
Sep 17, 2008 23:54

To blot out the emo of last post, I bring fannish glee ( Read more... )

sga, the oc, swingtown, fandom, mad men

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Comments 14

eleveninches September 18 2008, 04:45:01 UTC
Mmmm Ben McKenzie.

I think casting descriptions in general sound horrible. It's like trying to sum up your favourite character in three sentences. "His parents were murdered when he was a kid, and now he dresses up at night as a bat and hunts down criminals. He's also a millionaire, and he's raising a young kid whose parents died at the circus. NO, IT'S AWESOME, I SWEAR."


smittywing September 18 2008, 04:54:29 UTC
Ben McKenzie. I still hold that if Dad had let me go to UVA, we would have had classes together and fallen in love and gotten married and I could be going to law school at like, UCLA or something. *sulk*

ITA about the casting descriptions. Especially the one poor girl character whose whole summary is like, "She's a brat! A spoiled brat! But she gets better, we swear!" I mean talk about doomed from the start. :P

I love me some Batman.


eleveninches September 18 2008, 04:56:46 UTC
Ben McKenzie is pretty much the only reason to continue watching the OC after the first season. Especially when he hooks up what's her face in the last season, because he can be really hilarious.


smittywing September 18 2008, 05:00:26 UTC
I'm a little worried that the other seasons will horrify me. I am terribly curious to see Olivia Wilde as a blonde, though. And making out with Marissa Cooper. But mostly, yeah, I'm in it for Ben McKenzie. Maybe I can borrow the seasons I don't have....

He has really great expressions. Especially the sweet grin when Seth does something embarrassing in front of the parents.


unflexible September 18 2008, 05:33:28 UTC
Swingtown is awesome. I love Susan. Janet looks like a girl I went to high school with. Grant Show is awesome in his cheesiness.


smittywing September 18 2008, 05:47:03 UTC
I love that so far Laurie's older-dude relationship is actually working. I think Janet and my mother probably had a lot in common. *prays there were no pot brownies in Mom's past* Grant Show is having such a ridiculously good time with this show. It's hilarious. :D


lillyjk September 18 2008, 12:51:02 UTC
I adore Mad Men. I mainlined the first season over the course of a weekend right before the second season started. The Peggy/Don relationship is very interesting to watch unfold. I don't see it ever becoming sexual, but I think Peggy is the only woman that Don can relate to as an equal.

um, and I thought Swingtown was cancelled...I followed it from Thursday to Friday but haven't seen it in awhile


trixiesfic September 18 2008, 14:13:00 UTC
The season has ended, but it hasn't officially been cancelled. Yet. When I went looking for info on whether it was likely to be back, I saw some stuff saying that it was in trouble but that CBS really likes it and is shopping it to cable channels. Which, Swingtown on Showtime? Would be awesome! But yeah, as of now, not officially cancelled.


omglawdork September 18 2008, 13:11:08 UTC

Seth/Ryan from khohen1

Shawn/Gus that I would actually buy, as it shows Shawn for himself, and not some idealized version of himself. It's really cute. (and technically Gus/OFC and Shawn/Gus)

Also, I should give the OC another shot. I LOVED IT first season (watched it that summer, along with North Shore - so when Ronon came on SGA I was like "why am I thinking about Hawaii and bartending when I look at him? ohhhhhh North Shore"), but I hated Marisa SO HARD I had to stop watching. Maybe I'd cut her some more slack now that I know her grisly fate. Summer grew on me, though, without having to die.


trixiesfic September 18 2008, 14:13:45 UTC
I think you already know how I feel about Janet/Trina. Waaaaaaant it.


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