brow, suddenly concerned.

"So, if we're not exactly friends, and we're not exactly dating, what are we?"

What are we? For a split second Rose felt a flash of panic. Her mind reeled - what if this was the wrong decision, what if she'd just ruined the best thing that had ever happened to her? But then, just as quickly, a sense of calm came over her. She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. "We'll just 'be'," she said simply. "Let life take its course."

"I have to say, I really like this new side of you," Scorpius replied with a smile, and she kissed him.

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Poll It Had To Be You

round four, author:lunalovepotter, rating:r, fic

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