Quick Catch-Up

Apr 20, 2007 12:26

What a weird week. I'm not sure where half of it went.

The gathering at the bar for my belated b-day was lots & lots of fun, even if Sarah did attempt to kill me by dancing me to death. ;-) (I am *soooo* out of shape! Ye Gods!) The band was really amazing. R & P's buddy the piper insisted on giving me a hug when about the 6th person in row told him they'd come down for my b-day. Of course, I was there because R & P told me about the show & they're friends of the piper so it all comes back around, too, but if a cute tall red-hair guy in a kilt wants to hug me, I'll let him. ;-) If Coyote Run is playing in your area you should treat yourself & go see them(& they do Celtic festivals in southern Ohio, so all you Columbus folks have a decent chance of seeing them, if you haven't already). My friend A's new boyfriend came along with her. He'd never experienced the brilliant chaos that is a bunch of drunken Irish-Americans dancing around to a rock & reel band but apparently we did *not* scare him off. In fact, it turned out that he's a musician & he was mighty impressed with the band. I'm pretty sure he thinks the rest of us are nuts, though.

Monday they had a visiting artist at school- David Huang. He's an amazing metalsmith- does some of the best chasing & repousse I've ever seen & he does it on vessel forms. He did a short workshop showing us some of his tricks on how he works on his pieces. He's got some different tools he's made for chasing that are super sweet- including some that are basically bevelers like I used constantly in leather carving. I took photos & made drawings so I can make some of my own. Whoo-ho! I got a chance to show him some of my work & he was extremely impressed, especially with my chasing & repousse work. He commented that he wished there'd been other students doing my level of work when he was in school because it would have pushed him to do more- not too shabby a compliment, I must say.

Tuesday at dance class we learned all of our routine for the recital in May, which was cool. I found out that the song we're dancing to is System of a Down. *Never* would have guessed. I love the screaming Armenians (as Little Bro calls them) but this song is very middle eastern bellydance, not their usual screaming vocals & buzzsaw guitars. It's called Arto- I don't know which album it's on but it's highly cool.

Wednesday, I woke up sick as shit & slept all day. Whoops. The I talked to Lissa & heard her bad news. Took quite a bit of arguing with Mom to get to the funeral home for viewing hours last night, though. She hates funeral homes- I don't think she's been to one since Dad died. And she didn't really want to go anywhere. I wasn't going to make her drive anyway- I'm perfectly capable of driving myself. So, for the first time since I wrecked my car, I asked if I could borrow hers & she flipped. Despite the fact that it's daylight even & there's no snow or ice anywhere, she's convinced I'm going to wreck it. (Despite the fact that every accident I've ever been in was due to icy road conditions). She said she'd take me over & immediately started saying, "But you can't stay for very long. I'm not going in & I don't want to wait in the car long." At which point I tell her to forget it-- what's the point of going over for 2 minutes? I bitched to Warboy about it online & he remarked that I could probably get someone else at the funeral home to bring me back home so I could stay, which is exactly what ended up happening.

They made the mistake of having the group of us sitting on the side of the room where everyone could see us while they did a short prayer service. We managed to restrain ourselves from doing too much commentary, although I did give M a nudge when the priest said something about "He keeps my feet from stumbling", as he has a big leg brace on because he tore some ligaments in his knee on Friday whilst flying a kite. (He was out-done by DD, who tore a couple of ligaments in her ankle while throwing darts. We're still not sure how she managed that).

OK, lunch break's over.
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