Title: The clouds that hang on you
Fandom: RPS
Rating: G
Charater(s)/Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: It's been a long day.
Warnings: Schmoop, can't help it.
Word Count: ~700
Jensen, he’s a rock. A soft, warm rock beneath Jared’s hands, but he’s a rock nonetheless. )
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Favorite lines:
As Jen puts the book aside, Jared takes the cue to pull the glasses off of Jensen’s nose and pulls him into an embrace. And that Jensen rock, he just sinks into Jared’s arms, a soft sigh on his lips, crumbling into all those small pieces he so carefully put together for the day. The best part is, Jensen doesn’t mind at all that Jared sees, that Jared knows, and the world is simply alright, simply fine, there together on their sofa.
Jared, he never has those perfect words, but all it takes is one touch from him to put all those little pieces of that Jensen puzzle together. And someday, that he promises to himself, he’s going to glue all those little pieces together that they may never fall apart again, with himself right in the middle.
They are very 'lyrical'.
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