Love Takes Time

Oct 24, 2012 14:41

Summary: The Doctor is confused. Martha's reassured she's right. And the TARDIS just wants Time Tots from her doctors. It would be better if Martha didn't think of them as just friends. And it would probably help the Doctor if he mentioned his intentions to his former companion. Doctor/Martha

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. XD Sorry, I don't. Otherwise Mickey/Martha would not have been thrown in outta no-where. shakes fist at RTD.

Rating: PG-13

Chapter: 1/??

Martha leaned over and poked the Doctor as he opened his mouth to insult her neighbor. It was a bad habit he had, he opened his mouth inserted his foot and later it would be up to her to smooth ruffled feathers. Sometimes she wondered why she never kicked him out of her house when he showed up unannounced. He looked over at her with knitted eyebrows. “Well, I think it's time to call it a night.” Martha said hurriedly with a smile as she ran her hands over her blue jeans. She wore a short sleeve purple colored button down with a black belt around it and black high heeled ankle boots. Her hair was held back by a matching purple headband.

Her neighbor, Mrs. Tate, was an elderly white woman with gray hair in a loose bun. She smiled at Martha and the Doctor. “Oh, and Tom are so kind. Really, most people would ignore me by now.” The Doctor opened his mouth to say something, but Martha stepped on his foot. Her neighbor rose from her seat, Martha pulled the Doctor up with her. The dark skinned woman leaned over and picked up the cups that they had been using for tea and biscuits.

The Doctor shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown pinstripe suit. He was very, very annoyed really. He had come to see his doctor, only to be given an ultimatum of leaving or going with her to see an elderly neighbor. Then the silly neighbor kept referring to him as Tom. Martha's ex-fiance.

Ex because the stupid ape had cheated on his Martha.

Jack had rang him up and told him that Martha Jones was single again.

He had played it cool. Except, Jack Harkness hadn't been fooled in the least. Gave him the option of making things right with Martha Jones or he'd encourage Mickey Smith to go after the doctor. The Doctor made sure to inform Jack were to stick his ultimatums.

And there was no way he was letting Mickey the Idiot have Martha.

Donna wouldn't approve of him insulting Mickey, it wasn't the bloke's fault they had similar taste in women for some mysterious reason. She [Donna] had wanted him to reconcile with Martha (and he had) and then she saw his concern...and proved she was brilliant (and so very annoying) by asking when they were going to kidnap Martha again (or when he planned to snog the doctor senseless). So, he took advantage of this lull in Martha's dating life with apes. He slept (sleeping was all they did) in her bed when she was home (Martha thought he was mental, but didn't kick him out). Then when she was working, he'd pop in with lunch, dinner or a late night snack. Her co-workers adored him really, it was pretty nice for his ego. He was more than sure he was expected at the Christmas party coming up.

Martha hadn't invited him to join her though.

And he was sure he was courting her right and proper!

There are those nights where he pops in, sees Martha in front of the telly and drags her off to some off-world movie theater and dinner on some planet. Of course, everything he did was practically unannounced. The TARDIS even took care to make sure he didn't disappear for months between visits. The Old Girl was working with him this time around.

So why wasn't Martha Jones putty in his hands?

Why did the silly human that was Martha Jones give him ultimatums?

Was she really that against inter-species relationships?

And could they get the hell out of this old woman's house? It smelled of cats and considering he hadn't seen one at all was rather concerning. Ooo what if her neighbor was a cat? Alien neighbor without Martha knowing? Without him knowing?


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