Nov 20, 2011 12:16
- Сб, 12:37: RT @ LOLGOP: You know who doesn't think Obama is just like Bush? Osama bin Laden.
- Сб, 17:02: Saved improperly and lost about 500 words. Not that they were great words, but hate having to type them again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr #nanowrimo
Nov 19, 2011 12:16
- Пт, 15:21: Mom told me she was mailing me a book, that I should read and send back ASAP. Got it and understand why... it's a library book.
- Пт, 15:31: Was going to tweet about the great food truck lunch I had, but now I feel sick to my stomach so I'll keep the name of the truck to myself.
- Пт, 20:06: The Novel Cafe on Wilshire is a lot...
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Nov 18, 2011 12:16
- Пт, 10:56: Just noticed that the Neosporin I've been using expired in 2003 :(
- Пт, 12:12: Trying to decide where I'm going to go write tonight... need someplace I can camp out for a few hours and get cheap decaf coffee.
Nov 15, 2011 12:01
- Mon, 13:19: Faxed in my timesheet as usual, and got an email back that I'm salary now. Clearly just an HR snafu, but I'm stressing out about it.
- Tue, 10:54: Guy held the elevator for a good 5 min. waiting for various friends, and then when I complained said, "Oh but you LOOKED like a nice person"
Nov 13, 2011 12:16
- Sat, 12:16: RT @ DAvallone: For the last time, achievement in sports, even if you love and admire it, has no moral dimension. Zero.
- Sat, 14:51: There is no better place in the world to write than upstairs at the Farmers Market at the Grove. 3500 words in under two hours. #nanowrimo
- Sat, 16:09: Took a break from writing to explain my ipad/
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Nov 12, 2011 12:01
- Пт, 12:18: I have found that keeping the dish of kisses on my desk only half full is a very good way of keeping people from taking seven at once.
- Пт, 12:58: Am having intense cravings for chicken, suddenly. Can't imagine this means anything good.
- Пт, 13:03: Some plastic surgery just mystifies me. The super obvious wrinkle thing around the
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