[Fic:] Not a Change, just an Adjustment Chapter 23

Sep 18, 2020 07:31

Title: Chapter 23 El Intermideo VII
Author :
Rating: NC-17
Word Count : 2.759
find part one

still all the thanks and gratitude to
themightyflynnfor the beta, even during heat-wave!
used for
hp_bunintheovenSeptember prompt 1: Sleep
thanks for reading again, this is the next to last chapter in this particular memory, i think it is high time we can return to the now, but i also hope i managed to show more of their relationship...
Summary: What happens in Spain, does not stay in Spain. Part Seven
Warnings: fluff, flangst, mpreg, D/s- subtext, OOC, heavy future angst planned this chapter: present tense, sounding, ropes
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 21 El Intermideo VII

"I would prefer if you were to agree to stay with me, for the simple reason that I have been a guest in someone else's home for long enough, so I hop-" A sole finger rests against his lips, stopping him from explaining his reasons.

"I shall return to your home with you tomorrow, then," Severus says softly.

No reasons needed. Even if Blaise feels like he has to give them, Severus doesn't require them. Maybe it comes from understanding him better than Blaise does himself. He nods once, before turning his head again and relaxing his body into the kneeling position. It takes him a few calming breaths, before he can close his eyes behind the blindfold, and just exist in this moment. He just wants to be a good boy, with no responsibilities, besides doing the best he can for his Master.

His Master's hands move up to his head, massaging his neck with his thumbs, while his fingers massage the back of his head. It feels so incredibly good, that Blaise is unable to hold back a deep moan. The strong hands once again start to travel over his body, but this time there is a sensuality to it. His Master is out to tease, and he does so by playing with Blaise's nipples just a bit too much for Blaise's taste. He likes the soft strokes in the beginning and a bit of tugging, but the twisting makes his body shudder, and squirm. It is really hard to stay still. And even after all this time Blaise is still not certain if he likes it or not. Weird is the only way he knows how to describe the sensation, though certainly his body seems to enjoy it.

"Always so sensitive," his Master speaks softly, a low hum following. And then there is the feel of the cords against his skin again.

This time, Blaise basks in the knowledge that his Master is going to bind him, as hot excitement at how he will be bound rushes though his body. With assured hand movements, the ropes bind his calves to his thighs, making it impossible for him to shift position. Then his wrists are bound to his sides, connected to the ropes going around his feet. It is a comfortable position, and that could only mean, that his Master wants to take his time, something Blaise can agree with. Another rope is added going around his chest and by the tugging he feels, it must extend to the bedposts. Holding Blaise in place, keeping him safe.

"You are so incredibly beautiful covered in my ropes and still all relaxed," his Master speaks softly. "My pleasure to see you like this."

Then there is the touch of another rope, this one thinner than the ones before. He moans as the warm fingers massage his erection with long, slow movements. And then the rope is bound around his cock and balls but it is difficult to truly follow the path. There is a connection made towards the rope already in place around his chest, and there are some loops, but it is impossible for him to know what it looks like, without seeing it. And seeing it is not something the blindfold allows him to do. He knows how it feels, though. There is a slight itchiness, and when his body moves too much a tug, not uncomfortable but noticeably there. However, he is well aware that those ropes are not meant to stop him from coming, as they are not bound nearly tight enough or in the right place.

Blaise moans and shudders as suddenly a sharp pain moves from his left nipple through his body. And before he fully processes what has happened it is over again.

"Always so easy to excite," his Master says from somewhere behind him, and Blaise is not sure if it is meant as praise or as reprimand.

Something soft moves along his spine, making Blaise try to move away from it, arching his back in the process and therefore making the rope around his cock tug harder and harder. There is so much sensation, he can't even identify what is touching him.

"I am sorry," he rasps.

The words are met with silence, and he is grateful for that, because he knows that he deserves some form of punishment, for moving, when he is supposed to stay still. The leniency must be a concession to his overall circumstance and, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he refuses to acknowledge is there, it matters.
However he should not be sorry; he only has to obey his Master's wishes.
He can't focus on being still while he tries to focus on what is happening. But he can do better, he knows he can. He just has to let go of the need to anticipate, of the want to control. He controls nothing here, and at the moment his only duty is to be still and let his Master play with him. He takes a deep breath, and as his body relaxes, he also tries to relax his mind. He only has to be, to enjoy and to keep still and let the sensations do as they please.


The word is breathed into his ear, and he feels the shudder working through the ear and his skin. But he is able to stop the shudder at his neck. Not that the sensation stopped; it still worked its way through his body, and he can't control the goose bumps. But it doesn't feel as if the ropes tightened due to his movement.

"Good boy," Master says, and moves a hand through his hair, while the fingers of his other hand once more found his left nipple. He moans at the sharp tug, but while he can feel his body wanting to move into the pleasure, he stops it, and stays still. And the ropes make that even easier; there is not that much room to move anyway. And if he moves, he can feel their grip tightening, warning him that he has reacted. It is a new experience for him. Usually the ropes have a strong hold on him, and make him feel the control his Master has over him in the most explicit and long lasting way. But now they are also a warning, stopping him from making a mistake.

"You are so beautiful, draped in my ropes, pet. Such a stunning image." His Master goes on, placing soft kisses across his shoulder.

Another rush of pleasure makes it way down his spine. His Masters voice is deep due to pleasure, and Blaise feels so gratified to know he is the one able to please his Master.

"Such a good, beautiful boy."

And then there is the feeling of another rope being placed along his spine. Blaise shivers as his Master's fingers caress him every so often as they are knotting the rope to his Masters liking. However he does not try to edge closer. He stays where he is, safe in the knowledge that his stillness will be pleasing his Master, that the ropes are for his security and his protection.
The ropes are tucked and fastened together, but Blaise cannot even fathom what he looks like.

"Lean forward, pet," his Master orders softly, a hand on his back pushing him ever so slightly.

He leans forward, notices how he balances more and more on his knees, which is rather difficult on the soft mattress. But as he feels his balance slip, something is takes the pressure from his knees. It takes him a moment to realise he is suspended in the air, only lightly touching the mattress. The realisation makes him sink even deeper in the silence and calm that he only finds with his Master. There is nothing to do, because there is nothing he can do.

His Masters strong hand strokes over his right shoulder, before there is a soft push to the left, setting Blaise in a calming rocking motion. The soft moan escapes unintentionally, as his brain is overflowing.

Blaise has no concept of time anymore; all he knows is that he is softly rocking, and that his Master is close by. If his Master has sat down, Blaise has not noticed it, but it is not for him to know such things; for him to want to understand his Master. All he has to do is be in a state of no expectation. Every so often something truly light and soft caresses his skin. Blaise would guess it is a feather, but he is not really concerned what it is, only with the fact that it happens, because it sends arousal though his body.

A loud moan escapes his lips as a calloused finger moves over the tip of his cock. But though the caress is unexpected, and feels enticing, Blaise has not moved, but stays as he is, hanging in his Master's ropes, enjoying what is given.

"Beautiful." The praise is spoken against his lips, before his lips are taken in a ravishing kiss.

His cock is caressed and teased, and Blaise feels the lust spreading though his body like fire. He can't even remember the last time he came, but this feels so good.

"You are doing so good, boy. I shall reward you for such progress." The words make Blaise preen on the inside. He was doing good.

"I want you to talk to me. Let your usual movements be transformed into words, let me hear what you feel."

His lips go dry, and he has to wet them. His Master wants him to talk, so he will, but there is always the beginning to go though, the embarrassment that makes everything seem more real than not. He moans again, as a cold shiver works from his erection to the top of his head and down his spine.

"Cold," he whispers, because that is the first impression he got. Only as the hand moves slowly up and down along his cock does he realise more. "Slippery, but unscented?" he asks. Usually his Master uses his own brands of lube, most of them with some special ingredient to make the pleasure even more intense.

"Yes my boy, this is a variant to our usual lube. It is water based, without any sugar components," his Master explains, as if this should mean something to Blaise.

"It feels more liquidly," Blaise moans, as his Master's fingers continue to torture him, especially at the tip. As he feels the lube being pushed into his opening, a sharp intake of breath escapes his lips. "What- it feels odd, entering..." he tries to keep talking. It is such an odd sensation and he has to fight his muscle reflexes to not move.

And then there is something a bit thicker and colder entering his body, and he whimpers, his arms convulse and his hips flex. His eyes shoot open, but he tries to keep as still as he can. "What is that? It feels too much, don't-" his voice cracks as whatever it is is removed again. He takes a deep breath, trying to figure out what is going on, since he is not seeing anything. As his body relaxes once more, he feels the cold again returning to his opening, but this time it feels a bit different; he is prepared for the first sensation. Before he can make up his mind though, the feeling leaves again.

"Boy, I ordered you to talk."

The voice is a sharp remainder, and Blaise tries to make his lips move.

"I- I- I don't know how this feels. It is so much, and it feels so full..." Blaise can't even say if it turns him on or frightens him, it is such an odd sensation. But the fact that he has to think about it, already makes up his mind. He wants more of it. And apparently his Master is able to follow his thoughts because the feeling of the cold metal in him returns.

Blaise can only summarise that it is a metal rod, because he can't see, and he does not really care what it is, but more what it feels like.

"Uhhm," he tries to calm himself. "So - so..." He tries to describe it, but he has no words, or maybe he has all the words but doesn't know which one to apply first. "Full, cold... it hurts, but not - not bad, just odd - overwhelming."

Blaise just adds words together to obey the command, but he is not sure he makes sense. As his Master starts to move the metal in a slow up and down motion, penetrating him just a slight bit deeper than before, it get harder and harder to concentrate on keeping still, and to breathe, that he struggles to remember to say anything.

"Please," he begs, but is not sure himself, what he wants, what he needs.

"Tell me, boy, are you liking this feeling," his Master asks, and moves the metal in an even slower motion.


He moans, because it feels odd, and he doesn't even want to think about it really, the feeling is fascinating and arousing and messing with his mind even more. A shiver works though his body, as something is touched and he feels the need to move so much, needs to come.

"Please, I need- please," he pleads again, his control starting to fade.

There is a tug to some of the ropes as they are tightened, keeping him in place even more.

"Not yet, boy. Do not forget that I am the one allowing you to come."

A frustrated sound escapes Blaise's lips. He knows this, he wants to be a good boy, wants to obey, but his body is so hard to control right now.

"Please, Sir. I - I am unable to - oh Merlin, don't move it-"

"Are you ordering Me, boy?"

"No, Sir, never," Blaise rasps, trying to control himself.

Ever so slowly, the metal is removed. Blaise's hips flex with every small movement, and it takes all his concentration to stay still and not come immediately. He is so focused on the sensations happening to his cock, that he never expects the well lubed finger pushing into his arse, at the same time the metal is finally removed. With a loud gasp his whole body shakes and it takes him a moment to calm down again.

"Am I overexerting you?"

Blaise shakes his head. "Just surprised," he answers. He still feels so close to the edge that he has to be careful. "Whatever pleases you, Sir," he adds carefully. Speaking makes him breathe deeper. And his body is already so close. He would beg, if he doesn't know that it would bring him no mercy, as long as his Master doesn't want to show him mercy.

"Such a good boy, aren't you." Once again the words are spoken right into his ear, and it makes Blaise moan helplessly.

"Always eager to please, always trying to be helpful."

"Sir," Blaise breathes helplessly.

And then the finger is moving and stretching him, before a second one is added. As the fingers slowly pushing in and out, massaging him, stretching him, and always diving deeper, Blaise is losing more and more control.

"I can't, Sir. Please, please, please- I am so close... please, I cannot hold it much longer," he finally starts pleading anyway, because it is getting harder and harder to deny his orgasm.

His thighs shake in the ropes and his balls feel so tight. And with all the lube around and in his cock he is not even sure if he isn't coming already. But if he is, it does not satisfy him, but frighten him.

"What a nice shade of red you are showing me."

No mercy. Tears are forming behind his lids, and he is not sure what he shall do.

"You have been a very good boy." Once again the words are spoken, as yet another finger is pushed into him. Blaise bites down on his lip to silence the scream of frustration.

"Let go boy, and show me how beautiful you come."

The fingers push deep into him, but he only feels the relief of being allowed to come. And though a second before he would have sworn he would explode, now it seems his orgasm takes forever until his release is spilling over himself, and moans in relief and satisfaction.

Chapter 24: DW || LJ This entry was originally posted at https://smirkingcat.dreamwidth.org/219269.html comments will be seen sooner over at @lj

verse: not a change, char: blaisezabini, fanfiction, contains: mpreg, pairing: bzss, contains: kink, fandom, contains: fluff, char: severussnape

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