[challenge:] g.y.s.d. - Day 1

Oct 31, 2016 15:00

Hi there! and I hope you are ready to get stuff done this month!
here is a quick run down: tomorrow after the first day is done, i will post here, what i did yesterday- then like today, there will be a new topic, or some info, joke, something interesting you pointed out, below (todays topic is rather at the nose, but i thought it might help), then i shall state what my goals will be- and at the bottom will be the form for you to grab and fill out! i hope this will be working out for all of us, if not- just let me know!

For the 1. day- lets do something easy:
lets talk about motivation!
the word definition goes:

and the Encyclopedia Britannica has a rather lengthy article about motivation. with lots of stuff you might have known, hear, or might be new to you.

here i have a small article about What Is Motivation. and this one also offers you to think about what it is that motivates _you_.

BUT this is not about what others say or do- this is about us.
so i shall share with you what motivates me, and i would be happy to later read about what motivates you!

i'm easy, i'm motivated by getting stuff done, and by achievement. i dont need others to tell me if i have done something well (though really that is a nice thing, and totally keeps me powering through too) more important for me is, that _i_ like what i did and that _i_ am happy about how it has turned out.
also i found when i have no motivation left, a quick game of any sort of pc game where i can win, is getting me right back on track. the feeling of victory, is what will get me started.
this has one very negative affect on my life: i'm a quick start, hard to finish person. i just struggle when i dont see results immediately!!! then i need someone who will point out to me, that i am getting stuff done - because otherwise nothing will happen.
and it's even worse because after a long time of not having done, finished, achieved anything, it's very hard for me to start again. so i usually try to start something new, while working on the middle of something else, close to the end of another thing, that means also i'm always in way over my head, and struggles are a given, but somehow that are also the times i get the most done.
apparently this smirkingcat is also a slightly crazycat!
how about you?

so here is my goal for the day:

Goals for the month:get back into my routines, and get as much stuff done on my to do list as possible
Goal for the day:try to finish my podfic-owls so that i can hand them IN!
I need: to not let distraction happen - as i plan to make pizza
I want to share: Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.

Goals for the month:
Goal for the day:
I need: motivation/help/kick in the arse/ some info
I want to share: a great quote, some mojo, a nice story, a good thought of the day

because i forgot that we went to winter-time i am 1h late for my australian friends to have this one time. sorry for the inconvenience i shall try to avoid that in the future.

challenge, g.y.s.d. - month!

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