
Jan 22, 2014 23:13

The interview process is actually over, yay! Aaaand they made me an offer, yay! Aaaand I counteroffered. Which I have never done before, because it's kind of my policy not to argue with people who want to give me a job. But I've also been reading a lot of finance stuff and one of the new ways to blame gender pay inequality on women is to say ( Read more... )

comeback of the year

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Comments 12

raisintorte January 23 2014, 04:24:48 UTC
Oh yay you countered. Go you!!


smittywing January 23 2014, 04:31:34 UTC
It seemed like a good idea at the time? :D


shetiger January 23 2014, 04:58:46 UTC
Yaaaaay! And dude, go you for counteroffering! :D


smittywing January 23 2014, 05:08:57 UTC
*hugs* Thanks! I'm ridiculously nervous about it. Will they not like me anymore? Will they be mad at me? And then I think about how that sounds and I'm like, "No, this is why you have to do it."

At least I hope that's true. :P


shetiger January 23 2014, 05:12:35 UTC
It totally makes sense that you're nervous about it, because it's a big thing and you haven't done it before. But just remember, it's a completely accepted and common part of the process. People make counteroffers all the time. You get to be people, too. ;)



smittywing January 23 2014, 06:25:45 UTC
*hugs* Thank you so much. You know, I watch 2 Broke Girls (because Kat Dennings, I have no other excuse), and the character who lost her fortune said something about, "I haven't been a person since 2009!" And man, it's funny how a sudden change or setback totally makes you feel like that. That year I was unemployed, I was like, man, my job is kind of my life. This time has been much better, in part because of The Guy, and also because it's shorter and I've seen a lot of my family, but it's so funny (and awesome!) what kind of perspective the words, "You get to be people, too" gives me. I keep telling myself this is just one night of anxiety and everything will turn out fine. And then I will have proven that I, too, can counteroffer and that I have stuck up for myself. Because I deserve it. Eep. :D


madripoor_rose January 23 2014, 05:02:46 UTC
Congratulations! And so cool that you made the counteroffer.


smittywing January 23 2014, 05:10:01 UTC
Thank you! I figure even if they say no, I won't be sitting at my desk wondering if I should have asked for more. It still makes me nervous though. :P


tingler January 23 2014, 05:54:42 UTC
Dude!!! I am so freaking *proud* of you! You go, girl!


smittywing January 23 2014, 06:21:03 UTC
Aww, thank you! You guys are awesomely supportive. I hope I have good news for you all tomorrow!


kerithwyn January 23 2014, 15:38:40 UTC
Woo! All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well. You rock.


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