[Locked to Basement Residents]

Jun 02, 2008 17:27

Maybe there will come a day when I can stop making entries like this.

I wish there was a better way of saying this, but there isn't. I mean, no matter how I say it, it doesn't make it any less true and horrible.

Penny Widmore died last night.

I'm so sorry. I know she was close to many of you. She made friends easily

If you need to talk or anything, I'm around along with several others who have offered up their counseling capabilities in the past. Don't ever hesitate to reach out. Chances are the person you're reaching out to might need you just as much as you need them.

I'll most likely be in my room, but drop me a note and I'll meet up with you if you can't find me there. If you have any questions about just what happened or anything at all, please, ask.

Brando was always honest with us, answered our questions when he could, and I'd like to honor his memory by continuing to do that.
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