Morning Update

May 11, 2010 09:36

So, a pigeon just flew out from under my desk when I sat down. FAIL. As soon as the heart palpitations stop, I'll go back to yesterday's post and start answering comments - it never fails that as soon as I start a discussion on something either my internet goes out or I sick. I'm awesome like that.

Speaking of, yesterday's post always has Read more... )

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Comments 13

ratcreature May 11 2010, 14:02:29 UTC
I have to admit that I am less than fond of the comment posting aspect. I find it hard to browse and read, and am less likely to read commentfic than fic posted in entries proper. :/


mecurtin May 11 2010, 14:15:27 UTC
What she said. I only read commentfic when people point me to it specifically, and even then I grumble under my breath as I do.


smittywing May 11 2010, 19:33:19 UTC
Fortunately, most people will repost something they wrote for a fest in their own journals, cleaned up and sometimes expanded - unless they're embarrassed and don't want to 'fess up to it.


smittywing May 11 2010, 19:33:03 UTC
Fortunately, most people will repost something they wrote for a fest in their own journals, cleaned up and sometimes expanded - unless they're embarrassed and don't want to 'fess up to it.


mecurtin May 11 2010, 14:14:12 UTC
ROFL! What kind of place do you work, that a *pigeon* got under your *desk*?!?!


smittywing May 11 2010, 19:35:00 UTC
I work in a city and we've had the windows open because the weather's been nice. I assume the pigeon just stepped in this morning and saw the shelf under my desk and decided that would be a good place to perch. We closed the window enough that it shouldn't happen again. :P


ratcreature May 11 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
I'm always startled by pigeons in subway tunnels because I don't expect them underground, even though they are fairly common.


shetiger May 11 2010, 18:26:35 UTC
A pigeon?

...I don't have anything to say to that. Except, dude. Dude.


smittywing May 11 2010, 19:37:58 UTC
I didn't see him when he was under there, but I definitely saw him when he flew out, past my legs. Fortunately for my freaking-out factor, I am wearing pants instead of a skirt. We've uh, lowered the window panes to a less accessible height. ;)


mingsmommy May 11 2010, 20:31:27 UTC
A pigeon?

Holy crap.


delurker May 12 2010, 12:25:43 UTC
omg, pigeon! Unexpected bird is unexpected.


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