Fic: I Heard Sombody Whisper Please Adore Me [Supernatural/The Vampire Diaires - Damon/Bela - PG-13]

Jul 16, 2011 21:13

Title: I Heard Somebody Whisper Please Adore Me
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Damon/Bela
Rating/Warnings: PG-13; drunkness, roughness, reference to past sexual abuse.
Prompt(s): Blue Moon
Word count: 361
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own these shows or the characters from them. Just borrowing for fun things.
Summary: Damon is drunk. Hijinks ensue.
Notes: For thenewpub. I'm not sure if this goes with my current Damon/Bela series, because if it was it would be way ahead of where the story's going right now, but this is definitely vamp!Bela.

"Blue moooooooon, you saw me standing aloooooone, without a dream in my heeeeeeaart, without a love of my ooooown."

Bela tipped her head up as she giggled. "You are so drunk."

Damon sat up from the old stump they had settled on after their hunt hours ago. "And you," he slurred as he push at finger toward her face. He paused slightly, though she couldn't figure if he did it for emphasis or needed to gather his thoughts. "Need to stop denying what you feel for me. Just because we have forever doesn't mean you should take forever."

Suddenly all the humor of the moment drained away.

She shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"But you do." He shifted onto his needs on the ground in front of her, gripping her knees. "I know you do. I just wish you would tell me."

He wasn't wrong. She cared more for him than she would like. Sometimes she even thought she loved him. After all this time together, she imagined it might have shown through her eyes once or twice. Maybe it was now.

She tried to laugh it off. "And a very emotional drunk."

Damon only gripped her tighter, grinding his teeth with frustration.

"I don't understand!"

He jerked her forward so he was kneeling between her legs, his hands moving to her shoulders. She gasped, her whole body stiffening at the sudden movement and her mind flashing back to days she wished she could forget. The fear must have been all over her face, because his touch softened, those hands moving to cup her face instead and stroke her cheeks.

"You wouldn't," she answered him finally, trying to keep her voice steady.

The look he gave her was heartbreaking.

"Just tell me, Bela."

She took a shaky breath and took his hands, pulling them away from her face. "Stop pushing. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

Damon stared back a her for a few moments, eyes moving around her face, then pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I think you just did," he whispered, lingering close to her before he stood and shuffled away from her.

tv: supernatural, char: damon salvatore, comm: thenewpub, fanwork: fic, pair: damon/bela (tvd/spn), tv: the vampire diaries, char: bela talbot

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