Banners and FAQ for the 2011 Fest!

Aug 02, 2011 22:51

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions... or rather, questions that I think you may be pondering such as "What's the difference between 'watching' and 'joining' the community?" and "I’m not a LiveJournal member, but can I still sign-up?" and "How do I submit my exchange fest entry?"

How can I be part of smrw_ficafest?
Just comment in the sign-up post! Sign-ups are open between August 2, 2011 and August 10, 2011.

If you can't or don't want to write or draw, you can also volunteer to beta reader. If you're interested in helping, please send an e-mail to smrw.ficafest[AT]

I’m not a LiveJournal member, but can I still sign-up?

Does joining the community mean I definitely have to do this?
To join or watch the community doesn't mean that you have to sign-up, though we hope the people joining will participate.

What are the deadlines?
You can read the dates in the Timetable.

What genre will you be accepting?
Everything! You can suggest genres including comedy, tragedy, fluff, angst, gen (that stars Rose and Scorpius), smut, darkfic, and romance.

Any ratings?
Yes. Be as naughty or nice as you want.

Can I use a chapter of my WIP as my entry?
No. Fics or artwork that are related to your fics and artwork (chapters, outtakes, part of a series, sequel or prequel) are not permitted.

What rating system are we using?
As of now, use this system: G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17.

How do I submit my fest entry?
Mail your submission to smrw.ficafest[AT] on or before the due date. The mods will look over your submission to see if it meets the guidelines and is free of any errors. If it is, we will post it to the community when the fest begins.

Follow the submission guidelines here and use the template. We ask that you do the HTML and proofreading for your own submission. You can use Image Shack and other image hosting sites instead of your accounts like Photobucket, which has your account name listed in the URL.

What’s with the "ficafest" term? Why not "ficathon" or "fuh-q-fest" or "exchange"?
The term "ficafest" comes from the original ficafest, hpgw_ficafest, where the terms "fic" and "fest" are merged together. The "a" stands for art.

My question’s not answered here, what do I do?
You can comment below and ask your question or send an e-mail to smrw.ficafest[AT] and a mod will respond in a timely manner.

Is there a way to help pimp the smrw_ficafest?
Why, yes! You can use the below banners!">">">">">">

Credit goes to rotae for the art and kayoko for the banners!

faq: 2011, round four

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