That sex scene was *hot*. Wow. And did you notice how the camera lovingly lingered on Sam? The girl was only there to facilitate our perviness over Sam's muscles and smooth, smooth skin. I am delighted.
The last time the camera was that happy, it was perving on the Impala. I like when a show knows its porn and doesn't try to be coy about it. ;) Delighted indeed.
I was pretty... meh and lackluster because you can totally gauge Supernatural's pacing by what time it is on the clock. If they kill the baddie at half past then there's always a twist or something more.
(I do wonder if they might have saved her if they got to the one who turned her before she made her first kill. Also! Way to mix vampire and werewolf lore, yo.)
But the last ten minute owned my soul. Even with the heavy handed "saving me" dialogue. (And weirdly, this is the first time I've been able to see the before scene from Dean's point of view.)
And I do sort of love the, "because the movie sucks so much" line for the teaser.
And Tim Sale! Tim Sale is totally A Big Deal. Even if is just the cover. :D
The BEST part of it is that he could have done so any time by pulling the RPS trick For just a split second before I read the rest of the sentence, I totally thought RPS = Real Person Slash. And I was trying to figure out how that would work. "Ha! My bandslash is way hotter than your actorslash. I win!"
Also, I totally called that Glenn would be the werewolf. I...sort of didn't see the Madison thing coming. Much. I called them both. BUT! I was only joking about the Madison thing and didn't really believe it. Then when she turned I was actually a bit surprised. hee.
Haha, I did that on purpose. Kinda. Because I first wrote it, PRS and then thought, "Wait, isn't there something amusing and ironic about that?" Because there's actually a world RPS tournament of some sort and a few years ago, one of my friends watched the whole thing online...which means I watched a fair bit of the world RPS tournament online. ;) I'm easily amused.
I totally did that with CSI:NY the other night! I mocked someone and was right. Oops.
This was, maybe, the second ep. of SN I've ever caught. I figured, hey, the whole of my FL is squeeing. At least this way I'll have an idea of which one is Sam and which is Dean. Either this was a poor ep, or I simply don't click with the show the way everyone else seems to. I found the pacing clunky and didn't feel that they were able to keep the momentum going from one reveal to the next. Is it always like that? Or was this an off night?
Argh, this wasn't really one to start with. Most of the squee from that ep was pretty dependent on having seen and understood the rising conflict over this season
( ... )
So okay. What we have learned here, boys and girls, is that Supernatural really WILL go there, and that Good doesn't always get to win, even when Evil is vanquished.
YES. In shows that are not SPN usually only fanfic does that kind of thing to the characters. *hearts SPN*
And I'm all exited about Tim Sale doing SPN comic, because I love his style.
Comments 11
(I do wonder if they might have saved her if they got to the one who turned her before she made her first kill. Also! Way to mix vampire and werewolf lore, yo.)
But the last ten minute owned my soul. Even with the heavy handed "saving me" dialogue. (And weirdly, this is the first time I've been able to see the before scene from Dean's point of view.)
And I do sort of love the, "because the movie sucks so much" line for the teaser.
And Tim Sale! Tim Sale is totally A Big Deal. Even if is just the cover. :D
Supernatural has failed at subtle this season. I think I was a bigger fan of the season 1 formula.
That was a great line. :D
Tim Sale!
For just a split second before I read the rest of the sentence, I totally thought RPS = Real Person Slash. And I was trying to figure out how that would work. "Ha! My bandslash is way hotter than your actorslash. I win!"
Also, I totally called that Glenn would be the werewolf. I...sort of didn't see the Madison thing coming. Much.
I called them both. BUT! I was only joking about the Madison thing and didn't really believe it. Then when she turned I was actually a bit surprised. hee.
I totally did that with CSI:NY the other night! I mocked someone and was right. Oops.
YES. In shows that are not SPN usually only fanfic does that kind of thing to the characters. *hearts SPN*
And I'm all exited about Tim Sale doing SPN comic, because I love his style.
I've had mad love for The Long Halloween and Dark Victory for years. I really should finish the sequel I started for them.
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