The Unit

Mar 21, 2006 22:11

By the grace of a generous soul and by two weeks of American Idol trumping House, I have seen all three episodes of The Unit and I want to know: Where is the fanfic? Where is the "we are the marginalized characters with no onscreen skinny wives" slash of Gray and Williams? Where is the ( minor spoiler maybe? )

the unit

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Comments 7

raisintorte March 22 2006, 03:36:13 UTC
I haven't watched tonight's episode but all i have to say is:

SUMNER/WEIR - YOU! Write it! Now.



lillyjk March 22 2006, 03:54:01 UTC

like right now

also, my reaction upon seeing the first episode of the unit, cracks whip


smittywing March 22 2006, 04:02:25 UTC
*giggle* Your reaction rocks. Because, um, yeah. There's BONDING. Dusk to dawn TRAINING. Er. Yes.

Weir/Sumner could be totally hot if I figured out a story to wrap the sex around. *grin*


smittywing March 22 2006, 03:58:29 UTC
You just want me for my fic. ;)

*tips hat* Yes'm.


aurora_84 March 22 2006, 04:55:21 UTC
Yes, you should definitely write Sumner/Weir. Definitely.


*sets up camp* ;)


20thcenturyvole March 22 2006, 05:20:34 UTC
Hah. Sumner and Caldwell kind of make me depressed, because they remind me of that brief, shining season of the X-Files where I could legitimately slash people in a non-angsty-Krycek-related way, and without even having to break up my (disturbingly het!) OTP. Oh, Skinner/Doggett, how I cling to the hope that you escaped the black helicopters and opened a pie shop in Vermont.


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