[SGA] Untitled Weir/Sumner ficlet, Part 1

Apr 26, 2007 23:52

This is Contracts, trust me.

No, actually it's a Weir/Sumner ficlet I wrote for raisintorte over AIM. No sex, much schmoop. I guess I had to make up for the angst of "One Thousand Lives"?

tiny bit of background )

sga, wip, weir/sumner, fic

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Comments 17

delurker April 27 2007, 04:08:12 UTC
"Good," Mack said. "I don't actually have any tea." He watched her for a moment. "You gonna be okay while I go get it?"
♥ This is awesome, and I don't care how you write it, I just hope that you do.


smittywing April 28 2007, 04:11:38 UTC
*beam* Aw, thank you! I'm always glad to hear when people are enjoying my insane crack :D It makes me happy.


wojelah April 27 2007, 04:11:09 UTC
I -love- your Sumner. Love.


smittywing April 28 2007, 04:12:42 UTC
*blushy* Thank you! (I love him too. The Robert Patrick obsession is going to Whole New Levels.)


wicked_socks April 27 2007, 07:59:44 UTC
oh I quite liked this.


smittywing April 28 2007, 04:15:28 UTC
Thank you! It's my sekrit het OTP. ;)


wychwood April 27 2007, 10:26:38 UTC
This is lovely. I do like your Mack, such a lot - and I wish Elizabeth had someone like that (although I'd still prefer to have Sheppard in charge, generally *g* - he has the flexibility that Atlantis needs, whereas Sumner didn't seem to, so much).

"No, I'm sorry," Elizabeth said, wiping preemptively at her eyes. "I didn't mean to - I was just so *angry* that he hadn't said something before, that he let me believe, all this time, that he was coming with me, but he never was."

I love this. She's upset, but she's not just falling over, she's angry. Because it was wrong of Simon to lead her on like that.

"No," Mack said firmly, standing as well. "You're sleeping in my bed tonight ( ... )


smittywing April 28 2007, 04:26:52 UTC
You know, I kind of shudder at the idea of having to write actual PLOT in these drabbles, where I have to apply Sumner to an actual Atlantis setting and...then I go and write more mushy relationship stuff to avoid it. I like to think that Sumner has more flexibility than we got to see - after all, he presumably went off-world with the SGC, and he seemed willing enough to let Sheppard win Teyla over with the charming smile, even if he was annoyingly goal-oriented in Rising ( ... )


wychwood April 28 2007, 11:31:49 UTC
You know, I kind of shudder at the idea of having to write actual PLOT in these drabbles, where I have to apply Sumner to an actual Atlantis setting and...then I go and write more mushy relationship stuff to avoid it.

Well, personally, I'm totally sold on the mushy stuff *g*.

I don't think Mack realized it would sound like that when it was still in his head. ;)

Yes! And I love that, because it's not Sumner being all MASTERFUL and knowing everything and sweeping her MANFULLY off her feet - it's Mack accidentally sounding more like a jerk than he is and then realising it, which is nice. I like that in Rodney, too - that he can be totally unreasonable, and then cringe about it *g*.

OMG are there wandering Weir/Sumner fans out there? That's awesome. We should start a lovefest.

There totally *should* be wandering fans, and by the logic of LJ there probably are... somewhere. And a lovefest would be great! *g* *dreams of Weir/Sumner ficathons*


smittywing April 28 2007, 19:55:20 UTC
I like that in Rodney, too - that he can be totally unreasonable, and then cringe about it *g*.

Yes! It's a bit of humbleness that's charming. I agree.

*dreams of Weir/Sumner ficathons*

You know, since you said this, I've been thinking that the sticksandsnark Thing-a-Thon went so well, maybe something like that would work? I certainly don't expect a participation of 45 or whatever they had, because Sumner's not much of a main character (*cough*at all) but even like...a dozen people would be worth it? And a Thing-a-Thon opens it up to fic, fanart, icons, vids...anything else people can think of? I'd be very willing to be flexible on how people want to participate.


miss_porcupine April 27 2007, 10:57:22 UTC
For obvious reasons, I vote no on filters....

Mack looked uncertain, an odd look for him, and said, "I might be sleeping in the guest room," he amended sheepishly,

For all of his rational reasoning without clocking her over the head with a reminder that she's not the only person who's ever been through this... I love the half-step back. Because she wants someone to challenge her authority (not necessarily in a professional capacity, although she might need that, too), but not someone who always has to win or always can win.


smittywing April 28 2007, 04:42:31 UTC
Hey, if no one complains about random untitled ficbits floating around, tags it is. I just feel bad that a) I'm writing self-indulgent (well, Annie-indulgent) schmoop instead of doing anything to actually progress a story, and b) that so far Weir has gotten all the neuroticism and Sumner comes off looking like a prince. Which will change a bit in the next section but I feel like I'm being uneven by just writing the fun parts. ;)

And yeah, I think he's a traditional southern gentleman type and his instinct is to take care of her - and doesn't always think about how it sounds coming out of his mouth until it does. And then he's like, "Yep, I'm an asshole."



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